Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Apple Research Project Essay
To help Apple figure out what can be done to maintain and/or surpass its current level of success within the smartphone market Team D created and administered a ten question survey. The purpose of the survey is to gain knowledge on what consumers think about the iPhone and determine any desired changes to ensure Apple’s top rating within the smartphone market. The results of the survey will be analyzed to identify any trends or similarities between all of the different respondents. Sampling Process and Data Collection The survey was distributed via Facebook to current and future smartphone owners. It was not a requirement for respondents to be previous or current iPhone users. Each team member was instructed to post a link to the survey using her personal social media account along with a brief description of the survey’s goal. The website is a free way to collect the necessary data. Survey Monkey collected and grouped the data from the responses. Most statistical studies are based on samples of relevant data with the main criteria ensuring that the sample provides a faithful representation of the totality from which it is selected, and to know as precisely as possible the probability that a sample is reliable (Sociology Guide, 2014). There are several types of sampling methods that can be used. The sampling method that is used for this survey is random sampling. This type of sampling includes choosing subjects from a population through unpredictable means. All subjects have an equal chance of being selected out of the population being researched. This type of sampling is beneficial because a survey is the best way to show unbiased results. It is also a faster, less expensive, more efficient way to obtain results (Random Sampling, 2014). Types of Data Collected The first step to collecting the data was figuring out the sample population for the survey. The target population was current and future smartphone users. The second step to collecting data was to use survey questions that showed interval and ratio data. The results from the questions obtained some good data that could help Apple make some good decisions to better their product. The third step to collecting the data was to conduct the survey, via social networking, and analyze the results that were collected through the Survey Monkey website. Data Analysis The majority of the survey respondents, 61.54%, has owned or used an iPhone for 2-4 years. Most of the respondents seem to be pleased with the iPhone giving between a 7 or 8 ranking on a scale of 1 (Least favorable) to 10 (Most favorable). There was a great demand for a larger storage capacity with features/camera/apps coming in a close second. Other suggestions were free access to iCloud, Apple’s digital storage hub, improved GPS/navigation, and multi-tasking capabilities. Most of the respondents (73.08%) agreed that improvements would persuade them to keep their current iPhone or purchase a new one. A few respondents suggested that Apple offer features comparable to that of other smartphone manufacturers. Over 60% of respondents agreed that the iPhone is in jeopardy of not being the most popular cellular device in the future. The comments ranged from Apple having strong brand awareness to the necessity of improvements and adjustments for the smartphone to remain competitive. A price increase proved to be a determining factor for future sales. The majority of respondents said they would not purchase an iPhone if the price were raised. On the contrary, most respondents said that they would still use the phone if Apple performed software upgrades instead of rolling out a new phone. 73% would recommend the iPhone to family and friends. Conclusion Overall, consumers were pleased with the iPhone as it is but most agree that the smartphone could benefit from additional storage. The survey successfully identified points for improvement while providing insight into consumers’ thoughts on the iPhone. The consensus is that Apple should aim to be more competitive within the market. The responses show that without adjustments the iPhone may become less popular among consumers. Team, There were 10 questions in your survey. I am having trouble finding the results for these 10 questions. Map your analysis and graphical representations to the questions. Any question on a survey should be providing needed information for decision making or it should not be on the survey. Only one question collected interval data – question 1 of your survey. How would you rate your device on a scale of 1 to 10. This question produces interval data – your results should include calculations such as the mean and standard deviation. Such calculations are important to business decision making. The survey should include at least two such questions. Include an additional question so that further analysis can be done. Review the McClave text chapter two for methods to analyze interval and ratio data. Consider mapping to the survey questions – 1. How would you rate your device on a scale of 1 to 10? 2. Would you suggest the iPhone to your friends and/or family? 3. What features would you like to see improved and/or offered on the next version of the iPhone that is currently available on other smartphones? 4. What changes if any would you like made to the iPhone? 5. What do you consider its best feature? 6. What does the main use of your iPhone consist? (school function) (work related activities) (social media and personal contact) 7. Is your iPhone black or white? 8. Are you male or female? 9. Which age range do you fit? (16-18) (19-25) (26-35) (36-45) (46+) 10. Have you owned a cell phone besides the iPhone? If yes, what phone was it? Group_______ References Random Sampling. 2014. What is Random Sampling? Retrieved from: Sociology Guide. 2014. Sampling. Retrieved from: SurveyMonkey. 1999-2014. Analyze results. Retrieved from Content 70 Percent Pts. Earned /Pts. Possible Comments: Identifies sampling process by sampling contact, distribution and collection methods Include a description of the sampling method (i.e. random, systematic, convenience,†¦) Includes complete administrators of surveys and data collection deliverables Review concludes students have used correct organization, analysis, and interpretation of the data attained during research Includes visual representation of data collected using tables and figures with descriptive elements to discern categorization See embedded comments. Review the sampling methods to determine and support the method being used in your study. Review the visualization and presentation of the 10 questions in your survey and how to best communicate the results. A table or additional graphics to clearly indicate the results of the 10 questions. Include analysis of two questions that produce interval/ratio data. Information can be found in the McClave text chapter 2 for the calculations of such values as the mean and standard deviation. 15/20 Writing Guidelines 30 Percent Comments: Tables or figures should include all the appropriate labeling, can be easily understood, even in the event of administration difficulty. Participants’ names and identifiable data should remain anonymous to avoid perceived bias towards the sampling. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. APA guidelines followed. Consider the research design flow to communicate the data collected from your survey. I could not follow from your week 4 project. 7/10 Assignment Total 22/30 Additional comments:
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Good life Essay
At the end of our lives, we all want to be able to feel as though the life that we lived on earth was a good and happy one. This seems like the ultimate goal that we strive for every day. However, the question arises as to how we can meet this goal by the way that we live our daily lives. If you were to ask random people on the street how they live a good and happy life, each person would give you a different answer. This is because everyone has a different perspective of what is important to make this life a good and happy life, and everyone has the control to make this life possible. What would I say if someone asked me how I plan to live a good and happy life? Personally, my answer would be that living a good and happy life would be living virtuously and living a meaningful life through my passion for helping others through nursing and also through my faith. There are many people that have studied these aspects of what a good and happy life would look like and have different views on what really defines what it means to live in a virtuous and meaningful way. According to the Stoics, their idea of virtue was moral goodness, doing what is right, just, honorable and wise, but I believe that being virtuous goes beyond being morally perfect. So, what does being virtuous actually mean to me? Being virtuous means consciously striving to do what is right, and learning from our mistakes, and continually growing to be a better person. In Joel Kupperman’s book, Six Myths About the Good Life, there is a quote that reads â€Å"There has to be a learning process; part of this inevitable will involve moral decisions, made by someone who is still inexperienced and who may be under pressure. I believe that making mistakes is part of our human nature, but that does not mean that we cannot be virtuous people. We can still live a virtuous life by learning from the mistakes that we have made. So, how does this view of virtue ensure that I live a good and happy life? Living a virtuous life require us to do what is right, and feel good about those decisions that we have made. It is important to learn from our mistakes, because in return, we will grow as people, and hopefully not continue to make those same mistakes. A life full of doing bad things, will only leave us with a life full of regrets at the end, but living virtuously will prevent us from living a life of regrets and in return will ensure a good life. Someone might disagree by saying that virtue is not important because anyone could live a good and happy life by doing bad things and stomping on the people around them for their own good. But, what is this person going to think at the end of their lives? What good did they do here on earth? That person would not look back at their lives as a good life and would ultimately not end up happy with it. Yes, I am sure this person was happy at certain points throughout their life, but the ultimate goal here is to end up with a good and happy life. A good and happy life means doing good things, and feeling joy through those good things that we have done. Aristotle believes that the most pleasant life, and presumably the happiest, is a life of virtuous or excellent activity. (Haybron p. 48) This means that a life of just doing good acts is just a part of the big picture. Doing good and also living a life full of meaningful and worthwhile activities is the key to a good and happy life. This leads into my second aspect of a good and happy life, which is living a meaningful life. How does one live a meaningful life? I believe that living a meaningful life means living beyond yourself, working towards something that has value to you and also to other people, and doing something that is worthwhile in the end. It means not just existing on this earth, but living a life that you would be willing to live over again. A quote from Haybron’s book reads â€Å"Any life devoted to worthwhile ends is meaningful. This means that doing something that will have worthwhile end results for not only you but the people around you is doing something meaningful. How does living this meaningful life make our lives good and happy lives? Living a meaningful life is ultimately living an emotionally fulfilling life. We will find pride and happiness in doing things that are valuable and meaningful to us, and will ultimately lead to a good and happy life. Haybron goes as far to say that â€Å"The full measure of happiness requires that we connect, in our lives, with what seems to us to matter. This means that we will not even experience our full potential happiness if we do not engage in meaningful activities. So, if a key part of a good and happy life is just doing something that is meaningful, then someone may argue that any useless activity that someone finds meaningful will lead to a good life. For example, someone who sits on the bathroom floor counting tiles because that is something that they find very meaningful and valuable, would not be viewed as someone who is living a good and happy life to most people. This concept of doing meaningful things then must go farther than just doing things that are meaningful to us personally. This is where Haybron talks about finding something that is not only valuable to oneself but also other people. A quote from his book reads, â€Å"The most meaningful lives will combine subjective and objective meaning: appreciative engagement with what genuinely matters. †The most meaningful life then must mean engaging in activities that have an equal balance between personal meaning and also meaning to others. Through my 20 years of age, I discovered what this meaning is for me. I plan to live a meaningful life by helping others through my nursing practices and also through my faith. Helping others and making a difference in their lives through the nursing skills that I have acquired, and also the knowledge that I share about my faith, is my passion in life. According the studies done my Mihaly Csikszentmehalyi people find the most pride and joy in doing activities that they can get caught up in. He refers to them as flow experiences, and explains that these flow experiences are important to our happiness. I completely agree with what this stands for. I find that my true happiness comes from when I am engaged in situations of helping other people; not only physically but also spiritually. The feeling that I receive by giving others a better life, is a feeling of happiness that I do not find in anything else I do. I could not fill my life with enough pleasures, relationships, or belongings to ever feel as though I would be living as good and happy of a life as I plan on living, without living out my mission and passion for helping others physically and spiritually. Although this is my plan to secure a good and happy life, this may not be applicable for everyone, but living a good and happy life is most definitely achievable. Like it states in our constitution, we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This does not entail that our happiness is given to us, but rather it is something that we have the freedom to strive for, and find the things that will ensure us this good and happy life. In regards to my own life, I find this attainable by living virtuously and by living a meaningful life through my passion for helping others through nursing and also through my faith. By living in such a way, I can live happily knowing that I am doing good and making a difference in people’s lives that will end in something that was worthwhile. Drawing from other readings and other’s opinions, I have been reassured that it is possible to live a good and happy life through just these two aspects of virtue and meaning. I plan to live in this way in hopes that when my life comes to an end I can believe that it was a good and happy life.
Lester B. Pearson Essay
Over the years, there have been many Great Canadians. Whether they have had numerous amazing accomplishments, or only one very grave one, they are defined as a huge role in the country. Many Great Canadians have changed Canada in a good way, or have done things for the citizens. Lester B. Pearson’s efforts and accomplishments as Prime Minister helped improve Canada. He helped create Canada’s reputation as peacekeepers. When he felt Canadians needed it, he brought Universal Health Care into Canada. Lester B. Pearson also decided to get American car dealerships in Canada. â€Å"Canadians are the world’s best-known peacekeepers.†1 When a country is in need of support, Canada is there to save them. Canada has had a leading role when it comes to lending a helping hand. Not always, has Canada been the country to count on. Lester B. Pearson helped create Canada’s reputation as peacekeepers. â€Å"Canada has contributed soldiers, and sometimes civilians to every major United Nation’s peacekeeping operation.†2 Canada is very dedicated when it comes to helping other countries. Everyday citizens are willing to help out with a country in need. Canadians are not known for being peacekeepers because their government has told them to go support a country, they do it because they want too. They respect and help others who need it by volunteering their time and providing support. Sometimes without even leaving the country. Programs have been created not just by the government, but everyday citizens, where people can donate food, clothing, or money to other countries who need it most. â€Å"Lester B. Pearson was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his part in the UN’s dramatic sending of a peacekeeping force to the Middle East at the time of the Suez Crisis.†3 Even though Canada had no connections or fears for their country because of the Suez Crisis, they knew that many people and countries would have been badly effected by it. Canada wanted to stop a war from breaking out. Lester B. Pearson had a huge role during this time, working at a fast pass to try to stop it as well as supporting the countries in need. In the end, Canada’s hard work and devotion payed off. Lester B. Pearson as well as Canadian’s, strongly supported peacekeeping, which helped create and improve Canada’s reputation. There are many things Canada has that other countries do not, which makes Canada unique. One thing Canada has is Universal Health Care. Some countries do not think they need it, or they just prefer the way things are already. Lester B. Pearson brought Health Care into Canada when he felt Canadians needed it. â€Å"Until the 1950s, Canadians got medical treatment with cold cash, private insurance, or charity.†4 Some countries still have to pay for their Health Care and other medical care. Some things regarding health can be very expensive. Before Universal Health Care in Canada, some citizens would not be able to afford medical care. Introducing Health Care in Canada helped many people out who needed it, as well as saved some people from anything seriously terrible they were not able to afford it fixed. â€Å"Lester B. Pearson’s government negotiated federal-provincial agreements and saw the legislation pass, leading to Canada-wide Medicare in 1966.†5 Lester B. Pearson worked hard to try to get Universal Health Care in Canada. He did it to help the citizens and create a better Canada as well. Being healthy is always a good thing for everyone. Some people did not approve of the idea at first, but it benefitted many citizens. When thinking about ways to help the citizens of Canada live better, healthier lives, Universal Health Care was a great way to make sure Canadians were all right and had support where they need it most. Every country wants a strong, stable economy. More new products being built expands businesses and creates new jobs, which means more money for the country and citizens. Prosperit y is the goal. To obtain that goal, countries and leaders have to think of new ways to reach it. When Canada wanted to create a better economy, Lester B. Pearson decided to get American Car dealerships into Canada, creating the Automotive Agreement (Auto Pact). â€Å"The agreement helped secure the foundations for Canadian manufacturing and industry.†6 Creating a strong foundation for the economy of Canada improved many things. It protected the country if anything bad were to happen and made it easier to repair the country back to normal. A countries look, or reputation also depends on its economy. When a country has prosperity, people from other countries will want to visit, earning more money from foreigners as well. â€Å"The Auto Pact helped strengthen the relationship between Canada and the US.†7 At the time, Canada and the US were not very close because of Cold War tensions between the two. The Auto Pact helped settled those tensions and made Canada and the US a lot closer, which strengthened their countries as well. Canada could now rely on the US, and the US could do them same with them. Lester B. Pearson’s action in creating the Auto Pact helped to build prosperity in Canada, which created a stronger, more wealthy economy. Lester B. Pearson’s efforts and accomplishments as Prime Minister helped improve Canada. Pearson had helped create Canada’s reputation as peacekeepers. He brought Health Care to Canada. Lester B. Pearson also got American car dealerships to come to Canada. There have been many Great Canadians over the years, but Lester B. Pearson has proven to be one of the best. Bibliography CBoC. â€Å"End of an Era? International Challenges to the Auto Pact.†The Conference board of Canada. (accessed January 16, 2013). Crane, David. â€Å"Canada-US Automotive Product Agreement.†eLibrary. (accessed January 16, 2013). Junior Canadian Encyclopedia. â€Å"United Nations.†eLibrary. (accessed January 12, 2013). The Historian-Dominion Institute. â€Å"Health Care.†101 Things Canadians Should Know About Canada. (accessed January 15, 2013).
Monday, July 29, 2019
Biology Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Biology Question - Essay Example The neurons transmit information to each other through the dendrites. Action potentials are however comparably large in size. They signal strength of stimulus by frequency and not by amplitude. Graded potentials on the other hand are generated in dendrites and sensory receptors. Graded potentials sometimes generate action potentials and thus referred to as generator potentials. In case of an incoming signal, a pre synaptic excitatory neuron fires releasing neurotransmitters to the synaptic cleft. Consequently, if the transmitter binds to the post synaptic dendritic membrane, it elicits a transient depolarization called Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential (EPSPs) (Akers and Denbow 214). Inhibitory neurons on the other hand, elicit partial hyper-polarizations known as Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potentials (IPSPs) (Akers and Denbow 214). Summarily, EPSPs and IPSPs are both graded potentials. Finally, a number of pre synaptic neurons maybe firing simultaneously, hence impacting on the level of activity of post synaptic neurons. Hence, the total potential in the post synaptic neuron; that is, Grand Post Synaptic Potential (GPSP) is a summation of all EPSPs and IPSPs occurring approximately simultaneously (Dowling 242). 2) What is the functional significance of spatial and temporal summation being performed by axon hillocks of neurons? Axon hillock is the most excitable portion of a neuron. It is the region at the beginning of an axon. Action potentials are generated in this region. The occurrence of an action potential at the axon hillock is by either temporal summation or spatial summation. Action potentials usually occur in three stages, namely Resting, Depolarization and Repolarization phases. (Brown, Miller and Eason 223).Temporal summation simply refers to addition of a number of EPSPs that manifest close together in time, as a result of a subsequent firing of a single presynaptic neuron. Conversely, spatial summation refers to addition of EPSPs originating at the same time from several pre-synaptic neurons (Sherwood 107). This implies that the position of a synapse on the neuron is significant in determining the generation of an action potential. Summarily, synapses closer to the axon hillock have higher level of activity than those further away. Furthermore, the central integrative state of a neuron is also determined by temporal and spatial summation (Beck 135). 3) How are action potentials generated at axon hillocks and propagated along unmyelinated axons? Action potential is propagated along unmyelinated axon by a mechanism known as continuous propagation. The membrane is considered as a sequence of adjacent segments. The action potential starts at the initial segment. In the first step, the transmembrane potential becomes briefly positive, rather than negative. In the second step, a local current develops due to the influx of sodium ions into the cytosol and extracellular fluid, and in step three and four, the local current spreads in all directions hence depolarizing adjacent segments of the membrane. Usually, the axon hillock like the rest of the cell body, cannot respond with action potential because it lacks gated ion channels. However, when the initial portion of the axon is depolarized to threshold, an action potential develops there. The process thus proceeds in a chain reaction until distant portions of cell are afflicted. Every time a local current occurs, action potential moves forward, and not backward, since
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Divine Feminine in Buddhist Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Divine Feminine in Buddhist Art - Essay Example It was therefore enlightening to note that under Buddhism as practiced in the land of ancient China, women have traditionally been accorded a position not only of respect but even reverence. Case in point is Kuan Yin, the divine feminine, goddess of healing and compassion and a bodhisattva which meant enlightened (bodhi) existence (sattva). A bodhisattva is a being who foregoes or postpones entering Nirvana in order to come to the aid of others. Kuan Yin was encountered during the Module 4 cyberjourney to the video on the Thousand Hand Buddha Chinese dance (also entitled Thousand Hand Guan Yin). The dance itself was highly inspirational and embodies both spectacle and symbolism; the thousand hands represented the ready and willing help that arrives when one individual is in need of assistance, and the readiness of that individual to come to the help of others who may be in need. Other than the technical exquisiteness of the dance, the allure of the beautiful young Chinese womanâ€⠄¢s face at the head of the line of dancers was exceedingly serene, benevolent, and unmistakably, mystically feminine. Unlike the Western denominations where all images of God and their ministers and pastors were all men, Buddhism appears to look favorably upon the power of women.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Campaign - Essay Example The gun control campaign has been headed and designed by Gabby Gifford who has been a victim of the gun shot. She has stood for the rights of women because according to a number of researches, women in United States are more likely to be murdered with guns than any other countries. Therefore, Gabby Gifford has spread the word with the help of the women communities to discuss about the anti-gun revolution in United States. Many iconic figures have also been associated with the campaign in order to help Gabby Gifford. It should be noted that the campaign has been well-designed with the help of different channels such as print Ads, videos over the internet, agendas, social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram etc. The usage of logic has been used quiet efficiently in order to design the campaign and reach its goal (Freudenberg). Let us take a closer and analytical understanding of the elements that have been used in order to design the campaign. The audience of this campaign evaluation is potential women who are seemingly dependent upon others when it comes to security. Majority of the women believe that they can be rescued with the help of people near to them. As a contradiction to such a belief, men tend to take control of the situation when they are attacked by criminals. Men are more likely to fight the criminals and, in most cases, they become successful in surviving the attack. According to the agenda of the campaign by Gabby Gifford for Anti-Gun revolution, women can be taught to undertake self-defense but when criminals have strong weapons like guns then even the self-defense is more likely to fail. Therefore, the audiences of the campaign are the Gun Control Associations that have already done a lot in the past to minimize the possession of guns. However, there is still a lot to be done (Geer, Schi ller and Segal). The campaign has been designed in such a manner that it increases the resonance of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Assume you are employed in a small restaurant in Bolton and your Essay
Assume you are employed in a small restaurant in Bolton and your manager ask you to prepare a report describing following conce - Essay Example The major factors affecting the restaurant business are the price and quality. The price and quality are in turn determined by several factors such as demand and supply. This paper focuses on how different factors and concepts can affect the operations of a restaurant business located in Bolton. The concepts that will be considered include market demand and supply, concepts of elasticity of demand and supply, determination of equilibrium, business organisation and behavior, and the market structure. Market Demand and Supply Analysis of demand and supply gives insights into how markets operate. Additionally, the demand and supply concepts explain how sellers are able to allocate prices to goods and services. Restaurant businesses deal with provision of goods and services. The restaurant industry is greatly influenced by the supply and demand forces. In a restaurant business, there is a need for balancing of resources, which are often scarce. Understanding supply and demand factors and their application in the restaurant business is crucial since it affects the sales and purchases and, hence, crucial decisions in a business. Supply and demand varies from place to place as well as with time (Parsa, et al., 2005; Taylor and Weerapana, 2011). The supply in a restaurant business is determined by several factors, which include the price of the goods. Tastes and preference of the consumers is another factor affecting the restaurant business. The number of consumers varies and this determines the quantity of foods that restaurants require to make. Additionally, the income level of people living around the restaurant, who comprise the prospective customers, determines the quantities of foods restaurants require to prepare. In Bolton, the number of restaurants is quite high. The commodity price, which is in this case food, is determined by both supply and demand. The commodity prices greatly affect the profitability of restaurants. Commodities such as vegetables and meat are affected by food production. When the prices for commodities are low, restaurants can reduce the prices of their foods without compromising on the profitability of the business. However, when commodity prices are high, it becomes hard to attract customers through price reduction since this would lead to losses (Greco, 2005; Taylor and Weerapana, 2011). The supply and demand affect the price of commodities in restaurant business. If the supply of raw food is less, the demand will be more resulting in increased prices. High prices for raw foods will reflect in the restaurant menu. For the restaurant at Bolton, the manager must assess how the price of the different ingredients required will affect the sales. Additionally, the manager must consider the economic statues of the customers to determine the ingredients to use. If the customers are willing to pay much, the manager should focus on upgrading the ingredients to improve the quality. In Bolton, the economic situation is consid erably good and people are willing to spend much at eating out. Therefore, it would be advisable for the manager to focus on quality. Customers are likely to be interested more in the quality than in the price (McEachern, 2011). There must be ways of attracting customers and retaining them. Since the number of restaurants is considerably high, consumers will be tempted to try out different outlets. Therefore, a
Thursday, July 25, 2019
International Finance Paper (Home Depot) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International Finance Paper (Home Depot) - Essay Example During the years 2008 and 2009, the company was forced to lay off more than a thousand employees and 54 stores across US had to be closed. This includes the whole of the EXPO Design Centre Chain, which was engaged in high end retailing. In the year 2009 the company logged a sales figure of $71.288 billion, which was $20 billion less than was at it was in 2007. This paper deals with the various financial issues encountered by Home Depot during the course of its operation and talks about the measures, which the company is undertaking to deal with the same. As a business policy, HDI was engaged in mergers and acquisitions from the early days of its operations. The company also later on diversified its operation into other countries like Canada and Mexico, where in it needed expert advice on the various complex issues related to international finance. In these circumstances the company made a deal with Invemed Associates, who are engaged in the business of investment banking. An investment bank has departments like the Corporate Finance, which deals in the areas of mergers and acquisitions along with providing finance related consultancy to the clients. Another important division in the company is of the Research, which is concerned with analysis and valuation of shares and bonds, the recommendations on which are then presented to the clients. An investment bank also provides consultancy to their client’s for raising debts and equity from the market. Invemed Associates is required to constantly monitor the financial health of HDI and report on the same to the Board of Directors of HDI. Invemed is also required to inform the board on any economic trend that is relevant to the type of business in which the company is engaged in. Invemed Associates advises HDI every time it wishes to borrow money from the market or issue securities to the public. (FindLaw, 2009) Before the sale of Home depot supply in
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The e-businesss decision making and the customers decision makings Literature review
The e-businesss decision making and the customers decision makings effect each other - Literature review Example Assael believed that the process of decision-making can mainly divided into two parts, choosing and making decision (P48, 2000). It is a well known that the decision making process is an essential aspect of the business and most leaders are aware of the intensity and importance of decision making to the business. The process of decision making generally involves a high number of uncertainties and confusions. As very well explained by Chris Brogan, â€Å"Things are running well and you come up with a hundred new ideas to expand; Things go poorly, and you find yourself grinding through dozens of ideas of what will fix it. But the success youll eventually experience will come from understanding those decisions deeply†(Brogan, 2010). The main aim of good decision making is the need to understand the decisions and choices being made. Decision making has been referred to with a number of words like ‘difficult, perplexing, and nerve racking’ (Arsham, 2010). It is essential to note that these terms are only used on decision making as the process of making a decision is one which is a critical moment for the business and can impact the business in a number of ways. Decisions are the heart and blood of organizations and need to be taken with extreme care and with high levels of focus. Decision making has been defined as â€Å"the process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organizational stakeholders†(Scribd, 2010). It is also essential to note that decision making stands on six C’s, these include, a) Construct, b) Compile, c) Collect, d) Compare, e) Consider, f) Commit. Having understood the meaning of decision making, it is essential to understand the decision making process. The next sub section details the decision making process. The decision making process is more of looped process and
Journalism Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Journalism Portfolio - Essay Example Most news may be intended to deflect or defuse public opinion on matters of great importance and editors can influence the direction of how opinion is shaped. When a newspaper is owned by a politician, then there might be truth to the statement that â€Å"news is what someone, somewhere wants concealed†as in the case of Italy today. As mentioned earlier, this newspaper is mostly of community-type of publication and so most of its stories are local in nature. Most of the sources were the local news reporters that had gathered the news scoop within their areas. However, some of the news with a wider look such as global news content had been rehashes (re-written) of global news organizations as it has no capability of news gathering that is global in scope. Anyway, this is the trend today in most news organizations whereby they become aggregators of various news sources which it had deemed newsworthy to be included in their own publications. In the Internet age today, it is far more economical to just subscribe to some big news organizations like CNN or Time to syndicate the same news materials and ask a reporter to re-write it with a local background. Discussion In a world of instant news and competition for crucial publication space, the news of today has to be carefully selected that will interest its target audience. The readers of this type of newspaper would normally be interested on matters that concern them and only later will they go on to other news happening much further afield. For example, the most recent news of a dead whale carcass washing ashore should be of greater interest to its readers because this event can be considered as a rarity (it is not everyday a dead whale is washed onto the sands). Its news value may be in its ability to shock some readers to make them wander how could an event like this happen (Carr 1) and adding a photograph could lend a certain bit of nostalgia. The dead whale would be of concern to local residents because of the intense stink it brought. A public figure is normally defined to be someone who is usually in the limelight and this by necessity includes public figures like politicians, artists and actors or actresses. They opted for a profession that requires them public exposure or may have fame or prominence so that their lives are the focus of intense public scrutiny. A celebrity, on the other hand, is a type of person who acquired a certain persona such as rock stars, movie stars or sports stars. They are very familiar to the general public and their actions and statements are closely followed in most of the time. A public figure has less claims to privacy than an ordinary person since their lives are open to the public by virtue of their standing in the community or society. If a public figure is the subject of a bad news article, then he or she must first prove his status as a public figure in order to establish an evil motive in writing that article, such as malice or hate. Other citizens enjoy a higher degree of privacy in this regard because they are not in the public eye. The private lives of public figures can be written quite easily with mostly no objections but if the writer has written something defamatory, then a libel suit can be filed by concerned party.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Big paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Big paper - Essay Example In line with this, economic factors outline the economic determinants of the community thus; it defines what the communities entail in order to successfully conquer economic hurdles that the community may face. Moreover, technological aspects outline the intellect that the community influences towards production of merchandise, weapons for protection and many others. The Han Dynasty and the Ancient Rome depict the above-mentioned facts. The two communities show the above aspects and successfully interpret these aspects to ensure the triumph in the end. Owing to the sheer nature of the above justifications, this literature seeks to outline the political, social aspects regarding to marriage and the technological development. This is in relation to the Han Dynasty and the Ancient Rome and therefore, compares the two communities in order to define their relevance. The historic background Han Dynasty After the end of the civil hostilities that followed with the death of Qin Shihuangdi in 210 B.C. The end of the civic war reunited China underneath the decree of the Han dynasty. As a result, it separated into two key periods: the Former or Western Han amid the 206 B.C.–9 A.D era and the Eastern or Later or Eastern Han in periods of 25–220 A.D. The Qin established the boundaries and Han maintained the boundaries. Consequently the above structure presently defines supplementary or less the state of China. Moreover, the Former Han city, Chang'an lies in contemporary day Shaanxi Province. Besides, a monumental metropolitan center placed out on a north-south federation with palaces, two busy market capacities and suburban wards depicted one of the twofold prevalent cities in the antique world (Yao, 57). Ancient Rome Contrary, Ancient Rome depicted an Italic mode of civilization that arose on the Italian Peninsula as timely period of the 8th century B.C. It lies alongside the Mediterranean Sea and positioned on the capital of Rome. Moreover, it stretched to a ppear to be one of the leading kingdoms in the primordial world with a projected population of 50 to 90 million (approximately 20% of the population of the world), and it lies on a 6.5 million square kilometers ground for the period of its height amid the leading and succeeding centuries AD. Besides, the city of Rome developed from settlements nearby a passage on the river Tiber, an intersection of trade and traffic activities. Conferring to archaeological substantiation, the city of Rome perhaps came around the period of the 8th century BC. However, it may date back to the 10th century BC, by adherents of the Italy tribe of the Latin, which occupied the uppermost of the Palatine Hill. The Etruscans, who had formerly occupied the north part of Etruria, organized a political mechanism in the above province before the 7th century BC. Thus, establishing the monarchical and aristocratic elite. The Etruscans seemingly lost authority in the region before the 6th century BC. At this junctu re, the Sabine the original Latin tribes restructured their regime by forming a republic, that had greater limitations on the capability of head of state to exercise authority (Burgan, 121) Political organization The Han Dynasty portrayed a centralized structure of the government. The Han Empire comprised of two regions unswervingly controlled by the government. The two areas included the commentaries, and some semi-independent empires.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Key Components in the Leisure and Recreation Industry Essay Example for Free
Key Components in the Leisure and Recreation Industry Essay Recreational activities fall into six key components, which in turn are divided into sectors. Some activities will fit into more than one category, and other activities are hard to put into any category, such as bridge clubs- are they a sport or a home based leisure activity ? The main components are: * Arts and Entertainment * Home-based Leisure * Countryside recreation * Catering * Heritage and visitor attractions * Sports and physical recreation Arts and Entertainment This is a huge industry that includes many sectors, they are: Arts The arts, apart from commercial cinema and theatre is a precarious industry where losses are easily incurred due to high costs and a very fragmented market. Sponsorship and grants play an important part in these. The public sector plays the most crucial part in funding arts. At the top is the Arts Council, which in 1999 gave out à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½188 million in grants. Much of this came from the National Lottery. Some of it was given out to Regional Arts Boards who then fund local projects. Much of the grant aid is given directly to organisations or individuals. The Arts Council is not the only national public sector organisation to be involved in the arts. One important group is The British Film Institute (BFI) which is responsible for supporting film makers, and the promotion of the British film industry. Local authorities play an important role as well. They employ arts development officers who promote the arts locally and will support local artists. Some larger authorities employ established artists in residence, who work in the area promoting their art and creating commissioned pieces. Local Authorities are major providers of galleries and performance space such as town hall stages or community theatres or even parish halls. In some cases, such as the Lyric Theatre at Hammersmith, London is a part owner of a commercial theatre. Voluntary sector groups also contribute to this sector. Many trusts exist to develop minority arts or provide for specialist audiences. For example, Wolf and Water in Devon is a drama trust dedicated to working with people with special needs. Entertainment Classified as entertainment are popular performing arts and spectacles. The voluntary sector is important here as nationwide participation in amateur dramatics and music is a popular pursuit. Public provision is also evident but has changed in recent years. Thirty years ago most town halls and civic entertainments programme of films, theatre and musicals. This has largely disappeared now and has been replaced by events programmes that are organised by various departments. For example, many sports centres will host travelling theatre and ballet companies such as the Royal Exchange Theatre Group, while arts officers will book in tourism exhibitions. In the streets and parks outside, groups are invited to put on events such as the hot-air balloon events in Bristols Parks. It is the private sector that monopolises entertainment. There is a flourishing small-business sector that includes pub entertainments and single artists such as party and street entertainers, but the bulk of the market is contained within three areas: 1.cinemas 2. Theatre 3. Stadia/arenas Cinema-was very popular in the first half of the 20th century. Then when colour televisions and video players appeared cinemas started to lose there appeal to the public. Cinema companies were not refurbishing their buildings, most of which were built in the 1930s, and were finding profit by selling them off as bingo halls. Some survived by aiming at niche markets(e.g. Corner House in Manchester). These art house cinemas show foreign films. The main market is for commercial English-language films. In the 1980s there was a major review of how films were presented. This resulted in multiplexes being invented. They are equipped with the following features: * Modern luxurious buildings with high-quality projection and sound * Multi screens to show move films than one * Easy access often at out-of-town centres * Good customer care The closest multiplex cinema around is the Warner Brothers Village in Longwell Green. This complex has all the features shown above Theatre-the London theatres are highly profitable with a city audience and a huge tourist market. Even then, they increasingly stick to a formula of musicals or familiar plays with big name actors. For example Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was shown at Londons Palindrome with Michael Ball starring in it. The package largely consists of touring West End shows, nostalgia and tribute bands, comedians and spectacles like circus and ice shows. The main London Theatre companies are: * Delfont Mackintosh Theatres * Ambassador Theatre Group * Really Useful Theatres * SFX (Apollo) Apollo leisure is the leading national chain Arenas and Stadia- these are large multi-purpose buildings for very large audiences. Arenas(indoor) for example are likely to put on conferences and trade exhibitions as well as concerts, while stadia(outdoor) are designed especially for sport. An example of a stadia is Ashton Gate home to Bristol City Football Club. Many arenas are owned by Local Authorities or development corporations. Good examples of this are the various halls and centres in Birmingham ,including the National Arena. Sports and physical recreation These activities can be grouped as follows: * Informal recreation(play, walking, gardening) * Competitive sport (football, tennis, golf) * Outdoor activities (sailing, climbing) * Health and fitness (jogging, yoga) Many activities can often be put into more than one category. For example, swimming in the sea is informal, swimming for a club is competitive, swimming in a conventional pool can be seen as health and fitness. Each component has a different profile in the type of facilities and services it produces. Informal physical recreation or exercise- this is the most popular activity nationally. Nobody knows the hours children spend playing or adults spend gardening. We pursue these activities because they are cheap, available and dont require a lot of skill. The enjoyment we get from them often depends on the environment we do them in. Competitive Sport-most people associate sport with the professional game. This means they are spectators, and it is the spectators money that underpins professional sport. Facilities were often run down to the extent that some were dangerous for crowds, e.g. Hillsborough 1989. Providers have found that profits increase when standards of customer care and corporate hospitality are improved. This has led to the building of a new generation of high-class stadia and race tracks and other facilities where the key services are: * Presentation of the core event * Merchandising * Catering * Safety and security Amateur sport is geared around participation and voluntary clubs. As land and buildings are expensive, many clubs use facilities provided by Local Authorities. Many outdoor sports clubs have their own facilities although there is an even greater number of players who use recreation grounds. There are about 78,000 pitches in the country. Thirty years ago amateur sport was largely centred on outdoor team games. Competitive sport means participation and developing skills and there is a sizeable industry for coaches and instructors. Despite its profile, competitive sport is on the decline and organisations like Sport England are concerned that as a nation we are losing our sporting skills and becoming less fit and healthy. For example, many governing bodies have big school-based programmes, and Local Authorities will run schemes in deprived areas where people cannot afford to play sport or go to health suites. Outdoor Activities-there are over a thousand centres in the UK which specialise in providing outdoor adventure holidays. Facility provision is also essential for outdoor sports, meaning the upkeep of the environment, and this is regulated by the organisations under the Countryside Agency umbrella, such as the Forestry Commission, Local Authorities or National Trust. For most participants activity in the natural world is occasional, and more time will be spent in training in built facilities such as pools or climbing walls. Profitable areas such as skiing, sailing, private sector companies are the main providers. Health and Fitness- there are now at least 2,500 private health and fitness clubs in the UK- it is a boom industry that many young people see as the exciting place to work in leisure. Private sector will increasingly dominate the market and eventually also manage and invest in public sector facilities on behalf of Local Authorities. The central product of these clubs is the fitness room consisting of cardiovascular equipment and perhaps free weights, and frequently areas with small pools, jacuzzis and saunas.. Heritage and visitor attractions The heritage industry concerns buildings and materials that have historical value. Thirty years ago these were largely stately homes, castles, ruins such as Stonehenge and battlefields. Heritage was often about how the rich and famous had lived or what they had collected, or about culture(e.g. Shakespeare). Now it has expanded to include a much wider interpretation of historical value. Whether the attraction is a theme park or museum, the organisers will do their best to employ all the techniques of facility management to look after the customer and make the product interesting. In a theme park the excitement of the rides is a key feature and bringing new and more exciting rides brings in more customers. The difference between a visitor attraction and a heritage site is that the latter involves considerable work behind the scenes which the public never sees. The most popular tourist attractions are: * Museums and galleries- British Museum * Theme parks- Blackpool Pleasure Beach * Historic houses and monuments- Tower of London * Wildlife parks and zoos- London Zoo Many heritage sites are owned by Trusts and limited companies that have been set up to manage individual sites, while many stately homes are owned and run by two big organisations: * English Heritage- is the national body responsible for the management, promotion and conservation of 400 archaeological sites and the historic environment * The National Trust- is a trust set up in 1895 to preserve places of historic interest or natural beauty. Its sites include a range from Paul McCartneys teenage home to stately homes like Waddesdon Manor Museums-are not usually run by the private sector, largely because of high costs. Many museums started life as private collections which were later donated to the nation or the local community. Libraries-apart from their lending their services which we will look at later, they are largely involved in the heritage sector. They have a back-room role of collecting important documents including maps, and making these available to the public. This is known as the records and archives service. Catering Leisure catering includes pubs and clubs, restaurants, cafes and takeaways. Its firmly placed in the private sector with some exceptions. A catering company provides a service according to the specification of the client and often under the clients name. Many leisure centres and theatres buy in service in this way. The catering sector has various components that make eating out an enjoyable experience: the provision of food and drink; entertainment, such as jazz at Pizza Express, games; and security in the form of door staff. Eating out is an increasingly important and available leisure experience. The fast-food business is booming with a growth rate of 30 per cent. This growth is at the expense of takeaways and cafes, and especially of pubs and clubs. Fast food tends to be run by chains that can make economies of scale by producing the same product in each outlet. Many breweries have followed this trend and operate chains like Harvester restaurants within their pubs. In contrast cafes, restaurants and takeaways tend to be run and owned by family businesses. Countryside recreation The countryside is the natural, national playground and one which is used by walkers, ramblers and those involved in more active outdoor activities. A survey in 1998 by the National Centre for Social Research showed that 1,427 million day visits to the countryside were made and a further 241 million to the coast. Like any leisure facility such usage will have an impact which in turn will lessen, and even threaten, the leisure experience itself. Organisations working in countryside recreation are therefore primarily stewards who maintain, manage and regulate the environment and also produce information and education. An important organisation funded by the Countryside Commission is the National Parks Authority. This is responsible for the regulation and interpretative service inside twelve National Parks, which are designated areas of significant natural beauty and wilderness. The Local Authority has a part to play in managing and regulating country parks. In many cases it also owns the land and will act as landlord to any tenants in the park, such as farmers. Home-based leisure This is cheap, easy and relaxing. The equipment most popularly used are: radios, videos, TV sets, gardening materials and home fitness machines is normally provided by the private sector. The main exceptions are the library lending services in the public sector. Except for broadcasting this component is retail based. As the internet is more widely used, shopping for leisure on the net is likely to increase. Free services like Tesco mean more people are using the net.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impacts of the Anthropocene Geological Era
Impacts of the Anthropocene Geological Era Alexandra Pearson Geography – The Anthropocene Throughout history, geological time periods have been given names to depict certain events. These time periods are named as eras, and the current geological era is known as the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is defined as the â€Å"era of man†. This era is linked to drastic environmental changes that have taken place over hundreds of years due to human activity and the increase of industrialisation and technology. Humans have changed the global environment of the earth and the effect of human impact on the earth continues to increase during this Anthropocene era. The geological era, the Anthropocene is used to describe the time human activities have impacted the global environment of the earth, it also describes how human societies have become a worldwide geophysical force (Steffen et al, 2007). The earth has gone through drastic environmental changes in the last few hundred years; this is due to human activities that have created an increasing impact on the global environment (Crutzen, 2006). Over the last three centuries, the human population and the rate of urbanisation has dramatically increased (McNiell, 2000 cited in Crutzen, 2006). The Anthropocene began approximately in the 1800s, with the introduction of industrialisation and the increased use of fossil fuels (Steffen et al, 2007). Many scientists believe that the influence of humans on the environment began towards the end of the Pleistocene era as many of the so called â€Å"megafauna†had disappeared due to the arrival of modern humans. By the 1800s, industrialisation, deforestation, agriculture and the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had increased rapidly, and the environment began to change before the industrial revolution (Zalasiewicz et al, 2011). Scientists argue that the start of the Anthropocene era began when the Industrial Revolution took place. During the late 1700s and the early 1800s, there was a rapid increase in the usage of machinery and different industrial inventions. This was known as the Industrial Revolution, and it was the first human influence on the environmental change (Zalasiewicz et al, 2008). Many scientists believe that the Anthropocene geological era had began when the environment because of the worldwide environmental effects of the rapid increase in the human population and the development of economy (Zalasiewicz et al, 2008). The industrial revolution had caused the global environment to change significantly, carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere had increased rapidly and it was the beginning of the influence of humans on the environment. Ever since the introduction of industrial machinery in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the global environment has changed significantly. There has been a rapid increase in the human population, an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and an increase in greenhouse gases. The increase in greenhouse gas concentration has had to have serious impacts on the environment, the concentration has increased over hundreds of years, and is continuing to increase and it has lead to a number of possible extinctions of species in areas that are sensitive to climate change (Hughes, 2000). The increase of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have caused a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer, the ozone layer’s function is to create a protective layer from the intense heat radiation from the sun around the earth. The greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide are a result in the increasing use of technology, the increasing use of machinery and the increasing use of using non renewable resources such as fossil fuels. With the decreased thickness of this layer, more of the heat radiation from the sun penetrates the earth and causes global temperature increase (Hartmann et al, 1999). According to McCarty (2002), the earth’s climate has increased by 0.5 degrees over the past one hundred years. This temperature increase can result in major global consequences; it has already lead to polar ice sheets melting and has lead to the extinction and high possibility of extinction of species that live in sensitive environments such as polar bea rs. Additional threats will appear as the climate continues to change and as the temperature continues to increase. As the human population increases, the availability of natural resources and non – renewable resources decreases. Overuse of these resources has resulted in a depletion of renewable resources (Pearce, 1988). As a result, in many developing countries, the resources have become scarce and have caused many problems globally. Due to human activities, in some countries the water and other habitats have been polluted by acid mine drainage. According to Johnson and Hallberg (2005), acid mine drainage causes environmental pollution in countries that have mining industries. Humans have had major influences on the climate change during the current geological era, the Anthropocene. As the human population, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and temperature continues to increase, the global environmental climate will continue to change. Ice caps sheets will continue to rise as the ozone layer becomes thinner and sea levels will continue to rise, resulting in a massive loss in coastal regions, lives and species that live in the areas that are sensitive to climate change. During this geological era or epochs, most of the environmental change has been caused by some type of human activity whether it is mining, increases in industrialisation or by increased urbanisation. The introduction of modern humans and industrialisation has caused major environmental changes that are difficult to change or reverse. To slow down the rapid global environmental and climate change, the use of renewable and non – renewable resources would have to be distributed evenly, the rate at which the human population is increasing would have to decrease and the amount of energy and fossil fuels used would also have to be decreased. If humans do not change the way that they distribute resources or control how much carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere, the global environment and climate will continue to decline and further complications will appear. Therefore, the Anthropocene geological era is dominated by humans and the major environmental changes that have occurred in this era or epochs have mainly been caused by human activity such as mining, urbanisation or industrialisation. The Anthropocene era and the human activities that have taken place during this era are directly linked to the global environmental change that is seen in the world. Humans are the main cause for most of the major environmental and climate change during this era. References Crutzen, P.J. (2006). The â€Å"Anthropocene†, Earth System Science in the Anthropocene, 13-18. Hartmann, D.L., Wallace, J.M., Limpasuvan, V., Thompson, D.W.J., Holton, J.R. (1999). Can ozone depletion and global warming interact to produce rapid climate change?, Cross Mark: 97(4), 1412- 1417. Hughes, L. (2000). Biological Consequences of Global Warming: is the signal already apparent?, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15 (2): 56 -61. Johnson, D.B., Hallberg, K.B. (2005). Acid Mine Drainage Remediation Options: a review, Science of the total environment, Elsevier: 338 (1-2): 3-14 McCarty, J.P. (2002). Ecological Consequences of Recent Climate Change, Conversation Biology: 15(2), 320 – 331. Pearce, D. (1988). The Sustainable use of natural resources in developing countries, Sustainable Environmental Management: Principles and Practice: 102- 117 Steffen, W., Crutzen, P. J., McNeill, J.R. (2007). The Anthropocene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming The Great Forces Of Nature, AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 36 (8): 614-621. Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Haywood, A., Ellis, M. (2011). The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time?, Philosophical Transactions: The Royal Society Publishing. Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Smith, A., Barry, T.L., Coe, A. L., Brown, P.R., Brenchley, P., Cantrill, D., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, F. J., Hounslow, M. W., Kerr, A.C., Pearson, P., Knox, R. Powell, J., Waters, C., Marshall, J., Oates, M., Rawson,P. And Stone, P. (2008). Are we now living in the Anthropocene?, GSA Today, 18 (2): 4-8.
Static Var Compensator to Improve Profile Voltage
Static Var Compensator to Improve Profile Voltage Implementation of Static Var Compensator to Improve Profile Voltage On transmission System 70kV-150kV APJ Pasuruan Abstract System requirements for power is growing in line with the needs in line with population and industrial electricity consumption, so there is an alternative to maximize the utilization of the transmission line, one of them with equipment Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS). Hardware FACTS device in this research one of which is a Static Var Compensator (SVC) to maintain the stability of the voltage remains constant at face value by injecting reactive power into the system can be controlled. Tool OCP contained in the software Electrical Transient Analysis Program (ETAP) is used to determine the location and capacity of SVC by applying the Genetic Algorithm (GA). To test the proposed method, the system standard IEEE 14-bus and the 70kV-150kV transmission system 12 bus APJ Pasuruan used for simulation in this study. From the analysis of 12 buses can be evidenced by the placement and capacity SVC in Bangil2 bus with a capacity of 43.2 MVAr Qc can raise the pr ofile of the voltage to fall within the permitted margin of 0.95 p.u. to 1.05 p.u. Reviewed Bangil2 bus, bus Bulukandang, buses and bus Pandaan Sukorejo.serta can reduce the power of 10.158 MW and MVAr be 9.9966 45.048 44.660 MW and MVAr. Index Terms Static Var Compensator, Profile Voltage, ETAP Power Station, 70kV-150kV Transmission System. IN RECENT YEARS, the needs of the electric power system in Indonesia continues to increase along with the demand for electricity and the increase in population and industrial electricity consumption. In this case the development and construction of new plants and transmission lines are needed to meet the needs of the growing burden. Akantetapi it is determined based on the consideration of environmental and economic factors. In addition to the prohibitive cost, the construction of new transmission lines also require a very long time[1].So there is an alternative to maximize the utilization of transmission lines, one of which is by using equipment Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS)[2]. FACTS devices of several types of devices, Static Var Compensator (SVC) is widely sudah digunakan around the world, including in Indonesia itself has been applied in the GI Jember. Based on the standard PLN, the voltage value allowed on electric power system ranging from 0.95 to 1.05 pu of nominal voltage[3]..SVC Can maintain the stability of the voltage remains constant at a value nominalnya by injecting reactive power into the system can be controlled. Installation SVC at one point or some places could increase the value of the voltage profile and reduce power losses (losses)on the power system[4]. FACTS concept device was introduced by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in late 1980. Where the FACTS device can increase the capacity of the transmission system and control the flow of power (loadflow)is flexible[5].On the other hand FACTS devices can also reduce the cost of electrical energy generation and improve voltage stability of the transition state(transient)[6] [7]. Therefore, this paper will discuss the placement and the determination of optimal capacity SVC for voltage profile improvement 70-150 kV using Genetic Algorithms in the software ETAP Power Station A. System Modeling Electricity Modeling electric power system is defined as a network system consisting of components or electrical equipment such as generators, transformers, transmission line, and a load interconnected and establish a system.[8] [9] B. Generator model Generatorsare modeled as a PV bus. Which generator terminal voltage at a constant value. This is because the generator using AVR (AutomaticVoltageRegulator) to regulate the voltage on the bus. On the bus references (SlackBus), generator dioprasikan by rating voltage and phase angle const ant. In mathematical equations active power (MW) and reactive power (MVAr) generated by the generator can be written as follows: (1) . (2) Where: Pg and Qg=Active and reactive power is delivered terminal generator. Vt = terminal voltage generator ÃŽÂ ´ = generator phase angle Eq= internal voltage generator Xd and Xq = synchronous reactance C. Power Transformer Power transformer of the power system can be expressed mathematically by the equation: .. (3) (4) Where: E = Voltage (pu) F = frequency N =Number of turns = maximum fluxsi From the equation it can be seen that the mechanical power transformer primary and secondary winding is not connected, but electrically interconnected by electromagnetic induction. D. Transmission Line Transmission lines are represented in accordance with the class of transmission. Representation of the transmission line based on the distance is divided into three parts, namely: 1. Short Transmission (l km / 50 miles) 2. The transmission medium (80 km / 50 mi 3. Transmission length (l> 240 km / 150 miles) Figure 1. the equivalent circuit transmission line short Figure 2. the equivalent circuit transmission line medium and length of Short the transmission line, has a channel length of less than 80 km (50 miles) assumed that the capacitance value can be ignored and only the taking into account the value of the resistance (R) and inductive reactance (XL).With assumed in a balanced (balanced), the transmission line can show by using the equivalent circuit of the phase with resistance value (R) and inductive reactance (XL)which are connected in series (series impedance), which can be seen in Figure 2.1. While in the middle of the transmission line, the transmission line has a length of 80 km (50 miles) and 240 km (150 miles). In the middle of the transmission line, the capacitance conductor can not be ignored so that the conductor can be modeled using the equivalent circuit of one phase in the form of nominal à ₠¬ which can be seen in Figure 2.2. But for a long transmission line, capacitance and impedance conductive assumed contained on all the conductors to the limit of infinite. E. Electrical load In power systems, there are two kinds of modeling the load is static load and dynamic load. 1) Model Static Load Static load model is a model that represents active and reactive power as a function of the bus voltage and frequency. Static load in response to changes in voltage and frequency is reached quickly, so it tends to steady-state condition. Static load models are typically used for components such as resistive loads and lighting loads, and is also sometimes used to approach the dynamic components. 2) Model Load dynamic Dynamic load model is a model that represents the active power and reactive follow the dynamics of the system variables, so that the condition can change at any time. F. Drop Voltage The Drop Voltage is the amount of voltage that is missing on a conductor. The voltage drop across the power line is generally proportional to the length of the channel and the load, and inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of the conductor. The magnitude of the voltage drop expressed either in percent or in the amount of Volt. G. Static Var Compensator Static Var Compensator or called SVC is one of the FACTS equipment Device consisting of a reactor component with a large set of inductive reactive power compensation and capacitor as a source of reactive power, power electronics equipment as well equipped as a switching device. Broadly speaking, the function of which is to preserve SVC (controller) voltage stability remain constant at its face value. SVC is a generator / load connected shunt static VAR where output is set for the exchange of inductive or capacitive currents in order to maintain or control the power system can be varied. TCR (Thyristor Controlled Reactor) at the fundamental frequency can be treated as a variable inductance . (5) Where, XV is a variable reactance SVC while XL is the reactance caused by the fundamental frequency without control thyristor and ÃŽÂ ± is the angle of ignition so that the total equivalent impedance of the controller can be expressed in: .. (6) Value rx = XC / XL is given by the controller limit ignition angle limit of value fixed in accordance with the design. control law The steady state contained in the SVC typical VI characteristic figure 2.3 is .. (7) where V and I are rms voltage and current magnitude and Vref is the reference voltage. Typical values for slope XSL is 2 to 5%, tehadap SVC base; The value is necessary to avoid passing the limit of bus voltage variation is small. A typical value controlled voltage range of Vref.[11] [12] Figure 3. V I characteristics instate SVC steady H. Power Flow method By using the Newton Raphson method to analyze the power flow by forming a non-linear algebraic equations of power flow calculation can be determined by performing a comparison between the voltage change in voltage angle and the magnitude of the voltage with active power changes and reactive power (k)).[11]In the mathematical equations of power flow can be written as follows: (8) Where: is the value of active power (MW) is the value of reactive power (MVAr) I. Software ETAP Power Station ETAP (Electric Transient and Analysis Program)is a software full-graphics that can be used to design and test the condition of the existing electric power system. ETAP can be used to simulate the electrical power system offline in the form of a simulation module, monitoring the operation data in realtime, simulation, real time system optimization, energy management systems andsimulation of intelligent loads hedding. ETAP is designed to handle a variety of conditions and electric power system topologies both in the consumer side of the industry as well as to analyze the performance of the system at the utility. software Thisis equipped with facilities to support the simulation of such networks AC and DC (AC and DC networks),the design of cable networks, grid earth (groundgrid), GIS, panel design, arc-flash, coordination of protective devices (protective devices coordination /selectivity),and AC / DC control system diagram. ETAP Power Station also provides a library that will simplify the design of an electrical system. library This can be edited or can be added to the information equipment. This software works by plant (project).Each plant must provide modeling support equipment associated with the analysis that will be performed. For instance generator, load data, channel data, etc. A plant consists of a sub-set of the electrical system that require special electrical components and interconnected. In Power Station, each plant must provide a data base for that purpose. ETAP Power Station can be used to describe a single line diagram graphically and conduct some analysis / study of the Load Flow Short Circuit, the motor starting, harmonics, transient stability, protective device coordination, and Optimal Capacitor Placement.[13] A few things to note in working with ETAP Power Station are: One Line Diagram, shows the relationship between the components / equipment so as to form an electrical system. Library, information about all of the equipment that will be used in the electrical system. Data electrical and mechanical equipment details / full can simplify and improve the results of simulation / analysis. The standard is used, usually refers to the IEC or ANSI standards, the frequency of the system and method the method used. Case Study, containing parameters parameters related to the method of study to be performed and format of analytical results. Completeness of data from each element / component / electrical equipment on the system that will be very helpful analyzed the results of the simulation / analysis can approach the actual operational state.[13] J. Genetic Algorithms on OCP tool within ETAP Optimal Capacitor Placement (OCP) is one of the tools in the software ETAP Power Station which uses genetic algorithm for optimal capacitor placement. Genetic Algorithm is an optimization technique that is based on the theory of natural selection. An algorithm starts with the generation solutions with the diversity to represent the characteristics of the overall search space. By mutation and crossover characteristics that both have to be taken to the next generation. The optimal solution can be achieved through repeated generations. The most common method is based on a rule of thumb followed by running multiple power flow studies for fine tuning size and location. multiple power flow for fine tuning size and location. K. Objective Function The objective of the placement problems SVC is to improve the voltage profile and reduce the total power losses in power systems installed. The objective function is obtained from two terms. The first is the placement of SVC with the approach of the capacitor and the second is the total power loss. The objective function associated with the placement of the capacitor consists of a total power loss and the capacity of the capacitor. In general, the optimal capacitor placement and capacity can be written in the following equation [14]: .. . (9) Subject to: .. (10) .. (11) Where: P loss= Total power loss J = Total Bus = Placement capacity capacitors on the bus j Vj= voltage rms at bus j V min= minimum voltage is allowed (pu) V max= maximum voltage that allowed (pu) = maximum capacitor capacity permissible = minimum capacity capacitor bank L. Operatinal Constraint Along the feeder are required to remain within upper and lower limits after the addition of capasitors on the feeder. Voltage constrains can be taken into account by voltage. M. Placement of Static Var Compensator placement static var compensator used approach OCP. OCP is the optimal capacitor placement that exist in software ETAP power station which will be described in research methodology. Optimal placement of capacitors in the power system has many variables including the capacitor capacity, optimal placement, voltage and harmonics. Where in determining placement and optimum capacity, types of capacitors can be adjusted based on conditions on the ground. Namum considering these variables, making optimal placement becomes very complicated. So as to simplify the analysis, the type of capacitor can be assumed as follows: 1. The system is in equilibrium (balanced) 2. All types are considered constant load N. Capacitors Capacity Capacitors In determining capacity, used capacity started based standard smallest capacity of capacitors and multiples thereof. So based on these standards, the capacity of the capacitor can be used as a discrete variable. and will be used as the capacity of the SVC. In the analysis of the placement and the determination of the optimum capacity of capacitors to improve voltage profile and reduction in power losses, papers It uses the standard IEEE as a reference point in the implementation process and workmanship. Testing and research with survey data obtained from PT. PLN (Persero) APP TJBTB Probolinggo. With the data obtained, it can be simulated transmission system APJ Pasuruan 70 kV and 150 kV using software ETAP Power Station. Simulations can be done in the form of power flow or Load Flow, which is to know the profile of the voltage, active power, reactive power and losses that occur in the system 70 kV and 150 kV After conducting a study of power flow it is known conditions of the bus who suffered voltage drop (under voltage).If there are conditions that decrease the bus voltage below the allowable margin (0.95 A. Flow studies Flowused in the preparation of this study are as follows: Start Drawing single line diagrams. Input data: data generator, a data channel, the data load. Running the simulation Load Flow using Method Newton Raphson To check whether the voltage on the system is at the permitted margin of 0.95 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ V à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 1.05 pu If NoPerform simulation process OCP bus to get anywhere into optimal location for placement of the capacitor which is then replaced by the value of the capacitor SVC. Once the process OCP is complete, plug SVC finished. Return to Step 4 If Yes go to step 8 Results and Analysis of the results Done. Flowchart Figure 4. Flowchart solving A. Modeling transmission system 70kV 150kV APJ Pasuruan using software ETAP Power Station Before running simulation modeling is required in advance PLN APJ Pasuruan sisitem transmission using software ETAP Power Station from pictures in the can when the survey. Modeling Single line diagramis done using software ETAP Power Station and to enter all of the data supports five image simulasi. Transmission system70kV -150kV APJ Pasuruan is still in the shade APP Probolinggo with 12 bus and were able to generate 632.4 MW power P and Q 391,92 MVar of PLTGU. Total peak load on the transmission system APJ Pasuruan P 327.75 129.8 MW Q MVar. Source: PT PLN TJBTB APP Probolinggo Figure 5. Single line diagram APP system probolinggo B. Generating Data transmission line system 70kV 150k APJ Pasuruan Table 1. Data Capable of Generating Power transmission system 70kV 150kV APJ Pasuruan cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> Source: PT PLN TJBTB APP Probolinggo C. Load data transmission systems 70kV 150kV APJ Pasuruan Table 2. Data transmission system peak load of 70kV 150kVAPJ Pasuruan Line Transmission Transformer P (MW) Q (MVAr) GRATI Trafo1- 60 MVA 12.6 3:22 BUMICOKRO Trafo1- 50 MVA 39.15 11.82 Trafo2-60MVA 46.8 16:12 GONDANGWETAN Trafo1-60MVA 31.42 8:56 Trafo2-30MVA 22:24 5.82 Trafo3-60MVA 23:06 8:18 BANGIL1 Trafo1-60MVA 27.26 6.94 Trafo1-20MVA 16.74 6:04 REJOSO Trafo1-20MVA 2.86 3:25 Trafo2-30MVA 2:45 6 Trafo3-35 MVA 8:21 2.1 PIER Trafo1-50MVA 21.89 11:52 PANDAAN Trafo1-30MVA 17:28 4.94 Trafo2-20MVA 10.66 2.65 Trafo3-30MVA 25.8 9.6 SUKOREJO Trafo1-30MVA 17:42 6:06 BULUKANDANG Trafo1-60MVA 24.4 6.93 Trafo2-20MVA 8.66 2:44 PURWOSARI Trafo1 -60MVA 13.85 7.61 Source: PT PLN TJBTB APP Probolinggo (peak load data) D. Line transmission data in system 70kV 150kV APJ Pasuruan Table 3. Line transmissiondata in system 70kV 150kV Pasuruan From To Circuit Distance (KM) Type Conductor GRATI GONDANGWETAN 1 21.069 ACSR ZEBRA GRATI GONDANGWETAN 2 21.069 ACSR ZEBRA GONDANG-WETAN BANGIL 1 16.805 ACSR DOVE GONDANG-WETAN BANGIL 2 16.805 ACSR DOVE BANGIL PANDAAN 1 8,700 ACSR Ostrich BANGIL PANDAAN 2 8,700 ACSR Ostrich BUMICO-KRO BANGIL 1 6200 ACSR ZEBRA BANGIL SUKOREJO 1 16,000 ACSR PIGEON BANGIL MOLDY-DANG 1 24 770 ACSR DOVE BANGIL PIER 1 6200 ACSR ZEBRA BANGIL PIER 2 6200 ACSR ZEBRA GONDANG-WETAN PIER 1 10 866 ACSR ZEBRA GONDANG-WETAN PIER 2 10 866 ACSR ZEBRA PIER PURWOSA-RI 1 22 422 ACSR ZEBRA PIER PURWOSA-RI 2 22 422 ACSR ZEBRA GONDANG-WETAN REJOSO 1 10 487 ACSR DOVE GONDANG-WETAN REJOSO 2 10 487 ACSR DOVE Source: PT PLN TJBTB APP Probolinggo E. Modelling single line transmission system diagram 70kV 150kV APJ Pasuruan Creating modeling a single line diagram70KV transmission systems 150kV APJ Pasuruan on software ETAP Power Station is the first step in the analysis. Where in this modeling will be included all the data technical data which includes capacity, generation, channel, transformer, step-up the transformer and the load. Figure 6 Modelling Single Line Diagram of the transmission system 70kV 150kV APJ Pasuruan F. Simulation Load Flow using Software ETAP Power Station on the conditions of the base case Simulation load flow is intended to determine the initial condition of the system, determine the value of the voltage rating on every bus, knowing that the power in each channel and obtain the value of active and reactive power on the bus. Insimulation load flow thisusing methods Newthon Rhapson. Figure 7. After the run with load flow in base case conditions. Table 3. Profile voltage conditions of the base case No. BUS ID V(pu) 1. BANGIL 1 0.9568 2. BANGIL 2 0.9299 3. BULUKANDANG 0.9497 4. BUMICOKRO 0.9517 5. GRATI GITET 0.1000 6. GONDANGWETAN 0.9713 7. GRATI 0.9992 8. PANDAAN 0.9174 9. PIER 0.9610 10. PURWOSARI 0.9586 11. REJOSO SUMMIT 0.9700 12. SUKOREJO 0.9216 Figure 8. Graph voltage profile condition of base case Based on the load flow inconditions basecase aboveand have been known to occur outside the voltage breach margin the permitted of 0.95 pu to 1 05 pu in Bangil2 bus, bus Bulu kandang, Pandaan bus, and the bus Sukorejo, it can be improved voltage profile by using analysis of Optimal Capacitor placement (OCP) for placement and capacity SVC. G. Placement Analysis
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Insight into milan kunderas narrative Essay -- essays research papers
Insight into Milan Kundera’s narrative This essay is specifically based on the narrative technique used by Milan Kundera in his book The Unbearable Lightness of Being. It is mostly focused in a personal critic supported with comments and critics made by important and distinguished authors. To sum up, it is an essay which main point is directed to the description of Milan Kundera’s narration as well as a personal opinion supported by critics of experts. The Unbearable Lightness of Being is a work of fiction, that it is also combined with facts of history. Works of fiction can be told from the point of view of one of the characters, that means first person narration or it can be told by the author as narrator, that would mean third person narration. Most of the time, when the author is telling the story, he tries not to be perceived or to be noticed as less as possible. There is an exception to this rule called â€Å"the intrusive narrator†. This narrator addresses the reader and talks about issues concerning the narration. He tries to make his presence visible. (O’Brien 1). Milan Kundera uses in his narrative technique the intrusive narrator. He interrupts the reading with his authoritarian voice that most of the time fell into disfavour for the reader because it distracts the mind and reduces the emotional intensity of the experience of reading by interrupting and calling attention to the act of narrating. Mostly, this type of technique employed by Kundera leads to a different perception of the narrator. He gains power by interrupting the narration with his opinions, controlling the presence of the characters, his authoritarian voice and so on. The author has influence in the reading experience. The reader can drastically change his experience by getting to know the author and feeling his unwanted presence in the novel. Furthermore, Kundera’s work in the narrative is constantly analyzed and questioned from a philosophical point of view (Corbett 1). However, it would be wrong to regard Kundera as a philosopher. He enjoys playing with his storylines and while analysing them rationally, he opens up an infinite way of interpreting the presented facts. Here is an example of how he plays with the storylines in the last pages of the book : â€Å" And therein lies the whole of man’s plight. Human time does not turn in a circle; it runs ahead in a straight line. That is w... ...ive technique. To conclude, Kundera’s narrative technique is very complex and unusual, it is also very rich in history and fiction. It might being difficult the easy flowing of the reading, but I have to accept that he is a very good author, who knows what is doing. He uses the â€Å"intrusive narrator†technique, because he does not want to be a dissident writer. (Contemporary Literay Criticism-Select 1). References: Corbett, Bob. â€Å"The Unbearable Lightness of Being†. New York. October 2001. Retrieved from WilsonWeb, FSU libraries. Doctorow, E.L. â€Å"Four Characters Under Two Tyrannies†. New York Times Book Review. April 29, 1984: 1. FSU Libraries. Literature Resource Center. Kussi, Peter. â€Å"Milan Kundera: Dialogues with Fiction†. World Literature Today, Vol.57, No. 2, Spring 1983, pp. 206-209. FSU libraries. Literature Resource Center. O’Brien, John. â€Å"Milan Kundera: Meaning, Play, and the Role of the Author.†Critique. Vol. XXXIV. No. 1. Fall, 1992: 3-18. FSU Libraries. Literature Resource Center. â€Å"Milan Kundera: The Unbearable Stardom†. New Statesman. London England: 1996. WilsonWeb, FSU libraries. â€Å"Milan Kundera†. Contemporary Literary Criticism-Select. WilsonWeb, FSU libraries.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Outsourcing Jobs :: Globalization, Economics, Economy
It is 2:00 A.M. and you have been surfing the Internet all night. Your computer starts to slow down and suddenly stops. You cannot explain why; you have tried everything in your power to get it running again. It is early in the morning and you are tired, so what are your options? You decide to call the computer company’s help desk. You know it is late, so you are surprised that someone answers your call. The person on the other end of the phone is an outsourced employee. The language barrier makes it difficult to understand, and you become upset. At this moment your main concern is to get your computer working again, so you continue to let the technical support representative help you. After a short time of being on the phone, the representative helps you, and your computer is fixed. Now that your computer is in working order, you return to the thought that you received help from an outsourced office. You were not happy to get a representative from overseas, but now that your problem is fixed, you realize it wasn’t that bad. Many people have the same reaction to this scenario. It is common today to get upset about the use of job outsourcing. The increase of companies that use offshore help is making people talk. The upfront concern is that the use of outsourcing is taking away from jobs in the United States. This may be the popular consensus, but it is not completely true. In reality, the use of job outsourcing does not have a negative effect on the economy in the United States. Americans complain about the loss of jobs to outsourcing, so we need to take a look at our unemployment rate. It would naturally make sense that if a job is placed overseas, it is being taken away from an American worker. â€Å"In truth, companies have outsourced since the Industrial Revolution†(Kakumanu, Portanova, 2006, p. 1). The use of outsourcing jobs is not a new concept; it has just become more popular. â€Å"Offshore outsourcing of labor first became prevalent in manufacturing industries. Labor in other countries was cheaper than America workers, and transportation fell. This made sending work offshore more economical and began a large wave of outsourcing†(Kakumanu, Portanova, 2006, pg 1). Would this then mean that if jobs are being sent overseas in these large waves, there would still be jobs left for American workers?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Death of a Salesman Essay
What techniques does Arthur Miller use to highlight the conflict between past and present in Death of a Salesman? How do these techniques also demonstrate his main themes? Death of a Salesman is set in a time when the capitalist system is changing. It is set in the late 1940s, not long after the Wall Street crash in 1929. Willy Loman is unable to adjust to these changes and therefore, there is conflict between the past, where his dreams were achievable, and the present, where he has fallen foul of the capitalist system and is no longer any use to the firm. These conflicts are personified in Willy, and Arthur Miller uses a number of techniques to highlight this. The techniques Miller uses represent Willy’s mind and they distinguish between past and present. These theatrical methods also help to demonstrate the main themes in Death of a Salesman. These theatrical methods include music, lighting, wall-lines, scenery, the use of leaves and also use of costumes. In my essay I plan to explain what each method conveys to the audience and show how Miller uses these methods effectively to highlight the conflicts. Music is used to highlight significant points and themes in the play. Also, the type of music sets the mood for a scene. It creates atmosphere and conveys to the audience the emotions of the characters. Also, silence can highlight a particular scene. The absence of music means that the audience focuses entirely on the conversation taking place. In Death of a Salesman, flute music is heard constantly throughout the duration of the play. It bridges the play, as it is heard both at the beginning and the end. The flute music evokes a faraway, idyllic world, representing the past. It also represents a contrast between Willy and his father. Willy’s father was a pioneer; he made flutes and sold his own products. Willy, on the other hand, has to sell other people’s goods to make a living. A good example of music being used to set the scene is at the beginning of the restaurant scene. The lights have blacked out signifying the end of the previous scene ‘Suddenly rollicking music is heard. ‘ This is setting the mood of the scene for the audience. It shows that the atmosphere is happy and lively. This is to show the mood of the present time. It is a contrast to the past. By having rollicking music, Miller is highlighting this contrast. This links to the theme of Happy and shows more of an insight into his character. Happy has chosen this restaurant and it shows the kind of life he lives, and this is a contrast to Willy.
Industrial Pollution
Chapter 1 I.1 Introduction Bangladesh is an approaching shopping center spikening kingdom. It has a large fargon of population. The working purlieu is salutary and the bear on cost is less so in that location is an opportunity to establish pains in this verdant. There atomic number 18 m any(prenominal) field of sedulousness in Bangladesh. The batch of our country atomic number 18 actu solelyy hard working.By the of late 1990s, set rough 1.5 million masses, mostly women, were diligent in the garments sector as During 2001-2002, merchandise earnings from ready-made garments reached $3,125 million, representing 52 closelynessful as Leather crossways special(a)ly footwear (Shoe manufacturing unit). % of Bangladeshs total exports. Bangladesh has everyplacetaken India in app atomic number 18l exports in 2009, its exports stood at 2.66 billion US dollar, in the leadhand of Indias 2.27 billion US dollar. Other industries which reserve bespeakn really reinfo rced growth ac surviveledge the chemic subs tangentce assiduity, steel attention, mining assiduity and the paper and pulp application.Now a solar days Bangladesh is want to achieve middle class country position. So the country is going to be an industrial country. And the industry who is responsible for the contamination. Most of the industries atomic number 18 non follow the rules of the law.I.2 Origin of the invoice To agnize the flow stain of the industrial befoulment. To know what ar the reason behind this. wherefore the industry with their forsake in to the open field? To understand the fuss of the contaminant.I.3 Objective of the study To know the current situation of defilement problem. To understand the thought of the spate. To solve the problem. To work with the problem.1.4 Methodology main(a) data field survey, Questionn gentle winde. Secondary data Web site, News paper.1.5 Scope of this inform In this report we want to show the everyplace vie w of the total contamination of the industry in Bangladesh. There ar many industries in Bangladesh. and we lead cover most of the industries in Bangladesh some(prenominal)(prenominal) as framework industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutic industry, Builders industry, Tannery industry, fodder industry, steel industry, Shipping industry, Electronics industry, Fabrics manufacturing, Plastic industry, motif & jut exertion, Refinnering ( Oil, Gas) manufacture, Beverages labor, re practise constancy, Others.1.6 Limitation of the report Limitation means something that limits a part or achievement of any summary. both research designs eject be discussed in terms of their relative skills and limits. The merits of a grouchy design be inherently tie in to the rationale for selecting it as the most entrance plan for addressing the research problem. One strength of an Selecting and starting to prep atomic number 18 this report it is non an easy surgical procedure to fatten up this. To complete this report we face many problems. Those are as followsi. Information Collection1) special tooth root of information 2) Limited information approximately the industry befoulment in tissue sites on Bangladesh perspective. 3) Peoples are not sure well-nigh the problems by industrial contamination. 4) condescension souls try to skip the questions answers.ii. Overall limitation of this report1) Limited prison term to prepare this report. 2) Limited information stock. 3) Limited ways to analysis the quality control with founded information. 4) Limited nidus from course instructor to prepare this report.Chapter 22.1 East Pakistani Industries A short list of Bangladeshi Industry ring of industry Name of industry Name of industry Textile Industry Tannery Industry Paper & Jute Industry Chemical Industry Food Industry Refinnering Industry Pharmaceutical Industry Steel Industry Beverage Industry stern Industry Shipping Industry Recycling Industry Builders Industry Electronics Industry plant nutriment Industry Febrics Industry Plastic Industry Other Industry2.2 befoulment in Bangladesh weewee pollutionThe body of piddle pollution situation from Bangladesh could be the largest poisoning in register and the irony is that this situation could be the gimmick up of all the efforts in cleaning the weewee supply for some of the poorest nations of the world. A British study, shows that about 80 million people from Bangladesh, due south Asia, are exposed to a risque level of toxi urban center from the pee colly with arsenous anhydride. An outside(a) team of researchers from Chicago, New York and Bangladesh has been monitor, in the last decade, the body of water intake of arsenic contaminated wells and the impact of 12,000people.The conclusions showed that the demolition of five people was directly link to the elevated levels of arsenic in the bo scrags of the victims of the Bangladesh water. The response is not just a novelty, it is a problem cognize for some historic period now and, over time, and residents were advised to tire out basser wells to avoid the potentially contaminated surface water consumption. Now, even the deep waters appear to be problematic.The Bangladeshi people have a bun in the oven most in pure imbibing water by arsenic. But the people of Bangladesh alike mislay by the industry pollution. The river water is not invulnerable for the people. The industry is not subprogram dissolution management system. So in future if the industry is not pastime the rules the waste management, the water will not look like water. air major power PollutionAir pollution contamination of the atmosphere take a shitd by the unlade, accidental or delibe estimates of a dewy-eyed range of toxic substances. Often the core of the released substance is relatively last in a certain locality, so the denigrating moments are to a greater extent noticeable. The major sources of ai r pollution are window pane engines, power and heat generation, industrial emergencees and the anxious of solid waste. A new source of air pollution is an increasing hole in the ozone layer in the atmosphere to a higher place Antarctica, coupled with growing evidence of spheric ozone depletion.Air pollution has in addition long been known to have an adverse perfume on kind beings, plants, livestock and aquatic ecosystem through acid rain. Recently as in some different split of the world air pollution has received priority among environ cordial issues in Asia. This problem is acute in dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh and too the hub of commercial activity. The early(a) urban theatres like Chittagong, Khulna and BOGRA have much lesser health problem cerebrate to air pollution. In urban regions sometimes the houses are built on rocks and soils, which stellate radioactive gasoline from their basement.If this gas is inhaled for a long time it may guinea pig lung c rabby person. In the rural fields of Bangladesh, the air pollution problems have not yet become a point of concern. This is due to few motorized vehicles and industries there. Thus, it is likely that in those theater of operationss the adept air contaminants are particulate way out and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Basically, there are two major sources of air pollution in Bangladesh industrial emissions and vehicular emissions.The industrial sources include brick kilns, fertiliser factories, sugar, paper, jute and textile mill around, gyrate mills, tanneries, garment, bread and biscuit factories, chemic and pharmaceutical industries, cement production and touch on factories, metal workshops, and wooden dust from saw mills and dusts from ploughed land, and salt particles from ocean waves climb the offshore islands and coastal lands. hitch Pollution Man-made re big(p) harmful to health or welfare. Transportation vehicles are the worst offenders, with aircraft, railroad stock, trucks, buses, automobiles, and motorcycles all producing excessive commotion.Noise brashness is measured in decibel (dB) units. message to 45 dB of racket, the average person cannot sleep. At 120 dB the ear registers pain interview damage begins at a much lower level, about 85 dB. In Bangladesh noise pollution ( in addition termed as sound pollution) is a major health hazard. In fact, due to noise pollution millions of people in Bangladesh are exposed to a number of health risks from deafness to heart attack. On city streets noise pollution can be ca employ by hydraulic horns of vehicles, mi drifthones and cassette players.The hydraulic horns use by buses, trucks and scooters in the crowded city streets are dangerous for human being. This is also how noise pollution in capital of Bangladesh City is affecting the hear power of thousands of children e actually day. The horns particularly feature adept damage to children. Experts say, if a child at a lower place three years of age hears a horn emitting 100 dB of noise from a smashed range, he or she might lose his or her hearing power. A childs health may also be adversely affected by bald-faced sounds from the radio, television, cassette players and mi producehones, the sound of mills and factories and bald-faced noise.The unit of sound frequency is hertz. benevolent beings usually hear 15 to 20 kilohertz (KHz) frequency sound. According to the creative activity Health Organisation (WHO), generally 60 dB sound can establish a man deaf temporarily and 100 dB sound can event complete deafness. But the noise of any busy street in Dhaka has been estimated at 60 to 80 dB, with the sound of vehicles being 95 dB, loud speakers 90 to 100 dB, mills and factories 80 to 90 dB, restaurants and cinema halls 75 to 90 dB, festivals 85 to 90 dB, scooter or motorbike 87 to 92 dB and trucks and buses 92 to 94 dB.But the desired sound measure is 25 dB in the bedroom, 40 dB in the eat or d stark ing room, 35-40 dB in the office, 30-40 dB in the class room, 35-40 dB in the library, 20-35 dB in hospital, 40-60 dB in a restaurant and 45 dB in the city at night. When the sound exceeds this limit, there is noise pollution. Noise pollution beyond the limit drop offs hearing and might even lead to the losing of ones mental balance. Noise pollution also fares peevish temperament, affects lungs, hampers the intellect of the children and makes them apathetic towards their stu dissects. 2. 3 Industries intelligent pollution2. 3. 1 Textile Industry pollution The textile industry in Bangladesh through their waste in to relinquish area. They through their waste in to river and pond. So the water of the river is bemire. The river contains many kind of weight and other kind of animals. If the animals are go to the befould water they will die or they have the chemical substance re-action in their body. And then the people eat that look for or the animals that are also yield with chemical re-action. The textile industry also relies carbon die oxide gas which is lawsuit for green house effect, and the global warming.It also find for many human health problem. Some people also tin hide problem. Textile industry makes very noise. Many people cant suffer the noise so some time they sense less. Because the textile industry makes very much noise so we should make textile industry in nonresidential area. 2. 3. 2 Chemical industry pollution We all know about the chemical re-action of the chemical. Many people die every year because of the poison of the drinking water. The chemical industry is also destroying our crops land, river and kills other animals. Many Bangladeshi industries dont use waste management.They through their chemical in to the river or open area. The chemical industry polluted our water and air. social movements of chemical pollution the people suffer peel problem and other harmful Degases. 2. 3. 3 Pharmaceutical Industry pollution The pharma ceutical industry use different types of chemical and plastic pack to keep the euphony safe. But by and by using the medicine there are no recycle of the plastic pack, so it make pollution. In other hand some of the order dont follow the waste management program. They through their waste in to the sea and river.So the water is polluted by the pharmaceutical industry. 2. 3. 4 Cigarette Industry the cigarette industry is polluted the surroundings very much. They kick upstairs cigarette and biri which is polluted our environment air. The people also suffer the unsound effect of the smoking. The tobacco plants destroy the fertility of the land so the crop land became dry. If there are any land who grows tobacco they cant grow any other crop. The processing of cigarette is also harmful for the environment. It pollutes air. 2. 3. 5 Builders Industry The Bangladeshi builders industry doesnt follow the structure core.They make edifice of their own wish, so it is very unwieldy to t he maintain the pollution. Because they sometime build building on the pond or burn down the river so in rainy sequence the water cant read/write head to the river and it polluted our roads and houses. 2. 3. 6 Tannery Industry The tannery industry use deadly chemical to prepare lather. Most of the tannery industry set in highly populated area so when they through their waste in the water the water will be polluted. The bad effect of the pollution effect the human health it may cause the cancer of scratch.Many labor suffer cancer because of the chemical re-action by the chemical. 2. 3. 7 Food industry One of the largest industries in Bangladesh is viands industry because of the huge rate of the population. The industry is very big. Every day the industry produce many type of the intellectual nourishment to fulfill the get hold ofs of the nutrient. They use chemical fertilizer to grow mare food because of large motivatings. The food industry pollute our soil and water. They use high rate of chemical fertilizer so the water of river has been polluted and the water plant louse and the insect that help the crops die because of chemical fertilizer.Some food industry through there waste of food in to open area and water so the water is polluting. 2. 3. 8 Fertilizer Industry There are many fertilizer industries in Bangladesh. They produce fertilizer for our farmer to grow much crops. But the process of the fertilizer is not environmental free. To produce fertilizer they bespeak methane gas. So the air pollution is happening. They need water to cool their machine. So the water is polluting. To make chemical fertilizer they need 2. 4 An overview of tannery industrys pollution 2. 4. 1 Present situation of tannery industries pollutionNow days the tannery industry is performing the most important part for our economy. The products of our tannery are maintaining world class quality. So the buyers of the tannery product are more. There is a good will of Banglade sh tannery industry in the world. The tanneries are a major money-maker for Bangladesh. From June 2011 to July 2012, Bangladeshs tanneries exported close to $663 million in strap and slash goodslike shoes and handbagsto some 70 countries worldwide, including Italy, Germany, Spain, China, and the United States. Tannery worker have been scummy from severe skin diseases, allergy and authority pain.Most of the cases, medicines do not work on them anymore. They process animal hides with toxic chemicals. in front convert they work with chemical-mixed water, liming and de-liming, scrapping off sum of money and fat. They do it with bare hands chromium, sulfur, manganese, atomic number 29 compound, lead and others are used to tan which are very toxic for their health. Chemical mixtures, acids and dyes used in the tanneries are very toxic for human health. From different sources about 20,000 tannery workers are forced to work for tanning in this unstable situation though they are p aid a little.About 90 percent tanneries of the country located at Hazaribagh of the Dhaka city. Covered by high walls which have not proper spreading system, the air inside the factories is with fume, heat. really bad scent is available inside the factories. a few(prenominal) large factories are providing some facilities art object smaller s are in very bad and poisonous situation. Very bad smells are also got from nigh the Hazaribagh like Rayerbazar, Jhigatola and parts of Dhanmondi. Nobody wants to go to Hazaribagh due bad effect of tanneries. even the tanneries owner doesnt live in those areas.Reused chemicals from the larger factories are being used by the small factories which are more dangerous and vulnerable for the workers as well as for the environment. About 40 laborious metals and acids are used for processing raw hides. Among them the most dangerous chemical substances are , manganese, chromium, sulfur, lead, and copper Wet blue lashs are made using these chemica ls Most of the workers are directly use these chemicals each and every day because of being done the process manually. They dont like to use hand g cheats or any other condom items.About 30 export-oriented factories use these safety equipments for their workers and others dont pay attention. It is very important to use masks, safety goggles, special suits, gloves and special shoes to save themselves from the hazardous effect of toxic chemicals. Most of the time the workers work with bear feet when thy clean dirt, bloods and chemicals which causes discordant diseases. Jaundice, nausea and headache are other common sickness among them. These toxic chemicals cause boils, inflammation in hands and legs, skin diseases allergy, and other infection.If it continues around more than 15 years these can even cause cancer. During working these chemicals evaporate to the air which remedy lungs and causes respiratory illness such as asthma and bronchitis through inhalation of the people of Ha zaribagh area. This toxic substances reparation eyes and the ideal nerve system . Finishing lash is processed after tanning. . These toxic chemicals cause boils, inflammation in hands and legs, skin diseases allergy, and other infection. If it continues around more than 15 years these can even cause cancer.During working these chemicals evaporate to the air which damages lungs and causes respiratory illness such as asthma and bronchitis through inhalation of the people of Hazaribagh area. This toxic substances damages eyes and the correct nerve system . Finishing leather is processed after tanning. . For probably the starting line time, Bangladeshs disposal has leveled pollution-related fines against two leather tanneries in Hazaribagh, a Dhaka contiguity so polluted with waste from its nigh 150 tanneries that residents and workers are plagued by flagitious health problems.This announcement came four months after gentleman Rights memorise released a report revealing the e xtent of workers and residents broken-down health, ranging from pestiferous skin diseases to respiratory illnesses. Shortly before our report launch, a senior authoritative in Bangladeshs Environment segment told Human Rights Watch, There is no supervise and no enforcement in Hazaribagh. The two tanneries were fined for not having effluent interference plants, which would treat their chemical-laced wastewater.Each day, the areas tanneries discharge some 21,000 cubic meters of untreated waste containing chromium, lead, and other chemicals and sullen metals into the nearby Buriganga River. The air reeks of chemicals, which have harmed the areas water and soil and the health of people living nearby. Hazaribagh is home to amidst 90 and 95 percent of all Bangladeshs tanneries, and they employ between 8,000 and 12,000 people. sustentation beside the tanneries is difficult, all the dirty water comes here, the fumes are very bad, utter Goyenda, who is in her late teens and has li ved in Hazaribagh for just over a year. I have problems with my eyes.They water a lot and become red. The tannery gas causes this. As follow-up to the Toxic Tanneries report, Human Rights Watch has pressed the international leather industry to identify and mitigate the human undecomposeds risks from the tanneries in Hazaribagh. Two weeks ago, Human Rights Watch called on buyers at a flagship international leather fair in bologna to buy leather goods only from Bangladesh tanneries that valuate environmental standards and comply with laws that protect the right to health and labor rights. 3. 1 apprehension behind the pollution 3. 1. 1 decadency Bangladesh is a corrupted country everything is potential in Bangladesh.The tannery industry is polluting the environment much. The pollution of tannery is harmful for all the human and animal. But it is a matter of sorrow that the government environment sector is silent. Because they deal with the keep company owner. And the government e mployee pays by the owner. So the environment pollution cant be stopped. 3. 1. 2 Dont adapt the industrys rules Most of the tannery doesnt show respect to the constitution rules. In Bangladesh there are no lacks of rules only in matter of worry that the industry doesnt want to follow the rules, because of the over envious of the of the industry owner.3. 1. 3 wishing of nations lover the greedy owner and the greedy government people Politician are not love their nation. So just thought to increase their wealth. 3. 1. 4 Lack of monitoring The monitoring unit are not strong to control the pollution. 3. 2 effect of the pollution Waste contains pollutants which are discarded materials, process materials or chemicals. Pollution could be caused by all sectors of a society find waste industry, agriculture, mining, energy, and these pollutants when they are released beyond the absorption capacity of the environment.Industrial wastes are generated from different processes and the amoun t and toxicity of waste released varies with its own precise industrial processes. Tannery effluents are ranked as the highest pollutants among all industrial wastes. They are especially large contri simplyors of chromium pollution . atomic number 24 is highly toxic and carcinogenic to human beings, animals, plants and the general environment (soil and water sediment). plate is the primary threat when ever tanning industry comes in to practice.Though many treatment options were evaluated to prevent its consequence on the environment, neither of them could achieve to treat or call up chrome 100 %. Treatment options are either inefficient, complicated, energy demanding, costly or applicable to a certain parts of the world due to technology or skilled man power demand. The river near by the tanneries can be said highly polluted rivers since they are serve as recipient of effluent from the factories. The effect of this scenario is expressed by different indicators. The Akaki -Kalit i and the tributaries of flooded River are best examples of polluted water body.The residents around the river and /or the tannery reported the finish of their cattle, dried up of green plants, water born diseases and bad smell resulted due to the death of micro organisms that in turn caused by depletion of dissolved oxygen. Even though the incidences are merely the result of discharges from tanneries but it is impossible to deny the fact that the discharge from tanneries has its own contribution. (Dagnew and Daniel,2011) Global worming Destroy our safe water resource Destroy your crop land Destroying your human health Cause of chemical re-action
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