Wednesday, October 30, 2019
B2 Managing Organisational Change and Development Essay - 1
B2 Managing Organisational Change and Development - Essay Example This chain of hotels is one of the largest on a global level, specifically because of the infrastructure that it has created. However, projects for expansion are required to take new initiatives for the continuous expansion within the industry. Hilton Hotels is one of the largest corporations in accommodations and has built their company as being one of the most innovative hotel chains. They currently have hotels in six continents with over 530 hotels and resorts in over 76 countries. The standards that have been set by the hotel are based on providing innovative products, amenities and services to guests while considering the trends that are currently a part of the industry. For instance, many of the hotels are focused on providing green seals for the environment as one of the latest trends in the industry. The different hotels are built as franchise opportunities with the Hilton as the overall brand name that is within the industry. The reservation system is built from a multi – level option which allows different consumers to connect to hotels first by locality then by the types of amenities that they desire to have. The overall focus of the different concepts of the hotels is based on a spirit of hospitality and service while providing rooms for both leisure and business options. The hotel has also built a reputation from philanthropic activities taking place around the world (Hilton,, 2010). The current status of the hotel industry, specifically with competition of the Hilton, is one that is becoming redefined through the current market. The recession in the United States from the year of 2007 created lower demands for the hotel while many consumers and businesses began to focus on budget instead of style. The expansion of the Hilton into other regions of the world carries the same concept, which includes high
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Use Of Abiraterone In Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer Nursing Essay
Use Of Abiraterone In Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer Nursing Essay Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosis of men in Canada. In 2012, approximately 26,500 men in Canada were diagnosed with prostate cancer and approximately 4,000 died from the disease . Prostate cancer is strongly influenced by androgenic steroids . In advanced stage prostate cancer patients are typically treated using androgen deprivation therapy. . Androgen therapy is not curative and may only improve patients symptoms and may even reduce metastatic lesions . The benefit seen in androgen deprivation is often reduced over years of androgen therapy as the tumour will continue to grow despite low androgen levels. When this occurs the tumour is known to be castration resistant and is known to lead to prostate cancer- related mortality . Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) may present as either a continuous rise in serum prostate- specific antigen levels (PSA), progression of pre-existing disease, or appearance of new metastases . Many endocrine based therapies have been evaluated for CRPC with minimal success in prolonging patient survival . Systemic nonhormonal therapies using docetaxel, carbaztaxel, and active cellular immunotherapy with sipuleucel-T have been shown to prolong survival . A new drug abiraterone (Zytiga) has shown to improve survival and lower PSA levels in patients with CRPC. This article is to be used by health professionals to gain a thorough understanding of abiraterones indication, mechanism of action, side effects, dosage, clinical evidence, monitoring parameters, and contraindications. Indication According to the product monograph for abiraterone the drug is indicated with prednisone for the treatment of CRPC in patients who have received prior chemotherapy containing docetaxel. Mechanism of Action Abiraterone is formulated as a prodrug, abiraterone acetate, which is converted to abiraterone by the body and acts as a selective inhibitor of 17ÃŽÂ ±-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase (CYP17) . CYP17 is responsible for androgen biosynthesis in testicular, adrenal and prostatic tumor tissues . As illustrated in Figure 1, CYP17 catalyzes the conversion of pregnolone and progesterone into testosterone precursors, DHEA and androstenedione . The reduction in androgen production is beneficial for androgen-sensitive prostatic carcinoma. 722776-fig1.jpg Figure 1. Abiraterones mechanism of action in androgen synthesis Side Effects The most common side effects of abiraterone are caused by the mechanism of the drug on CYP17. As seen in Figure 2, inhibition of CYP17 causes on increase in the production of mineralocorticoids, which lead to hypokalemia, fluid retention, and hypertension . Other common side effects of abiraterone include myopathy, joint pain, abnormal liver function, hot flashes, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, bone fractures and cough . Figure 2. Effects of abiraterone on mineralocorticoid production . Dosage and Administration The recommended dosage of abiraterone is 1000 milligrams daily as a single dose . The tablets need to be swallowed whole and the dose should be taken on an empty stomach . To reduce the mineralocorticoid effects of abiraterone the patient should also use a low dose prednisone. The recommended dose or prednisone is 10 mg daily . Clinical Trials Evaluating Abiraterone The effectiveness of abiraterone in CRPC has been demonstrated in several randomized trials. In 2009, a study Attard et al., using forty-two chemotherapy-naÃÆ' ¯ve patients with CRPC received 1000 mg abiraterone . At follow up (median 505 days) a decline in PSA of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 50% of was observed in 67% of patients, with declines of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 90% in 19% of patients . A 2010 study by Danila et al., of fifty-eight men with CRPC previously on docetaxel received abiraterone 1000 mg daily with 5 mg of prednisone . Results of study illustrated that 36 % of patients had a PSA decline of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 50% . In 2011, De Bono et al. conducted a study including 1195 patients who had previously received docetaxel . Groups were assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive 5 mg of prednisone twice daily with either 1000 mg of abiraterone or placebo . The primary end point of the study was overall survival . The secondary endpoints of the study were time to prostate-specific antigen progression, progression-free survival according to radiological findings based on specified criteria, and PSA response rate . At a median 12.8 month follow-up overall survival was significantly longer in the abiraterone group compared to the placebo (14.8 months vs. 10.9 months, p. The secondary end points all favoured the treatment group; time to PSA progression (10.2 vs. 6.6 months; p. The studies using abiraterone in CRPC illustrate that the drug provides a moderate improvement in cancer progression and improves survival in patients. Monitoring Parameters Health professionals should place on emphasis of monitoring patients using abiraterone. Before treatment hypokalemia and hypertension must be normalized in patients who are scheduled to use the drug . It is important to routinely monitoring a patients blood pressure while they are on this product. Potassium levels should be checked at baseline and regularly to prevent hypokalemia in patients. Patients should also be checked for signs of fluid retention, such as peripheral edema. Liver function tests (ALT, AST, and bilirubin) should be measured prior to initiating abiraterone treatment and continued every two weeks for the first three months of treatment and monthly afterwards . Patients should routinely be assessed for other common side effects, including joint pain and urinary tract infections. Conclusion CRPC is a very advanced stage of prostate cancer that is fatal. Abiraterone (Zytiga) has been shown to prolong survival and lower PSA in men with CRPC. The drug works by selectively inhibiting CYP17 and lowering the production of testosterone via upstream inhibition of precursors in prostate, adrenal, testicular tissues. The selective inhibition of CYP17 leads to a large increase in mineralocorticoid activity in the body leading to hypertension, edema, and hypokalemia. The excess mineralocorticoid activity is typically diminished by administering 10 mg of prednisone daily with abiraterone. It is important to note that abiraterone is indicated as a second line therapy for patients who have failed treatment with docetaxel. While on abiraterone patients need to be monitored for hepatic function, hypertension, hypokalemia, and edema. .
Friday, October 25, 2019
computers :: essays research papers
SECURITY OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Introduction Wireless devices, like all technologies that provide external access to corporate networks, present security challenges. With wireless standards and practices still rapidly evolving, it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of available technologies in order to implement a secure solution. Extending current security policies to encompass wireless devices requires an understanding of the security features of both wireless devices and wireless networks. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study was to assist in the decision whether Lotus Development should extend current security policies to encompass wireless devices. The following are critical security questions: †¢Ã‚     What challenges are faced with wireless security? †¢Ã‚     How can you verify that the device being used is actually in the hands of an authorized user? How can you enhance the security of the device? †¢Ã‚     How secure is the over-the-air network between the organization and the wireless device? †¢Ã‚     How can you secure the wireless session? †¢Ã‚     Should Lotus development include wireless devices in their security policies? Research Methods and Procedures Through traditional and electronic research of books, periodicals, and business journals, secondary research was conducted. Figures were constructed through extensive research and study of interactions of networks. Wireless Security Challenges      Mobile devices and wireless networks rely on a broad spectrum of technology, much of it cutting-edge. In comparison to PCs, each class of mobile device currently represents a unique hardware and software platform. Mobile phones, for example, have varying capabilities and limitations both as computing devices and as client devices accessing corporate networks. The wireless networks that support mobile devices are similarly diverse. By relying on industry standard protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, SMTP and TAP, Mobile Services supports many of the major wireless networks currently in operation. This standards-based approach also provides MSD with a common security model that can operate across wireless networks, while at the same time taking some of the complexity out of doing business with different wireless network providers (Braden 1997). However, it is important to understand that there is currently no industry-wide security standard that will work on every mobile device and on every wireless network, in the way that X.509 and SSL span the PC universe. MSD bridges this gap wherever possible by adding its own security features (Freeburg 1991). Mobile Device Security Most mobile devices currently provide only a simple username/password combination to block use of the device (a few also offer local data encryption). And since most users do not employ even this rudimentary level of security, mobile devices like pagers, mobile phones and PDAs are essentially unsecured (Aziz 1993).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Belonging in The Simple Gift and Arthur Essay
Every person needs a sense of belonging. Belonging is defined as acceptance as a natural member or part. Scientific research has found that man’s need to belong is a pre-coded instinct found in the primitive brain or amygdale. Without a sense of belonging a person’s well being can be seriously affected. In the book The Simple Gift by Steven Herrick, the main theme is belonging as it follows a boy’s journey to find a place where he feels he belongs. In the book Arthur by Amanda Graham, the author shows the feelings displayed by someone when they don’t belong and then their feelings when they do belong. E.T. is a movie directed by Steven Spielberg which also has the main theme of belonging. The two main protagonists, Elliot and E.T., don’t feel a sense of belonging with anyone until they meet each other. The Simple Gift shows how much people need to belong. Billy is only 15 when he runs away from home. He finds a place to stay temporarily in Bendarat, but it isn’t long until he realises that Bendarat is a town where he feels he belongs. Billy uses descriptive language to show that he feels he belongs in Bendarat. He says â€Å"Bendarat is the perfect town. A friendly librarian, a warm McDonald’s, luxury train accommodation, and the town is surrounded by apple and pear orchids. The real strength of the feeling of belonging is shown through the character Caitlin. Caitlin has got everything from her wealthy parents that she has ever asked for. It is only until she meets Billy that she realises that there has been something missing from her life, something that money can’t buy. Caitlin describes this feeling after she reads a note Billy had left her, and she says, â€Å"I read this and felt something in my stomach, a slight ache, a twinge, and I knew it was hunger but not a hunger for food. And I blushed with the knowledge.†She finds her own sense of belonging with Billy, which makes her happier than she has ever been. Billy and Caitlin are brought together by their wishes to belong. Although they are opposites in society, this difference means nothing to them. Arthur is a picture book written by Amanda Graham. In this book Arthur is a dog in a pet store. Arthur desperately wants to belong to a family and not to be stuck in the pet store. He sees many other animals be sold to families, but he just doesn’t get sold. He impersonates the other animals that are being sold as he thinks that this could give him more of a chance of belonging. Arthur is finally bought by a family and he finds himself happier than he has ever been before. Arthur shows how much everyone needs to belong, and how much you would try to belong if you were lonely. He also shows the benefits of belonging through his new found happiness. Arthur is similar to Billy in The Simple Gift as they are both willing to do almost anything to belong and when they do belong they both find themselves happier than they have ever been. E.T. shows how many differences can be overcome in order to belong. E.T. is an alien that is left behind after travelling to Earth with his friends. He is lonely and scared, and has no idea how he will get home. E.T. meets Elliot and both E.T. and Elliot immediately form a friendship greater than either had felt before. E.T. feels that he doesn’t belong on Earth, but Elliot does everything he can to make E.T. feel like he does belong. E.T is very similar to Billy in the Simple Gift as he is in a place where he knows nobody, has no home and wishes to belong. Both Billy and E.T. are lonely until they meet someone they both form a strong connection with. Billy finds Caitlin and with Caitlin he feels he belongs. E.T. finds Elliot and he feels he belongs. In all of these texts, the main characters have been found someone they belong with and a place where they belong. In every case the feeling of belonging has made them happier and made their lives feel more purposeful.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Book Journal: The Black Jacobins
The book ‘The Black Jacobins’ is a pen craft of Mr. C. L. R. James. James has scrutinized here an event happened in 1791; which brought out the Revolution of Haitian. The reasons that caused this revolution to take place are the main concerns of his account. He has analyzed the points of progress where economic and class differences overpowered the racial differences. Gradually picturing the whole scenario, he has carefully plotted his findings comparing the French and Haitian revolutions.He has matched his findings on every event with the French and Haitian revolutions. French camp was San Domingo and all the slave trade used to happen here only to cater the French government. All the efforts that France was making against USA, UK, and the communal divisions that existed within her had put a customary influence over the stepping forward of the San Domingo revolt. Writer percepts the class difference had overpowered racial difference.The French revolution is one of the m ajor causes of Haitian revolution as far as the influence is concerned. Other causes include the events like insurgence of the working class natives, and Bastille event. The above-discussed causes affected the slaves very much. Another hub of attention is the leadership of Toussaint L’Ouverture. L’Ouverture’s life has also been analyzed by James. It has been suggested for this forefront facing revolting head that he had organized people, unified the rebellious forces, and also headed some fundamental wars.He fought from the forefront and after he was caught, his army generals became his predecessors. He had been a terrible idol and his character has almost been vague in the writings of different authors. The work of C. L. R James is depicting a great and influential description of the struggles and events occurred at that time and author has almost idealized the leadership qualities of that time (James, 1989). Works Cited James, C. (1989). The Black Jacobins: To ussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution . Vintage.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Homework Solutions Essays
Homework Solutions Essays Homework Solutions Paper Homework Solutions Paper The latter rate would rise more slowly than the rate of increase in GAP with the least effect of the three types. Conversely, in an economic slowdown, a progressive tax falls faster because not only does it decline with income, it becomes proportionately less as incomes fall. This acts as a cushion on declining incomes-?the tax bite is less, which leaves more of the lower income for spending. The reverse would be true of a regressive tax that falls, but more slowly than the progressive tax, as incomes decline. Question 4 Briefly state and evaluate the problem of time lags in enacting and applying fiscal policy. How might politics complicate fiscal policy? How might expectations of a near-term policy reversal weaken fiscal policy based on changes in tax rates? What is the crowding-out effect, and why might it be relevant to fiscal policy? Question 1 It takes time to ascertain the direction in which the economy is moving (recognition lag), to get a fiscal policy enacted into law (administrative lag), and for the policy to have its full effect on the economy (operational lag). Meanwhile, other factors may change, rendering inappropriate a particular fiscal policy. Nevertheless, discretionary fiscal policy is a valuable tool in preventing severe recession or severe demand-pull inflation. A political business cycle is the concept that politicians are more interested in reelection than in stabilizing the economy. Before the election, they enact tax cuts and spending increases to please voters even though this may fuel inflation. After the election, they apply the brakes to restrain inflation; the economy will slow and unemployment Will rise. In this view the political process creates economic instability. A decrease in tax rates might be enacted to stimulate consumer spending. If households receive the tax cut but expect it to be reversed in the near future, they may hesitate to increase their spending. Believing that tax rates will rise again (and possibly concerned that they will rise to rates higher than before the tax cut), households may instead save their additional after-tax income in anticipation of needing to pay taxes in the future. The crowding-out effect is the reduction in investment spending caused by the increase in interest rates arising from an increase in government spending, financed by borrowing. The increase in G was designed to increase AD, but the resulting increase in interest rates may decrease l, Thus the impact of the expansionary fiscal policy may be reduced. Question 7 Why did the budget surpluses in 2000 and 2001 give way to a series of budget deficits beginning in 2002? Why did those deficits increase substantially beginning in 2008? The economy was sluggish through 2002, lowering revenues, and in June 2003 Congress again cut taxes.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Business Regulation Government or Self
Business Regulation Government or Self Introduction The government and business participate in the process of executing their respective economic roles. The government plays the role of governing by controlling and directing people on how to carry out their economic activities.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Business Regulation: Government or Self-regulation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The administration controls and guides various state parties or persons who have the power of developing the courses of action. Business entities constitute one of the parties within a state, which the government has a share in their operations. Business entities encompass all organizations that engage in the trading of goods and services. Governments and business entities demonstrate a mutual relationship. Businesses thrive in environments in which the government has established policies to guide their conducts through the enactment and development of authoritative r ules or a condition that customarily governs behavior while not curtailing businesses’ fundamental freedoms. For example, businesses must serve the interests of the communities. Thus, the government ensures equal public participation in business processes. Should the government engage in the regulation of all businesses, including their decision-making process and the setting of their policies? This paper addresses the role of government regulation on businesses. The goal is to determine whether businesses should operate as free entities by ensuring deregulation. The Role of the Government in Regulating Businesses The government plays a proactive role in ensuring a fair play of businesses in the process of executing their functions. In all markets, the government regulates the conduct of business players. Indeed, even in liberalized markets, businesses should be monitored to avoid unethical practices among the competing entities.Advertising Looking for essay on busine ss economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government safeguards the environment, promotes fair labor practices, and/or guarantees healthier working conditions while at the same time setting the minimum wage for workers. Businesses also have a responsibility of developing their self-regulatory models. However, the government should play the ultimate role in ensuring that the set standards are met and that all stakeholders operate within the laid down regulations. Organizations are established to perform different functions depending on whether they are profit-making or non-profit-making entities. For profit-making organizations, their strategies are developed consistently with the profit maximization behavior in mind. Thus, business strategies are formulated in accordance with the need to enhance the performance of a firm in the short and long term. Rumelt, Schendel, and Teece (2009) provide evidence for this asserti on by claiming, â€Å"As never before, strategic management academics have adopted the language and logic of economics†(p. 5). The magnitude of profit is one of the most crucial parameters to measure business performance. In this context, neoclassical economics firms are characterized by profit maximization. Such firms make products through the deployment of cost-analysis formulas that ensure that marginal revenues are equal to marginal costs. While increasing profit levels, minimal costs should be less than marginal revenues. Without appropriate regulation, the profit maximization behavior may be explored as a business policy without paying ardent consideration to the negative consequences of their cost reduction strategies on stakeholders.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Business Regulation: Government or Self-regulation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the government needs to engage in business regulations to protect the interest of various stakeholders who may be harmed by a business entity when it is permitted to make decisions without appropriate guidance. The government has interest in the regulation of businesses in the context of various issues such as health, safety standard in administrative centers, wages and salaries, advertising, imposition of taxes, and other items that relate to employee fundamental rights. Organizations increase their profits by pushing the maximum number of products to the market. This process involves promotion through advertising. Organizations can engage in unethical practices in advertising simply to make high sales if not controlled by the government. This claim means that through regulation, the government ensures that all marketing efforts guarantee that the target audience gains the highest good from the products. This role is well played out by the US government through its regulation of business entities. For example, FDA has diff erent regulations on the advertisement of pharmaceutical products. In case of advertisements of products with claims, an organization must make a fair balance in the advertisement through the inclusion of the likely risks in â€Å"major statement’ and ‘adequate provision’ for access to ‘brief summary’†(Ventola, 2011, p.682). This strategy helps to avoid the transfer of product risks to their intended consumers who are targeted by business entities’ advertising campaigns. In the US, state and federal laws protect individuals and organizations’ intellectual properties (IP). Thus, one of the issues that relate to IP entails theft or infringement of copyright. The IP bears national and international perspectives.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More National laws and regulations control and protect patents. International conventions guarantee that the licenses have specific rights while also ensuring that laws exist to enforce the rights in contractual relationships. Legal litigation involving IP resolves the question of whether the defendant has copied the claimed work or invention or whether the plaintiff owns the claimed work. Therefore, through regulation by means of legislation, the government ensures that the operations of a business entity do not lead to infringement of other state parties’ rights. These expositions reveal how the government plays the role of ensuring a fair play in business practices and relations through the development and implementation of regulations with which business entities must comply. The government plays an essential role in regulating businesses to ensure environmental sustainability. To this extent, companies are required by state organizations that are in charge of regulating busin ess conducts, especially if they interfere with the environment, to ensure that they produce and distribute green products. Indeed, ensuring sustainable modern supply chains is essential for businesses, especially following the heavy emphasis on producing and giving out green products in the effort to curb environmental degradation. Adopting green business strategies is not only a measure for ensuring sustainable long-term business operations but also a measure for ensuring that an organization behaves and acts in a socially responsible manner. This claim reveals how government regulation can help businesses to develop strategies for ensuring environmental cautiousness by setting acceptable standards in relation to waste generation and disposal. Although individual states have environmental regulations, government agencies and international treaties may also create additional directives. For example, in the US, the Environmental Protection Agency plays the role of enforcing various environmental laws that are enacted by the federal governments. It accomplished this mission through inspections, enhancing, and ensuring transparency and accountability in business operations to the environment. It also guarantees compliance with the established laws. Apart from the environment, the labor sector is another crucial area of government regulation. Businesses face the changing government regulations. In fact, employment and labor constitute one of the areas that the government has an interest in establishing rules in a bid to safeguard the interests and rights of workers. In the US, employment and labor laws relate to the regulation of minimum wages, compliance with health standards, safety in the work environments, equality in terms of accessing employment opportunities, and privacy regulations among other issues. One of the most important mechanisms for regulating employment and labor is ensuring employees’ freedom to choose to remain employed by a business es tablishment without any coercion. In the US, the government ensures that businesses respect this right through the employment-at-will doctrine. With an exception of Montana, in all regions in the US, employment contracts are guided by the employment-at-will doctrine. In other nations, employment dismissals are based on reasonable causes. States that retain the at-will-presumption assert that the law is essential in respecting contract freedoms and/or ensuring employer reverence. Instead of job security, most employers and employees prefer the presumption. The employment-at-will doctrine holds that employers have the right and freedom of terminating employee(s) at any particular time for whatever reason they deem necessary apart from an illegal purpose and/or when an organization does not incur any liability. The doctrine also allows employees to quit their jobs any time without giving any reason or having to issue a notification. Once they follow this path, they should not face any legal consequence. Government regulations of conducts of businesses through doctrines such as the employment-at-will attract criticisms to the extent that some companies may capitalize on the available loopholes to disadvantage some employees. For instance, the at-will presumption gives employers the freedom to alter employment terms without giving prior notice and/or without attracting any legal consequences. This observation means that employers can change wages and salaries and withdraw certain benefits without any legal liability. Therefore, in the absence of any modification, the laws open employees to the vulnerability of arbitrary dismissals or being called for work without following any schedule to meet the employers’ needs. In many states, including South Carolina, contractual terms modify the employment-at-will doctrine. For instance, employers and employees can enter into contracts with the provision for termination in an event of a cause. In South Carolina and oth er states, apart from Montana, negotiations for contractual employment terms are mainly done with top-ranking employees only. This situation leaves low-ranking employees with the collective bargaining as the only option for modification of the employment-at-will doctrine that is anchored in employment and labor laws. This case suggests that the adherence to proper principles of protection of employee rights also requires not only government regulations through laws, but also the willingness of businesses to participate with goodwill in the development of policies for protecting employee employment relations. Should the Government Intervene to Protect Culture, Enforce Minimum Wages, Safety Standards, and/or Prevent Unjust Discrimination? Profit-making businesses embrace bargaining economic models in realizing their objectives. The model â€Å"presumes that an organization is a cooperative, sometimes competitive, resource distributing system†(Barney 2007, p.68.). Competitivene ss in the allocation of resources is enhanced through strategies, for instance, cost reduction in relation to the anticipated returns on investments. In this context, Collins and Jerry (1996) reckon, â€Å"Decisions, problems, and goals are more useful when shared by a greater number of people with each decision-maker bargaining with other groups for scarce resources, which are vital in solving problems and meeting goals†(p.87). The proclaimed goals refer to the aims and objectives of an organization as stipulated in the businesses’ action plans and terms. Strategic plans establish action plans that are established in the implementation plan procedures (Barney 2007). The concept of cost reduction that is embraced in business strategic management approaches is analogous or even equal to the cost elements that are used in profit-maximization models. For maximum profits, costs must remain low. In some situations, this process may involve the cutting down of labor costs a nd/or reduction of benefits provided to employees. Therefore, the government needs to get involved to ensure that businesses provide wages and salaries that can enable employees to live a worthwhile life. Under the principles of corporate social responsibility, businesses have a responsibility to ensure that they do not just serve their interest while ignoring the benefit of other stakeholders. While this situation is expected to streamline business behaviors, checks are essential for businesses that fail to comply with corporate responsibility ethical requirements by exploring discriminatory policies, exploiting employees, and/or failing to ensure safety standards among other issues. Therefore, the government needs to intervene to regulate businesses to enforce minimum wages, safety standards, and/or prevent unjust discrimination. Indeed, safety comprises an essential factor that many governments control across the globe. Protection may apply to workplaces and in products and servi ces. The US government ensures ardent regulation of businesses with respect to product safety. Product safety involves proper product labeling and description of packaged contents. The ingredient that is described on the product label should not only match the contents, but also reveal the substances that are permitted by the Foods and Drug Regulation Administration (FDA) body. The FDA inspects mass-produced products to ensure that businesses meet this ethical requirement. This plan ensures that unethical businesses do not sell unsubstantiated products, which may cause damage to their consumers. The government has the responsibility of ensuring that businesses do not explore discriminatory policies while employing people or evaluating contracts bids. The 2009 data from the US Census Bureau depicted a close relationship between small business populations’ racial and gender characteristic. According to the data, women represented 28 percent of all active contractors. This figur e corresponded to 28 percent of their total share of the population of people who engage in small businesses that focus on contracting or subcontracting with federal governments. From the context of minority groups, data from the same organization showed that persons of color accounted for 24 percent of all active small business contractors against their population of 20 percent in the overall population of small businesses. This data indicates that small business owners have equal opportunities in winning a federal contract, irrespective of gender, or racial demographic characteristics. Apart from the federal governments, even in private business establishments, the government has a responsibility for ensuring equality and fair play among different business industry actors. It is essential for the government to ensure that organizations do not engage in practices that lead to the exploitation of employees in terms of salaries and wages by regulating minimum payments and/or denying benefits such as health insurance. It also needs to intervene to guarantee that unjust discrimination does not occur. However, it is essential to note that some otherwise considered discriminatory practices are beyond the government control. Female small industrialists encounter challenges that are articulated to business formation and equal engagement in government contracts. In the effort to ensure that the businesses overcome these challenges, the US government has created policies such as affirmative action to increase the number of minority-owned small business firms that can secure government contracts. For instance, it has established a policy that requires the reservation of 5% of all contracts that are awarded by federal governments to minority-owned small businesses (Trechiel Scott, 2006). Nevertheless, such policies do not necessarily translate into increasing the number of marginalized people-owned small businesses that engage in government contracting. Why does this si tuation occur? Inequalities exist between men-owned and women-owned small businesses. The organization reveals that women-owned business revenue accounted for only 9 percent of the entire US economy in comparison with the 36 percent contribution from the revenue that was generated by the men-owned small business enterprise in 2011. This observation suggests that in case women increase their revenue objectives to equalize with small businesses that are owned by men, they are likely to make a more significant economic impact. However, a scholarly question emerges on how this goal can be accomplished. Trechiel and Scott (2006) suggest that women small business owners lack adequate â€Å"negotiating, assertiveness, and decision-making skills†(p.52). Government regulations fail to resolve any inequality that arises from differences in expertise levels. Government regulation only provides legal processes that ensure that the best business owners in terms of skills and knowledge ba ses acquire contracts and opportunities to do business with it. In the process of protecting employee interests, the government needs to take part in the development of policies for regulating business conducts. The plans should address the freedom of unionization. Labor unions are essential in different nations. They ensure the protection of employee interests. They fight for better salaries and wages, reasonable working hours, and safe and conducive work environments for their members. Labor unions also fight for unsuitable forms of labor, such as child labor. They ensure that employees gain health benefits. They also support people who are injured in work environments to pursue their rights through the payment of damages. This claim suggests that the government needs to support the ordinary course that employees pursue through labor unions. Such a course reflects significant areas of concern to the government while developing employment and labor regulations. Businesses have diff erent cultures. As a way of making sure that all organizational stakeholders focus on common goals and objectives, it is essential for them to subscribe to a common form of thinking, interacting, and upholding values and norms. Organizational norms, standards, and ways of thinking define an organizational culture, which needs to be aligned with the operations of a business entity. Organizations’ cultural elements constitute some underlying assumptions that when adopted and observed by all stakeholders, especially the diverse workforce, can aid in enhancing the success of a business entity. This claim suggests that any government interference with a business entity’s traditions through cultural regulation influences the variation of norms and values that differentiate business entities. Thus, such regulations may create an inappropriate organizational cultural hegemony within a nation after considering that a culture is an essential aspect of business entities’ c ompetitive advantage. While it is crucial for governments to regulate some aspects of business, others such as culture are inappropriate. An alternative to government regulation of businesses entails allowing organizations to behave as good corporate citizens. They need to self-regulate themselves in matters of cultures, policies on minimum wages, safety standards, and/or protection of employees against unjust discrimination. An emerging question is whether organizations should protect culture, enforce minimum wages, safety standards, and/or prevent unjust discrimination through self-regulation. Self-regulation of Businesses Government regulations are important in ensuring that businesses balance the interests of different stakeholders rather than focusing on profit maximization behavior. However, in the absence of government regulation, business entities also need to develop their internal mechanisms for ensuring protection of their cultures. They need to shun from exploring polici es that encourage unjust practices such as discrimination or failing to provide safe and healthy working environments for their employees. A good functioning of an organization requires control and monitoring. One of the ways of ensuring self-regulation in business entails respecting the principle of corporate responsibility and corporate governance. Corporate governance comprises one of the ways of controlling and enhancing the monitoring of business operations. At its basic premise is the need to alleviate disagreements of interest among partners. This agenda is mostly accomplished through the enactment of various customs, laws, processes, policies and institutions, which have enormous repercussions in terms of affecting the manner in which businesses are controlled. Eliminating conflicts of interest between businesses and employees requires firms to develop and implement policies that guarantee fundamental freedoms of employees, including unionization. Corporate governance polici es and other control structures may help to regulate employee conducts and decisions by defining what is ethically permitted. However, organizational culture may act as important regulator of employee decision-making processes. Businesses owners need to effectively deploy strategic initiatives to instill an influential culture of loyalty, which helps to drive ethical decision-making processes among employees. Through utilitarianism as an appropriate ethical theory to influence business culture, self-regulating becomes possible. For example, as a self- regulation mechanism, businesses can deploy utilitarianism to regulate employee cultures so that without government regulation, different stakeholders can act in a manner that guarantees utmost good for all. In the formation of organizational cultures, governments’ influence is inappropriate after considering that regulations must apply harmoniously within different organizations. This situation creates a government-induced cult ural hegemony in various businesses. Thus, they lack the opportunity to differentiate themselves. Therefore, governments should not regulate organizational cultures, unless where such cultures pursue policies that are misaligned with the acceptable practices in corporate social responsibility and ethics such as failure to embrace organizational diversity, which may lead to discrimination of employees on racial, ethnic, and gender lines when remunerating them or giving various benefits. Although organizations should not be regulated by influencing or protecting cultures, regulation is essential on other matters such as enforcing minimum wages, safety standards and preventing unmerited favoritism. This position is held with reference to the various experiences in which businesses have pursued policies that disadvantage employees through their exploration, amid the existence of government regulations on these issues. For example, over the last decade, some major manufacturing organizat ions have encountered criticisms over exploration of policies that have led to the re-emergence of sweatshops accompanied by discrimination and the paying of low wages. Some business entities, especially in areas that are exempted from minimum wage laws and/or regions that are dominated by consistent denial of the freedom to unionize, employees are often subjected to poor working conditions and low pay. In such businesses, child labor is also high. The current US government labor laws prohibit businesses from employing minors. The government also places legal requirements that improve the rights of workers, such as setting minimum wage and the number of hours per work shift. This achievement has been realized through intensive struggles of labor movements against sweatshops that appeared during the industrial revolution. Such regulation ensures that organizations do not self-regulate themselves on matters that undermine the rights of the citizenry. This position is perhaps correct c onsidering that failure to comply with the established business conventions may not attract any legal liability. In this context, Powell (2012,) asserts, â€Å"trade unions, minimum wage laws, fire safety laws, and labor laws have made sweatshops rare in the developed world†(p.452). Nevertheless, such achievements have not eliminated sweatshops in the US, although the term is more related to manufacturing organizations in the developing nations. This claim suggests the necessity of government regulation for businesses to ensure that they continue respecting human rights in their policies rather than just focusing on increasing their profitability by overworking employees or paying them low wages and salaries. Businesses have the responsibility of motivating their employees, enhancing safe working environment, and/or guaranteeing job satisfaction. Therefore, government regulations on work environment standards also produce positive implications for businesses. Employees who a re treated poorly produce goods that fail to pass the quality test. Through government regulations, appropriate conditions are also created for businesses to benefit from employee commitment. Self-regulation in some businesses gives them the freedom to explore policies that are not in agreement with employee safety and health. For example, it is common in China and other developing nations to find garment factories in which workers execute their daily routines in an environment that has fiber-dust enriched air. Permitting businesses to pay their workers without following government-enacted regulations on minimum wages only creates the likelihood of companies to underpay them or keep on reviewing their salaries and wages upward and downward. Such a situation exposes employees to business operational environment dynamics to the extent that they cannot plan their lives well. This claim is perhaps well evidenced by the case of Honduran garment manufacturing factory. In 2003, employees a t the factory were paid only USD0.24 for every shirt and USD0.15 for a long-sleeved t-shirt. Shirts went for USD50 in the retail market. This finding suggests that even if a worker makes 100 shirts in a day, he or she will still not afford a single shirt that he or she makes, notwithstanding other daily needs. Therefore, the government needs to intervene to regulate Honduran garment in terms of imposing regulations on minimum wage and salaries. For several years, Nike has faced criticisms for employing children in its Cambodia-based plants. However, the company refuted the accusations claiming that it was possible for people in Cambodia to fake their age by corruptly obtaining false documents. The company uses a minimal portion of the cost of production of its pair of shoes (70 pounds) in the payment of labor. Whether this assertion is true or not, government regulation of minimum wages and salaries can help to eliminate such negative accusations, which may impair the success of a b usiness, especially where some nations prohibit the exportation or importation of products that are produced with child labor, discrimination, and/or in unsafe work environments. Apart from the criticism for the violation of labor laws that govern the operation of manufacturing businesses in the US, other objections have been raised in other factories such as Addidas. Among the major concerns in these businesses are low wages and poor conditions of working in Asian-based production plants. Bad working conditions pose a major threat to employee safety or occupational health. Therefore, the government needs to mediate to discourage self-regulation by putting in place regulations for enforcing minimum wages and safety standards while at the same time preventing unjust discrimination. Conclusion Businesses need to operate with policies that ensure that they defend the welfare of all their partners. Corporate governance and corporate responsibility may aid them to eliminate unjust discri mination, underpayment of employees, and the development of a business culture that undermines employee rights such as unionization. However, businesses that seek to operate as good corporate citizens develop and implement such principles. However, this move may not serve interest of all businesses. Therefore, by allowing the freedom of self-regulation on matters of minimum wages, safety standards, and preventing unjust discrimination, some businesses may exploit employees with the objective of making optimal profits. Consequently, government regulation is relevant on issues such as minimum wages, safety standards, and preventing unjust discrimination. However, it is essential to create a nationwide business cultural hegemony. Thus, self-regulation of businesses on matters of protection of culture is essential. Reference List Barney, J. (2007). Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Collins, J., Jerry, I. (1996). Building Your Companys Vision. Harvard Business Review, 32(5), 65–90. Powell, B. (2012). The Ethics and Economic Case Against Sweatshop Labor. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(4), 449-472. Rumelt, P., Schendel, D., Teece, J. (2009). Strategic Management and Economics. Strategic Management Journal, 12(2), 5-29. Shih, H., Chiang, Y. (2005). Strategy alignment between HRM, KM, and corporate development. Information Journal of Manpower, 26(6), 582–603. Trechiel, M., Scott, J. (2006). Women-Owned Businesses and Access to Bank Credit: Evidence from Three Surveys since 1987. Venture Capital, 8(1), 51-67. Ventola, L. (2011). Direct-To-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising. Journal of Managed Care and Hospital Formulary Management, 36(10), 681–684.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Using Dryer Sheets on Your Car
Using Dryer Sheets on Your Car Did you know dryer sheets can make or break your cars finish? In some cases, they can really help you out. Mostly, however, you want to avoid putting your detailing cloths in the dryer with a dryer sheet or fabric softener. Sometimes Useful You can dampen a dryer sheet and rub it on your car to help remove dead bugs, particularly love bugs that embed in your finish. The dryer sheet trick also helps if you need to get at tar or sap. Just keep in mind that the reason this works is that the chemicals in the dryer sheet dissolve the vehicles finish. Its better than scrubbing, potentially scratching your car, but youll need to reapply wax to restore your shine and protect against future bugs and grime. Sometimes Dangerous Generally, keep dryer sheets away from your detailing cloths because the chemical residue will make it harder to get a showroom shine. If you used fabric softener or dryer sheets, youre basically fighting the chemical on your cloth to get a smooth finish. Dryer sheets are great for metal bumpers, but even there, a protective finish will serve you better in the long run. So while dryer sheets are definitely a great option for detailing your car, remember that you will have to reapply the finish when youre done with them. Just be aware of how they impact your cars finish, and you can use them to their fullest advantage.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Modern Buddhism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modern Buddhism - Research Paper Example Certain fragments of Buddhism became a part of the mainstream, turned into a politically correct element of Hellenic Polytheism of the postmodern age. It’s a wonder, but many forms of the modified Western Buddhism have become the norm: they are re-exported to Asia and, to some extent, change cultures in Buddhist countries. Global Buddhism was the result of western penetration in Asia and western understanding of Asia. Buddhism gradually transformed into a global intellectual and spiritual resource, open to universal use. This paper is focused on the history of Buddhism, its transformation and western variant, spiritual and political leaders. Buddhism is practiced by 6-8% of the world population, which is much inferior to Christianity (about 33%), Islam (about 18%) and Hinduism (approximately 13%). Buddhism is mostly Asian religion: 99 % of Buddhists live in Asia, in the eastern part of it. General periodization of the history of Buddhism includes 4 stages: 1) canonical Buddhis m (from its origin in the 6th millennium BC to the reign of Ashoka Maurya (3 BC)); 2) traditional or historical Buddhism (from Ashoka to the mid / late 19th century); 3) modern or revival Buddhism (from the late 19th century); and, finally, 4) global Buddhism. ... They are well distinguished if contrasted to a dynamic segment. This contrast can be seen on the example of separation of western Buddhist communities into originally born Buddhists and converts. Tension between ethnic groups and neophytes is so obvious that many suggest existence of two branches of Western Buddhism - traditional, passive Buddhism of ethnic diasporas and dynamic, active Western Buddhism of neophytes. Buddhism in Europe was popularized by the Hungarian Tibetologist Alexander Csoma de Koros (1784-1842) and French Indologist Eugene Burnouf (1801-1852). Choma de Koros was just a lone researcher. Burnouf managed to create one of the most powerful Buddhist schools in the world. Burnouf studied Mahayana, translated and published Saddharma Pundarika Sutra in 1852. His main work is Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism (1844). It contains translations of Sanskrit texts, as well as the first characteristics of Maha-Prajna-Paramita and Lankavatara sutras. He considered that the main benefit of Buddhism study is its contrast with Christianity thanks to which we can better understand the latter. Modern Buddhism became popular and widespread in America thanks to the Beat Generation and the Hippies who happily practiced this peaceful religion. The very combination of words â€Å"Buddhistic fundamentalism†seems irrelevant: compared with the Abrahamic religions, Buddhism has no concept of dogma, orthodoxy and heresy. Buddhism has no ontological dualism of righteousness and sin and, therefore, there is no sharp division into believers and disbelievers, chosen ones and infidels; there is no division of the world into dar-al Islam and Dar al Harb (territory of peace and territory of war). Buddhism does not claim a monopoly on truth. That’s why
Friday, October 18, 2019
Finance and Market , short essay question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words
Finance and Market , short question - Essay Example For the purpose of this study, we dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of the diversification of REITs holdings’ activities as opposed to the focused approach. Advantages Wider Market Cover When a REIT agency registers to venture into specific areas, there is an aspect of additional market cover. REIT can thus conduct a number of projects which essentially maximize its potential. This in the broader picture implies additional return on investment and maximizes the proportions of dividends that the shareholders gain in the REIT investment. This is not usually the practical case of REITs business that is restricted to specific line of real estate development. If REITs companies have specifications to operate in restricted lines of business, they cannot later on expand to more openings and business opportunities. In a diversified perspective however, REITs have to enjoy a dynamic market characterized by a wide range of business opportunities than maintenance of an ordinary r eal estate portfolio. Dynamism and Innovations Secondly, diversification have in the past enabled RETs to introduce and practice innovative ideas in the real estate properties without the risks of exceeding the limits of operation as stated in the description of the real estate portfolio. ... This approach provides opportunities for to enable the REITs to practice real estate swap which the enables upcoming potential real estate investors to get sufficient exposure to real estate property business without necessarily fulfilling the huge amounts of capital commitment. In the swap, REITs enjoy unlimited exposure to real estate and have the ability to change their capital equity and bonds without restrictions or regulations. This means that REITs sources of revenue will then not be limited to interests, but also bonds, equity and commodities. With the inclusion of the international diversification in Real Estate, there is a low correlation with interest rates than with bonds and equities. The scale of International diversification in real estate investment securities exposes REITs to minimal risk compared to the focus on equities and bonds. Disadvantages High Taxation REITs occupy larger portfolios in real estate trading and this attracts more taxes due to the statutory cons ideration of the return on investment. The wider the portfolio a real estate maintains, the larger the taxation that is applied. This is a great and inevitable challenge which incidentally is not negotiable. Risks of Over-Commitment Secondly, REITS face high risks of over-committing capital equity into long term investments whose returns are not guaranteed. This is a high risk that either leads to the extreme results, either too high losses or extremely high returns. To realize high returns in this case requires REITs to conduct systematic studies of the contemporary market risks. Divergence of focus The third disadvantage that REITs get exposure to in the diversified
Employment law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Employment law - Essay Example In the case of MyAnna, Frindus Foods limited gave her a written particular, but which failed to highlight her station of work. However, they gave her an appointment letter that stated her place of work is Telford. This was a strong indication on where her work place was, and the authorities at Telford Company had to respect this statement. Section 1 (2) of the employment rights act of 1996 denotes that an employer can give to employer pieces of a contract agreement, as long as it is done within two months. Part 1 section 4 (h) of the employment contracts act of 1996 denotes that a statement of a contract must identify the location, in which the employer is to work; or places the company authorizes him or her to work, and the address of the employer (Goldsmith, 2012). According to the appointment letter that MyAnna had, she was supposed to work at the company’s headquarters in Telford. This satisfies the requirements of a statement of employment set up by Section 4 (h), part 1 of the 1996 employment act. The contract between Frindus limited, and MyAnna is an ordinary contract, and in case Frindus wants to change the terms of the contract, the management has to consult MyAnna. In the case involving Ferodo limited against Rigby (1987), the company decided to reduce the wage rate of Rigby without his consultation. This was to affect all the employees of the organization, and it was meant to save the company from insolvency. Rigby continued to work, for almost a year before taking the matter to the court. The courts of appeal agreed with Rigby assertions that there was a breach of contract because of the unilateral decision of the company. On appeal, the House of Lords maintained the rulings from the lower courts, granting Mr. Rigby compensation for the shortfall of his wages (Velluti, 2011). The House of Lords held that by continuing to work, it did not necessarily mean that Rigby had an implied consent to the changes in the contract (Countouris, 2007). In t he case law involving Autoclenz Company against Belcherz, the Supreme Court of England denoted that an employer has a right to negotiate the provisions of his or her contract. In the case, Mr. Belcher worked for Auto Clenz limited as a valeter. Autoclenz got into a contract with British Car Auctions to provide valeting services, making Belcher and his coworkers have nothing to do. They claimed pay for the hours of work they were idle, and the company refused stating that they were self-employed, as per their contract. The main issue under concern in this case is whether Belcher and his co-workers were employees, or self-employed personnel. The Supreme Court ruled that the valeters were workers within the organization, and therefore had a contract of employment. On this basis, because there was inequality in the level in which the employees would bargain with the company (Mathijsen, 1995), the company had to consult with the workers on any issue that affects them. However in the 2010 case that involved Asda Stores against Bateman, the British Employment Tribunal denoted that an employer had the right to vary the provisions of an employee’s contract, without consulting them, if they had a variation in their employment contract with a clause that gave an employer such kind of powers. In this case, Asda Company sought to change its pay structure by reconciling the salaries of the older staff, with new employees. He consulted, the members of his older staff, and did not consult the new employees, for the
Factors Influencing Internationalization and Entrepreneurial Growth of Research Paper
Factors Influencing Internationalization and Entrepreneurial Growth of Family-Owned Businesses - Research Paper Example firms; Generational Involvement is associated with the level of Entrepreneurial indication in family firms; and, Entrepreneurial Orientation is positively related to the internationalization of family firms. Internationalization is the â€Å"process by which firms both increase their awareness of the direct and indirect influence of international transactions on their future, and establish and conduct transactions with firms in other countries†(Koh, 2010, p.22). As 80% of businesses in US are family owned, it is responsible for 60% of employment. Although a lot of these firms are small in size, still they represent around one-third of Fortune 500 Companies and around thirty five percent of the S&P 500 Industrials. (Blodgett et al, 2012) In most companies around the globe, internationalization is an important challenge which they need to address to make sure they remain competitive in today’s Global Economy. An entry into foreign soil is marked with uncertainty which may require breaking away from traditional and long used manufacturing processes, acquiring new channel partners and exploring avenues for funding. However, internationalization can be more even more challengi ng in family owned businesses, because the entry into foreign markets may require structural changes within the organization and most of these firms are extremely unwilling to lose family control. (Casillas et al, 2013). While family businesses aim for expansion, with exploring new markets, they are faced with the opposite force which is stability in their home market, which is relatively low-risk. (Casillas et al, 2013). Studies that have researched into the want of internationalization of family firms reveal an inclination toward family firms wanting to operate in the traditional markets and seem reluctant to venture into foreign territory. (Koh, 2010). This is not to say that NO family firms have surmounted this challenge, quite a few family firms have ventured into international markets and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Advertising features Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Advertising features - Essay Example consciousness of customers. In order to enhance the alertness of the customers regarding the various amenities, it is apt to hire an external advertising agency for the promotion of the activities. It can improve the growth and market share of the business thereby enhancing revenue and position of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’. Recommendations There are many external advertising agencies but as ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ is a newly opened outlet, print advertising media might be more beneficial for it. This would include newspaper or magazines in order to promote the benefits. This is because if other media such as broadcasting media, outdoor advertising or public service advertising is used then it would be quite expensive for you at this initial stage. Hence, it might not be retained by you for longer terms which may again affect the growth prospects of the business as well as impede the brand image and awareness of the products among the competitors in the market. However , for this type of business, it is essential to retain the external advertising agencies as it would provide various innovative ideas and plans for the promotion of the products or services of Doggie Dip and Do. ... e newspaper or the magazine, the requisite cost in both cases based on preference of the place of advertisement, special editorial column related to pets, public reach, pinpoint targeting, short deadlines for preparation of the advertisements, extensive market coverage, tech support such as toll-free numbers and emails and distribution frequency. If any above stated external agency such as newspaper or magazine fulfils these criteria then it can be selected for promotion (Patsula Media, 2001). The newspaper or magazines are read by all age groups so it might attract the attentions of the pet loving individuals. This would augment the brand awareness, brand identity and potency of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ among others in the market. It would also improve the market position and the revenue of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ (Department of Science and Technology, 2005). Moreover, the cost incurrence may be quite less as compared to other advertising media, which would be extre mely beneficial for ‘Doggie Dip and Do’. Apart from this, the other vital factor which can be considered is public reach. This would improve the brand identity of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ (Missouri Department of Transportation, 2012). In addition, distribution channels, customer demand and market coverage are also other vital aspects which might be beneficial. In addition, availability is the other important factor which might be viable for the promotion of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ (Clow, 2007). Besides, display of various pictures along with information in the newspapers or magazines can also attract customers. Hence, it can be affirmed that the feasible options for promotions of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ are newspapers or magazines due to the above discussed factors (Engeseth, 2006). Proper distribution
The murder case against Lizzie Borden Research Paper - 1
The murder case against Lizzie Borden - Research Paper Example Her older sister’s name was Emma Lenora who was the daughter of Sarah and Andrew. Emma Lenora was born on 1 March 1851. At the age of two, Lizzie’s mother caught uterine congestion and passed away. After her mother’s death, Lizzie’s father got married to another woman named Abby Durfee. â€Å"In 1884 when Andrew gave his wifes half-sister a house, his daughters objected and fought with their stepmother, refusing thereafter to call her "mother" and calling her simply "Mrs. Borden" instead†(Lewis, 2013). Lizzie was the patient of psychomotor epilepsy that causes the temporal lobe to be seized with a symptom. The patient of psychomotor epilepsy is able to execute the actions in the state of a dream, and is yet aware of all the actions without knowing what he/she is doing. As a result of this, Lizzie developed two personalities that were entirely different from each other; one, she was a sweet daughter, and another, as a mean daughter. As a sweet daughter, Lizzie was a brilliant conversationalist as well as a member of the Congressional Church. As a mean daughter, Lizzie was very resentful of the patriarchy. The family’s contradiction regarding the social statuses explained the development of these two personalities by Lizzie. In addition to this, Lizzie was also habitual of stealing things from the local merchants. J. Borden and his wife got murder while they were in their family home on 4 August 1892. It was a hot day. The Borden family’s maid was resting in her bed after she had washed the outside windows. The time was 11 o’ clock. Lizzie Borden was heard crying asking her elder sister Maggie to come down as she had discovered her father’s dead body. The body of her father had been hacked almost to the point that he could not be recognized. Almost half an hour later, after her father’s body had been discovered, Adelaide Churchill discovered the dead body of Abby Borden, Lizzie’s
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Advertising features Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Advertising features - Essay Example consciousness of customers. In order to enhance the alertness of the customers regarding the various amenities, it is apt to hire an external advertising agency for the promotion of the activities. It can improve the growth and market share of the business thereby enhancing revenue and position of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’. Recommendations There are many external advertising agencies but as ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ is a newly opened outlet, print advertising media might be more beneficial for it. This would include newspaper or magazines in order to promote the benefits. This is because if other media such as broadcasting media, outdoor advertising or public service advertising is used then it would be quite expensive for you at this initial stage. Hence, it might not be retained by you for longer terms which may again affect the growth prospects of the business as well as impede the brand image and awareness of the products among the competitors in the market. However , for this type of business, it is essential to retain the external advertising agencies as it would provide various innovative ideas and plans for the promotion of the products or services of Doggie Dip and Do. ... e newspaper or the magazine, the requisite cost in both cases based on preference of the place of advertisement, special editorial column related to pets, public reach, pinpoint targeting, short deadlines for preparation of the advertisements, extensive market coverage, tech support such as toll-free numbers and emails and distribution frequency. If any above stated external agency such as newspaper or magazine fulfils these criteria then it can be selected for promotion (Patsula Media, 2001). The newspaper or magazines are read by all age groups so it might attract the attentions of the pet loving individuals. This would augment the brand awareness, brand identity and potency of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ among others in the market. It would also improve the market position and the revenue of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ (Department of Science and Technology, 2005). Moreover, the cost incurrence may be quite less as compared to other advertising media, which would be extre mely beneficial for ‘Doggie Dip and Do’. Apart from this, the other vital factor which can be considered is public reach. This would improve the brand identity of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ (Missouri Department of Transportation, 2012). In addition, distribution channels, customer demand and market coverage are also other vital aspects which might be beneficial. In addition, availability is the other important factor which might be viable for the promotion of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ (Clow, 2007). Besides, display of various pictures along with information in the newspapers or magazines can also attract customers. Hence, it can be affirmed that the feasible options for promotions of ‘Doggie Dip and Do’ are newspapers or magazines due to the above discussed factors (Engeseth, 2006). Proper distribution
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Metamorphosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The Metamorphosis - Essay Example He is motivated by his need to fit into the role of being a family man. However, once Gregor is inexplicably transformed into an Ungeziefer which is roughly equivalent to â€Å"vermin† he is no longer capable of taking care of his family in a traditional capacity. Instead, he is relegated to being a blind, wilting creature. All of his energy goes towards looking out the window, even as his vision and perception deteriorate. He devolves from desiring to care for his family and retain his job to desiring nothing more than to delude himself into believing that his sister is playing the violin for him. He scurries out into their midst, no longer conscious as his familys need for him to remain hidden. He confronts his mother with his shriveled form and terrifies their lodgers with his uncleanliness. Ultimately, Gergors nature as a man is completely destroyed. As his family â€â€however horrid they might be points out, â€Å"If [this creature] were Gregor he would have seen long ago that its not possible for human beings to live with an animal like that and he would have gone of his own free will.†Gregor has lost his ability to place his family above himself, but he still retains his ability to feel affection as evidenced by the â€Å"emotion and love†he holds for his family. The obligation that he held as a traveling salesman, however, has long since faded away, taking with it the satisfactions and desires that mark him as
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Different Flood Myths
The Different Flood Myths In the following essay, I am going to examine the flood myth that is written in The Epic of Gilgamesh, and compare its similarities and differences to the one that is found in the Book of Genesis. In both works, there is an immense flood that engulfs the earth. The question that remains to be answered is, is this the same flood recorded in both texts? The corresponding elements that occur between both texts have been somewhat of a puzzling issue for some researchers. On first speculation, it would be fair to say that both coincide with each other due to the major similarity between them. However, subtle differences could prove otherwise. The flood myth in The Epic of Gilgamesh was written somewhere around 2750 and 2500 BCE [1] , whereas the Book of Genesis 6-9 was written around 500BC [2] . It could be said that the Biblical authors were aware of the flood recorded on Tablet XI and may have adapted it to correspond with the writings of the Biblical text. Alexander Heidel explores three central theories about how the two accounts may be linked. He states that first, the Babylonians borrowed from the Hebrew account; second, the Hebrew account is dependent on the Babylonian; third, both are descended from a common original. [3] Heidel goes on to say that because The Epic of Gilgamesh was written before the Book of Genesis The most widely accepted explanation today is the second, namely, that the biblical account is based on Babylonian material. [4] However, a theory of this nature causes some controversy within the Christian faith as it could be said that it mat question the reliability of the Bible. As I have previously stated, both myths share many of the same elements. Merrill F. Unger believes that when comparing the two, there are certain components that have to be looked at, in order to create and understanding of both accounts; the first being that the flood was planned by the god in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis . Secondly, that a warning was given to both protagonists prior to the flood happening. Thirdly, is that the flood is connected with the destruction of mankind. Another being, the protagonist and his family were allowed to escape from the disaster. The building of the vessel to protect various life-forms is another. Also, what should be noted is the physical destruction of each flood and the duration of it. The landing place of the boat should also be mentioned and the releasing of the birds. Finally, the last similar element that should be discussed are the sacrifices the heros presented to their gods and what they received in return. [5] Although these similarities cannot be ignored, Kenneth A. Kitchen says that there are also many differences that run through each of the flood accounts, even though the general similarities suggest a definite relationship between the two traditions. [6] Kitchen goes on to say that it is these differences that provides a clear view of w hy the flood happened, that they define the characters of the gods and protagonists. By using specific details such as, the landing places of the ships, the releasing of the birds, numbers and genders of the surviving animals and humans and the building of the ships, we can compare the differences, enabling one to study the relationship between the flood accounts in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis. [7] Both stories tell a tale about a righteous figure who is informed by divine beings that a great flood is going to destroy the earth. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the main protagonist of this myth, Utnapishtim, is met by Gilgamesh whilst on his journey in pursuit of immortality. Utnapishtim is asked by Gilgamesh how he became immortal and that is when he tells him about the flood that happened in a city called Shurrupak, which stands on the banks of the river Euphrates. [8] It is the noise that man makes the Gods deem to be intolerable, so they decide to eli minate all of mankind. The god of waters, Ea, is the one to warn Utnapishtim of what is about to come. [9] In the Book of Genesis, God recognises how man has become wicked, so in turn, God feels it necessary to flood the earth and be rid of man. We learn that Noah is seen by God as a righteous man and is spared, [Noah]found grace in the eyes of the Lord. [10] Noah is then told by God to build an ark and take both his family and two of every animal with him. The first similarity to notice here is the use of divine involvement in both myths. However, it is here where a difference occurs. In the Book of Genesis, it is evident that monotheism (only one god) is present. Whereas, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, it is clear to see that polytheism is visible (more than one god). As stated previously, the gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh want to flush out mankind because of their noise. The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reasons of the babel [11] . While in Genesis, God floods the earth because of the wickedness of man. It repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. [12] I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. . . . [13] In addition to this, mans fate is to die in the epic, yet in Genesis, Noah tries to save the evil by preaching to them. This again is a striking difference between the two myths. Additionally to this, in both the Book of Genesis and The Epic of Gilgamesh, the hero of the story is warned prior to facing the major disaster and vessels are built to shield them from the catastrophic flood, to maintain the life of each species. Utnapishtim is told not to take anything of worth on the boat, but does so anyway. Like in the Book of Genesis, animals are taken on the boat and the storm continues for six days and nights. [14] In the epic, Utnapishtim is warned though a dream by Ea, whereas God tells Noah about the coming flood in G enesis, and it rains for forty days and forty nights. Something that can also be found in both accounts is the use of the number seven. In the Book of Genesis the world was created in seven days. The number seven also appears in the flood account. After seven days the waters of the flood were upon the earth [15] . This is also apparent in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Although the rain only lasts for six days and six nights, when the storm calms and the boat lands, it remains there for seven days. In the epic, the storm calms on the seventh day and the boat stops at the mountain of Nisir. After a week, Utnapishtim releases birds from the boat. This is also parallel to what happens in the Book of Genesis. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim releases three birds from the vessel. First he releases a dove which returns because there is no food or resting place. A wallow is then sent out, but still returns. Then finally, a raven is set free and does not return, meaning it has found land and food. I loosed a dovebut finding no resting-place she returnedthen I loosed a swallow, and she flew away but finding no resting-place she returnedI loosed a ravenand she did not come back [16] . In the Book of Genesis, Noah also does this but only using two birds. First a raven that returns and secondly a dove that brings back an olive branch. It could be said that the olive branch is used as a symbol of peace and that mankinds suffering has now come to an end. [17] In addition, a raven could be seen as a messenger of the gods, so by using this particular species of bird in each myth, it highlights the powers that the deities have in both texts. However, the subtle difference is that in the Book of Genesis, the raven was unsuccessful, whereas in Gilgamesh it was the raven who found land. This could link to my earlier point that in the epic, that the fate of mankind will always lay in the hands of the gods. Yet, in Genesis, the symbol of peace, suggests that God has put an end to the punishment of mankind and will let them begin a new life. Another similarity is that both Utnapishtim, in the epic, and Noah, in Genesis thank the Gods for sparing them from the flood. However, they offer their thanks in different ways. In Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim pours out a libation on the top of the mountain. [18] Yet, Noah builds an altar for God. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord [19] . Furthermore, both protagonists make a sacrifice once the flood had ended. In the Book of Genesis, Noah is told by God to leave the ark, Leave the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives [20] Noah then makes a sacrifice to God by burning some animals on the altar that he made. In The Epic of Gilgamesh a sacrifice is also made to the Gods. Yet, when Utnapishtim offers a sacrifice, Enlil is enraged because Utnapishtim was excluded from the destruction of all man. Then Ea persuades Enlil that Utnapishtim escaped through his own means, and Utnapishtim is then granted immortality by Enlil. Finally, there is a symbol shown, in both texts, to indicate that the earth will not be flooded by the gods again. In Gilgamesh there is a necklace and it is exclaimed that the gods will not forget these days [21] . Whereas in Genesis a rainbow appears. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. [22] Both flood accounts in The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis are extremely alike as well as possessing major differences. As the source of each flood story differs between the two, there can be some conclusions brought up about the Babylonian culture in comparison to the Hebrew culture. As stated previously, polytheism is apparent throughout the Babylonian culture and they believe that the gods are separate from each other and that they have restricted power. So, the people cannot always rely on the gods to be rewarding to the serving and the just. Additionally, monotheism is u sed within the Hebrew culture, where God is seen as almighty, that his power is unrestricted and he is good. The belief is that God created the world that is orderly and therefore rewards men who worship him. However, this theory is dependent on each individuals personal moral grounds. What I wanted to examine throughout this essay is the relationship between the flood myths that occur in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis. There are three theories that could possibly link the two that I would like to discuss; the first being that The Epic of Gilgamesh may have been derived from the Genesis account. However, the epic flood myth was written long before the one found in Genesis. So, because of the dates in which both of the flood accounts were written, this theory has been disproved. Another hypothesis that may link the two is that the account found in the Book of Genesis may have been taken from the one found in The Epic of Gilgamesh and altered slightly. Conversely, this theory poses some major complications. If this were true, then the writer of the Genesis account would have had to thoroughly go over the Epic and change many of its components. Things such as the reason why the gods decided to cause the flood, changing it to a righteous motivation. Also, descriptions of the flood would have had to be altered, making it to be universal so the whole account would be credible. Lastly, changing the use of polytheism to a completely monotheistic world would have been very difficult. So, even though there are major mirroring images between the two, this would have been almost impossible to recreate, rendering this theory to be inconceivable. The most plausible possibility is the third theory, that both of the flood accounts may have come from one event. Kenneth A. Kitchen believes that it is probable that The Hebrew and Babylonian accounts may go back to a common ancient tradition, but are not borrowed directly from each other. [23] After cons idering all of the similar and dissimilar elements of both texts, it seems that in The Epic of Gilgamesh, a warped account of an event was recorded, which lost its historical precision and it could be said, that the version recorded in the Book of Genesis may be a more precise report of the disaster. So, to conclude, after comparing the two accounts of the flood in each text, it is evident that there is a relationship between the two, despite the many differences. Each story provides a learning curve from culture to culture about historical events though the medium of storytelling. Separate cultures develop over time, and it would be fair to say that it inevitable that some events are going to become overlapped and repeated throughout different historical and religious texts.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Computer Animator :: essays research papers
Computer Animators      Animation as an art form has been around for almost one hundred years. From the earliest days of hand drawn cels, individual pictures strung together, to the complex rendering of 3-D virtual worlds, animation packs peoples' lives. Do you wonder how the computer-animated movies are made or want to become a computer animator? Computer Animation is a fast growing field. There are many different areas to of animation, computer animation is what this paper is about, history of animation and how it came to be and how to get there and what computer animators do for their job is what is in this paper. Animation was first developed in 1906 by Stuart Blackton, a young English-born adventurer. His first short film, â€Å"Humorous Phases of Funny Faces†, was a sensation with audiences. Blackton’s illusion was created by a very simple method, comical faces were drawn on a blackboard, then erased. The camera was stopped after each face was photographed. The 'stop-motion' provided a startling effect as the facial expressions changed before the audience's eyes. A major breakthrough for animation came in 1915, when J. R. Bray was granted patents for his use of glassine paper. Bray created a two-dimensional look with his animation by drawing on a clear plastic sheet and then placing it over a pre-drawn background. Max Fleischer's rotoscope consisted of a drawing board, fitted with a piece of frosted glass, and a motion picture projector mounted underneath which magnified a single frame of motion picture film onto the glass. When the figure on one frame had been traced onto translucent paper, a crank advanced the film to the next frame. People who choose a career path as a professional animator work in a challenging, fast-paced, and rewarding field. The resurgence in popularity of animation has re-opened countless opportunities for highly creative individuals, with computer skills. The latest need for computer animators is created by the expansion of the World Wide Web. Businesses of all types are hiring web developers to design web pages to promote their products and services to prospective customers who are accessing the Internet. Web developers and animators, use animated gifs, an image that appears to be alive, to display their talents in the hope of crossing the bridge to a full time position in animation. The better the gif the brighter the future! This is a highly competitive career choice and individuals most often find themselves starting out at the bottom.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 20 Analysis :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
In chapter 20 of â€Å"To kill a Mockingbird†, Harper Lee wrote about the great divide between black and white people in Maycomb County, and why the public should not judge them too harshly. The Author explains all this through Atticus who is fighting on Tom Robinson’s behalf, that Tom did not rape Mayella Ewell. Atticus tried to persuade the jury beyond reasonable doubt, that Mayella was simply claiming Tom had raped her, to cover up for her wanting to kiss and tempt Tom Robinson (A black man). Atticus explained that Mayella had obviously broken no law, but â€Å"a rigid and time-honoured code of their society†and whoever broke this code would be â€Å"hounded from their midst as unfit to live with†(page.224). Atticus explains that guilt was her motivation, Mayella was just one among thousands that would be ashamed to have any relationship with a black man, other than him being a â€Å"servant†. Mayella simply did not want to be tormented or seen as a â€Å"Negro lover†, so she decides to get rid of the evidence, Tom Robinson’s life. It is also clear, that Atticus believes in Tom Robinson’s innocence with a passion. Atticus is not defending the man just because judge Taylor appointed him, he is defending him out of his own moral principles. Not because he has to, but because he wants to and its what he believes is right. Atticus refers to Tom as a â€Å"quiet, respectable, humble Negro†(page.225). Even though Atticus tries to be on good terms with all people, he has a dislike for people who fall under the category of â€Å"white trash†. However his view on people like this is incredibly different to the stereotypical view, which is shown more by his sister Alexandra. Alexandra, like many others, believes that if people are from a poor family or a family that had a â€Å"bad streak†, then they are not worthy to be friends with people like the Finches. Atticus’ view is completely opposite. He sees people for their qualities and not possessions, people like Bob Ewell, he sees as trash, because of the way he abuses his children and the way he abuses the law. So it is clear why Tom is even respected by Atticus, because he is polite and would never harm another human being unless in the defence of someone. So, in Atticus’ point of view, sentencing Tom Robinson as guilty and to receive the capital punishment, would be similar to killing a mockingbird, something he believes, is a sin.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Alternative Scenarios/Future Analysis & Delphi Technique
The way word ‘dynamic’ has qualified itself, to describe current affairs, implies that future is getting more uncertain now. Radical changes in the past have made present more autonomous; and future more unpredictable. Need to understand and define the future have made it more demanding for the analysts to outline different trends curtailing to specific events, wonder what might happen next, and make strategies to control the future. Before stepping into the world ‘about to come’, it is important to understand that future is not prediction, there’s nothing rationale known about future, and tomorrow would not be like today.Studying future needs a systematic approach that involves identification of past trends, study of current scenarios, and exploring possible alternatives, given possible scenarios. Alternative Future Alternative future analysis is critically an assessment approach that provides large scale long term perspective of a problem that could be divided into different alternative, each curtailing to any one sub-perspective. It helps translate different visions and goals into alternatives, which could be assessed by the experts/analysts. It provides the policy makers with a ‘vision’ to follow, in case any scenario/alternative is realized.As all these alternatives are critically evaluated socio-economically, ecologically and rationally, chances of their sustenance is far better than many other future predicting techniques. There are two main ways the alternative future analysis process operates (Steinitz 2003 and Theobald & Hobbs 2002). Firstly, it is the formation of numerous alternative plans, assessing their consequences, and then following the most desirable one. It involves geometrical, pre-dominant and political interests of people. This approach is simple, but, simplicity is also a limitation (Steinitz 2003).Secondly, it is the identification of ‘most’ important issues, pertaining to polic y and decision making. Concluded scenario reflects the inputs of different people, reflected from the choices made for it (Steinitz 2003). Scenario Analysis Scenario analysis is a strategic tool, designed impeccably to design strategies, based on multiple outcomes or complex competitive situations (Sandmore, 2005). Selection of scenarios/outcomes is based upon the probabilities assigned to them, in response to values attained from different related factors. These responses help analysts develop contingency plan that covers many different possibilities.Moreover, they can identify potential threats, and can evaluate current strategy, working under the similar model. The analysis starts with the assumption that some future state has been achieved; now the work starts backwards. It helps identify all those factors and their probable affect, until a ‘base case’ is prepared. Now those variables are altered to consider the changes in the output. So it gives analysts more contr ol over the variables, and helps decision makers identify different variables, with respect to their impact and urgency. It is important to understand that it does not predict future, it just gives a possibility.Its success is very much dependent upon the level of details or factors involved are identified by the analysts, and how correctly they have related those factors to the scenario. Those factors could be political, technological, economical or social in nature. It also helps analysts understand different scenarios, and make best use of it by controlling most effective variable. Consequently, it increases the decision making time, that could result in change of some factors or scenarios over time. Moreover, external impacts could not be controlled, and their happening is not easily predictable.It also increases the chances of errors, and questions the dependability of analysis. Delphi Technique Derived from a Greek’s oracle, Delphi is the best known qualitative, structu red and indirect future prediction method in use today (Woudenberg, 1991). It consists of a sequence of steps adopted for provoking and refining opinions of different experts (Brown, 1968). This technique was adopted by multiple disciplines and each altered it to its use; hence we have three different techniques in use today. Conventional Delphi is used for forecasting and estimating unknown parameters up to a level of consensus.Policy Delphi is used to generate most opposite ideas or opinions to identify the two extremes (Bjil, 1992). Decision Delphi, on the other hand, is utilized to reach decisions amongst experts, with all contributing in the solution. While following Delphi approach, firstly, all the participants are informed, informally, about issues to be discussed. Secondly, a questionnaire regarding issue is distributed. This part includes great involvement of monitoring team, as this must elicit convergent and divergent points. Thirdly, more questionnaires are distributed, each with the knowledge about the previous one.This helps them refine their opinions, and could mold the respondents’ answers to a particular direction. It is repeated, until and unless a final consensus is achieved. Finally, the coordinating team pulls together all the responses and consensus into a final report (Masini, 1993). The most unfortunate development in the end of nineteenth century was the formation of Al-Qaida that has threatened most of the developed economies, especially United States of America and United Kingdom. In 1998, Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaida, announced that his league will be in pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).Since then, many American and European countries have put hands together to fight against the increasing influence of these terrorists. After the most drastic terrorist attack of 9/11, US forces, in support of many European forces, attacked Afghanistan, the biggest suspect of Al-Qaida home-base. Later, in 2003, US force s invaded Iraq. Here the culprit was Saddam Hussein, who was declared an agent of Al-Qaida. Since then, North Korea, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan have been the targets of US in its war against terrorism. This war, one way or the other, is weakening both Al-Qaida and US economy.In retaliation to US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, Al-Qaida’s race to get hold of WMD have intensified. What this war has in stored for our future is a big question mark for us. To understand what different experts have to say about it, a project is initiated, in which diplomats, critics, politicians, journalists and policy makers will be surveyed, using Delphi technique. First of all, through emails, letters and visitors, all these participants will be selected, based upon their availability, level of involvement in current affairs, especially war against terrorism, critical insight and reputation amongst the colleagues.Once their participation will be confirmed, all of them will be officially communic ated about the issue to be discussed, which is the sensitivity of WMD, and possible targets of Al-Qaida attacks in US. Major research will carry around: the importance of WMD; whether or not Al-Qaida has one of it; possible target of Al-Qaida’s attacks in US; security levels in US; and response of US nation towards US policy of war against terrorism. Major assumptions will be taken based on the trend analysis, by monitoring team.Major targets will be nominated based upon following factors: Location (geographically and strategically); Importance (economic and defense); Security (national and nominal); Population (distribution and class); Impact (economically and socially); and Urgency. These factors will further be classified based upon the response from the experts. All the participants will be allowed to make any assumptions, which should be communicated before the submission of questionnaire. Major questions for the first round will be: 1. Is Al-Qaida a threat to US, or a t icket to failing states?2. Are Weapons of Mass Destruction in safe hands? 3. Does Al-Qaida have Weapons of Mass Destruction? 4. Are Al-Qaida attacks consequences of US policies? 5. What could be the purpose of Al-Qaida’s attack in US? 6. Can US sustain Al-Qaida’s attacks? 7. What could be the possible target of Al-Qaida? 8. Is US national strong enough to stop Al-Qaida’s attack? 9. How concern is US nation about terrorism? 10. Is Al-Qaida making its roots in Americans? References Bjil R (1992). â€Å"Delphi in a future scenario study on mental health and mental health care†in Futures Vol 24, No 3, pp 232-250Brown B (1968). Delphi Process: A Methodology Used for the Elicitation of Opinions of Experts Santa Monica: The RAND Corporation Foreign Policy (2010, January 25th). Al-Qaida’s pursuit of Weapons of Mass Destruction. August 9, 2010, from http://www. foreignpolicy. com/articles/2010/01/25/al_qaedas_pursuit_of_weapons_of_mass_destruction Masini, E (1993). Why Futures Studies? London: Grey Seal Steinitz, Carl (2003) Alternative futures for changing landscapes. USA: Island Press Woudenberg F (1991). â€Å"An Evaluation of Delphi†in Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol 40, pp 131-150
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