Wednesday, November 27, 2019
From the 1967 Referendum to the Tent Embassy essays
From the 1967 Referendum to the Tent Embassy essays In 1967, the Australian Government, under PM Harold Holt, held a referendum to decide the faith of the Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders. The question that was put to the citizens of Australia was should Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders be counted in the national census? The referendum of 1967 has raised many issues involving individuals and the government. For the individual, racism was slowly disappearing along with the White Australian Policy. Many European Australians, started to become aware of the level of discrimination, which was aimed at the Aborigines. Their attitude towards the indigenous changed dramatically, as racism became socially unacceptable. This was not only happened in Australia, right around the world, people in many countries were starting to reconcile with their indigenous people, which made Australians think of its own. White men were seen protesting with the blacks and many supported their claims to be counted in the census. As for the government, it was feeling the pressure of international attention. Prior to the 1967 referendum, Australia signed the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which revamped the indigenous peoples determination to be counted in the national census. The government was criticised for its treatment of its indigenous people. It soon decided the best solution was for its people decide the future of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. On January 26, 1972, after Prime Minister William McMahons stated that his government would not grant land rights, nor compensate the Aboriginal people, Aboriginal protester, with and bold and extreme scheme, came up with the idea of Aboriginal Tent, as an Embassy. Known as the Tent Embassy, it was set up on the front lawns of the Parliament House. The embassy had created a lot of issues that the individuals and the government had to deal with. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Tips for Writing a PhD Dissertation
Tips for Writing a PhD Dissertation Tips for Writing a PhD Dissertation Before writing their dissertation, PhD students should take a number of measures to ensure that they are writing the correct things. There are different sources of tips for writing a PhD dissertation. These tips give a guideline of how to write a good thesis, listing the steps that need to be followed. One of the aspects that should not be forgotten is the methodology. This is where the student gives an in depth analysis of the topic of the dissertation. Depending on the subject of discipline, this should cover the biggest part of the introduction section. The student should choose the methodology that they feel comfortable with. This decreases any chances of getting short of writing materials on the way. There are times when a student starts to write the methodology section only to find that they have exhausted all the knowledge that they had. Getting these tips helps the students choose the best methodology for their dissertation topics. Another way of getting help is obtaining, from a reliable source, an example of a dissertation that was perfectly done. This could be an example written by a student from the same institution, their lecturer or a different institution. Care should be taken to ensure that the student gets the example from a reliable source. To spare as much time as possible, PhD students should not include footnotes while writing their PhD dissertations. This should however not be confused with leaving out the references of the sources. It only means that the student should minimize on the contents of the paper that do not add to the word count as expected. For instance, if a student is writing a brief dissertation, including words that do not add content to the dissertation limits the points that they will discuss in their dissertation. For this reason, the student will be forced to include the main point s only so that they get the full mark as compared to filling the paper with content that will instead lower their grade. When a student chooses a topic, they need to be sure that they will populate it to the latter. One of the tips of assisting the student to do so is writing down the main points. Here, the student writes down the key words that will guide them in elaborating the entire point. It reduces any probability of forgetting important sections of the PhD thesis. The student is at the advantage of finishing the paper in good time because they have somewhere to refer their main points and that research will be an easier task. Students should form a habit of researching from different sources to ensure that they get the opinions of different writers. The student should visit different writers to get some of the important tip of writing their thesis. When you need professional academic assistance in writing a PhD paper visit our custom dissertation writing service .
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
International Strategic Management - Assignment Example To adequately address his concept of sustainability, Elkingtons (1998) introduced the three Ps that include people, profit and planet therefore, the concept of Triple Bottom Line. Since the introduction of the TBL framework in mid 1990s, many organizations have been adopting the practice as their main approach that supports sustainability goals especially based on the increased ability to measure environmental and social impact in addition to the more traditional financial performance. This essay presents an evaluation of the concept of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) and its usefulness for businesses. The difficulties of measuring TBL especially social and environmental components is also discussed bearing in mind there is no standard unit of measure for the two. By definition, TBL refers to an accounting approach for business, non-profit and government organizations to assess performance based on three frameworks covering financial, environmental and social dimensions. However, TBL represents a more complex measure of performance as it includes social and ecological aspects of the organization, which is difficult to quantify during the process of assessment. Further, this is a more plausible measure as it is more comprehensive than the eco-efficiency method of sustainability measurement, which had also gained widespread use during the time of TBL introduction. To simplify further the application of this framework, Elkingtons (1998) presented its application in terms of the three Ps comprising people, planet and profits (3Ps). The researcher, therefore, was able to breakdown his analysis where people as a bottom line refers to all the individuals interacting with the organization or products and the impact both the organization and products has on them. The organization will therefore be concerned with the wellbeing of individuals such as farmers, suppliers, of raw materials and employees
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Tort Law - Essay Example This additional amount is known as punitive damages. Similarly, there may be situations whereby the plaintiff may file an injunction which prevents the defendant from injuring him or her or from invading one of his or her property. Tort laws are laws instituted to offer compensation to persons who have been harmed due to the irrational actions of a second or third party. The claims in tort generally involve state law, and are based on the postulation that individuals are at all times liable for their own actions, if it either directly or indirectly results in the injury of others. Tort law constitutes a branch of private law that is also characterized by contract law, property law and restitution. A tort law has a distinctive capability of transferring the problems of a victim plaintiff, to another person, the defendant2. In the tort law, the duty of care is that legal obligation that is imposed upon a person requiring that the individual stick to the standard of reasonable care in c ourse of executing any acts that can foreseeable harm other individuals. In order to establish whether there was an act of negligence in this case or not, there is need to first consider if the Healthy Organics Ltd, Maahir, Harry, the paramedics, Fred as well as the Surgeon who used a \ new non-invasive technique who can be regarded as defendants in this case, owed the plaintiffs (the affected individuals) a duty of care. In other words, are the five reasonably responsible for the injuries sustained by Syed, Maisy, Tom, Gerry, and Robert? As it is in this case, it is certain that there was a duty of care that is imposed by law that the defendants in this case breached and as provided by law such individuals are subject to liability. Exploration The article under analysis comprises of a number of cases that lie within the context of tort. The first is a scenario whereby a tort suit is applicable is in the case against Maahir, who is in possession of work man tools that aid him in eff ectively undertaking his work. As such, he is tasked with the obligation of ensuring the tools he uses are kept away safely, lest they inflict injury on any second or third party. Regrettably this is what unerringly materialized. Via a series of events made probable by laxity on the part of Maahir, Syed, an innocent child, is hurt. Explicitly, this set-up is characterized by elements of strict liability. Strict liability entails the plaintiff ascertaining, beyond a doubt, the defendant had an obligation to guarantee something was kept safe. Subsequently, the defendant failed to perform this duty, thus, leading to injury of the plaintiff. In this case, there was foreseeability as the random and careless placing of tools in an environment characterized by children was bound to eventuate in injury. In this occasion, Maahir had a liability on the injury sustained by Syed. When this case is looked into closely, there exists negligence on the part of Maahir. However, Syed must prove that he was a primary victim of negligence. In the ruling Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire3, it was ruled that primary victims only have to prove that the injury was foreseeable. Furthermore, there is no need to establish that psychiatric injury was indeed foreseeable4. As such, under this criterion then Maahir is liable for the injury sustai
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Marketing Plan Skylarknet a Wireless Essay Example for Free
Marketing Plan Skylarknet a Wireless Essay Wireless mesh networking is the latest tech in this field. Internet pro Wireless networks provide unprecedented freedom and mobility for a growing number of laptop and PDA users who no longer need wires to stay connected with their workplace and the Internet. Ironically, the very devices that provide wireless service to these clients need lots of wiring themselves to connect to private networks and the Internet. This wiring is expensive to install and change, and deployment must be carefully planned and timed to minimize disruption to normal business operations. Permits or permissions may be required, and then there are the laborious tasks of pulling, terminating and testing the copper wiring or fiber optic cabling. With all the work involved, it should not be surprising that wiring can be the most expensive part of a â€Å"wireless†network! Indeed, the many obstacles associated with wiring are now preventing or delaying the deployment of wireless applications that could deliver a real competitive advantage or a high return on investmentâ€â€or both. This marketing plan provides an overview of implementing Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) service for the first time in the suburban areas of Bangladesh. Wireless Mesh Network is an exciting new technology which has tremendous potential especially for a developing country like Bangladesh. Quite a few African countries are already benefiting from this novel technology. Supported by the growing buying power, a number of desktop and laptop users in the suburban areas of Bangladesh are badly in need of high quality internet service. In the world of internet the best suitable option stands for the suburban areas is the wireless technology. We plan to act as a service and equipment provider for the local ISP dealers and some institutional market such as university campus, NGO, hospitals and nursing home etc. As we are the pioneer of this new technology we conducted an insightful analysis of the competitor’s position and their offerings. The marketing plan starts with the situational analysis of the current market. External and internal factor analysis (SWOT analysis) provides a clear picture of current scenario. Grameen Phone, Qubee, Banglalion, ZoomUltra are our main competitors. But the cost of their offering is much higher than ours. Because there lies a higher establishment cost. Eliminating wires dramatically reduces the implementation costs, and substantially simplifies on-going operations. Without wires, the network becomes far more adaptable and flexible. That’s why we focus on the cost effectiveness and performance of the WMN service. We identify our company as a market challenger and set some strategies suitable for the challengers. Some pilot projects are planned to create the awareness among target customers. Based on these projects success further promotional and pricing strategies are set. In the later part of the report the feasibility of this marketing plan is justified by the financial analysis. Expense and sales are forecasted for the next three years followed by a break-even analysis. Overall monitoring and contingency plan (in the case of failure) completes the total planning for our company. Introduction In this world of modern technology, most people prefer not to connect computers with Ethernet cables because excessive cables scattered throughout their office or home is unsightly. One can choose to install a wireless network to avoid excessive cabling. For a wireless network, there is no need to use Ethernet cables to connect your computers to the DSL or router. Moreover, WLANs are available anywhere in the world at an affordable cost. In the suburban and rural areas Wireless tech suits best. Wireless mesh networking is the newest tech in wireless field. Our objective is to identify the potential suburban customers of Bangladesh who can afford a cost-effective internet service. Origin of the Study This report has been prepared a requirement to fulfill the course. This report evaluates the business opportunity of latest wireless mesh network technology in the suburban areas of Bangladesh from service provider point of view. Objective of the Study The primary objective of this report is to fulfill the course requirement of â€Å"Marketing Management†. The secondary objective is to describe a detail marketing plan for a new technology. Limitation of the Study There is no authentic statistics about the potential number of internet users in the suburban areas of Bangladesh. As this is a new technology, the costs of the equipments vary depending on the different manufacturers. We are making a new entry, so the estimation of potential market is based on the secondary data of other existing competitors rather than the primary data. Sales and expense is forecasted on the discretion of our part that may vary widely in real case implementation. Unavailability of previous year’s financial report necessitates greater recourse to mere guessing in some cases. Situational Analysis What is WMN (Wireless Mesh Network)? Mesh networks represent an emerging wireless networking technology that promises wider coverage than traditional wireless LANs and lower deployment and operation costs than 3G cellular networks. For these reasons, network operators and service providers consider mesh networking to be a serious candidate to solve the so called last mile problem. Some network operators worldwide have already started to deploy mesh based access networks offering nearly ubiquitous and inexpensive wireless Internet connections to their customers. Examples are Ozones mesh network in Paris (www. zone. net/en/) and The Cloud in the City of London (www. thecloud. net). The real business potential lies in operator based mesh networks. By their systematic design, deployment, and maintenance, operator based mesh networks provide higher levels of Quality-of-Service (QoS), meaning larger coverage, higher speed, and more reliable operation. In addition, it can be argued that mesh network operators in a given geogra phical area will cooperate in order to further optimize their costs and increase the QoS provided by their networks. The form of the cooperation can range from traditional roaming agreements to joint provision of specific services. Figure 1: Wireless Mesh Network Strategic planning is important because in well-run companies the goal from the very top of the organization down to where one is working should form a more-or-less unbroken chain (or â€Å"hierarchy†) of goals. At the top of the company the president and his or her staff set strategic goals. These goals should flow from top and make sense in terms of the goals at the next level up. Then the vice presidents’ subordinates set their own goals, and so on down the line. In this way, management creates a hierarchy or chain of departmental goals, from the top down the lowest-ranked managers, and even employees. Then , if everyone does his or her job-if each salesperson sells his her quota, and the sales manager hires enough good salespeople, and the HR manager creates the right incentive plan, and the purchasing head buys and CEO should also accomplish the overall, company-wide strategic goals. One could therefore say with great certainty that without a clear plan at the top, no one in the company would have the foggiest notion of what to do. Wireless Internet Market in Bangladesh Wireless Internet Service was first introduced to Bangladesh in public by cell phone giant Grameen Phone. Then other GSM mobile phone operators like Banglalink, Aktel and Warid follow suit. Citycell, the only CDMA based mobile phone operator in Bangladesh introduced the Zoom internet service, which was a little different from the other mobile phone operators in that consumers could connect to internet by using a USB modem included in the Zoom package. Later on Grameen Phone also introduced a package where they include an USB modem.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lady Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers
Term Paper On Lady Macbeth William Shakespeare created a dynamic character called lady Macbeth; she was the total opposite of what women of the Shakespearian era were supposed to be. Despite qualities women were supposed to have in Shakespeare’s time, Lady Macbeth defied the way most women of her time acted. Lady Macbeth defied the ways of women of her time by being manipulative, ambitious, and ruthless. Women’s lifestyles back in Shakespeare’s time period was very different from the modern day women’s lifestyles of today. The characteristics for women of that time was that women should be uneducated, should follow chastity, take care of the home and should not join a profession or get a job. Most women were denied the chance to be schooled beyond the basics of simple reading and very little writing. Some women of the upper class were schooled but they were not looked upon as educated women but were instead welcomed to the company of men. Women would not be able to enter professions because of the lack of education and the fact that they were women. For the poor women their work was spinning and weaving. The best job that they could get was to be an overworked nurse. The only real profession that women at this time could get into was marriage. In marriage women were expected to only take care of the home and anything that would benefit the home. When entering mar riage women were further endorsed by the law. The law said that when entering marriage women became property of the men and all their belongings were the mans property now and the man could do whatever he wanted with these belongings such as selling them. A woman was generally fail and soft, which proved their overall weakness. A good woman of that time was supposed to be practice obedience, patience, chastity, modesty, and virtue. Women who didn’t live up to these expectations were considered to be â€Å"bad women†. During their free time Elizabethan women would sing, dance, and write letters. (Papp and Kirkland) Lady Macbeth defied many if not all the ways of women of the time period. She was very ambitious in achieving her goals. Lady Macbeth took charge in the murder of Duncan. Macbeth was in shock when he killed Duncan and Lady Macbeth said to Macbeth: My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white. [Knocking within.] I hear knocking At the south entry: â€â€retire we to our chamber.... ...o persuade him against his will. She tells things just how she sees them fit and tells it like it is.      Lady Macbeth is by far the total opposite of what a Shakespearian woman is supposed to be. She is bold, ambitious, ruthless, cold hearted, vicious and manipulative. A true woman of the Elizabethan era would be humble stand by he husband and take care of the house and would not resemble any of the things that lady Macbeth resembles. All of her actions and decisions prove her to be different from woman of that time. Lady Macbeth is truly unique and an epic character in literature that will always be remembered for how ruthless and different from a true Shakespearian woman really was suppose to be. Work Cited Coriat, Isador. â€Å"The Hysteria of Lady Macbeth†. (Internet) Available at November 25 2003 Epstein, Norrie. â€Å"Lady Macbeth†. N.Y.: Thomas & Thomas Publishing, 1993 Papp, Joseph and Kirkland, Elizabeth. â€Å"The Status of Women in Shakespeare’s Time†. (Internet) Available at November 25, 2003 Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. (Internet). Available at November 29, 2003
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Beowulf Essay Introduction Essay
No one from Anglo-Saxon epos survived to our days has received such widespread recognition as â€Å"Beowulf†. This poem is the only major work of heroic epic, preserved entirely. Apparently, the song was born in a military circle, because the main place is reserved for battles, soldiers, and feasts. A description of other aspects of the life of Anglo-Saxon society is absent. A composition arose on the basis of ancient Germanic traditions related to pagan times. They appeared among local tribes long before the Anglo-Saxon resettlement on the territory of Britain. Events in the poetry take place on the shores of the Baltic Sea while its plot is borrowed from German mythology. The work includes two parts and tells about exploits of the brave Geat Knight Beowulf, who rescued Denmark from a terrible sea monster Grendel. For the past twelve years, Heort has been attacked by this beast. To help King Hrothgar, with fourteen soldiers, the protagonist floats. Generously awarded Beowulf returns to his homeland and tells King Hegelac about everything that happened to him. The latter gives him the land, and when his son Heardred dies in a battle with the Swedes, Beowulf becomes a king of the Geats. The second part of narrative depicts how, after fifty years of prosperous reign, Beowulf enters the battle with a fire-breathing dragon descended his possessions. He gets a mortal wound and dies, appointing his successor. In its composition, the poem is a complex phenomenon. The motifs of legends are combined with elements indicative of their later processing in the spirit of the Christian religion. From the text of a story, names of pagan gods disappeared, but biblical ones are mentioned. Thus, Grendel is called a descendant of Cain, sea monsters are hell spawns. The work repeatedly points to an intervention of God in the ongoing events. Poem’s spirit is in clear contradiction with later stratifications and insertions. A satirical fantasy reflects a mythological interpretation of history and relationship of tribes during the early Middle Ages. People are shown in their encounter with formidable forces of nature, represented in the images of a stormy sea, sea monsters, or a fire-breathing dragon. Piety and God-fearing are not dominant qualities of our hero. He does not have asceticism. In his character, there is the fullness of a primitive but integral personality. Such personage embodies features that give an idea about an ideal medieval warrior. The construction of the work is complicated by the fact that the story of Beowulf’s life and deeds is not always given in a certain sequence. Much of what is told about the main character is retrospective. Some episodes contain information about Germanic tribes and include details from the history of royal families of Geats, Danes, Swedes, and continental Angles. Poetic speech as a rhythmic structure of the composition is original. Widely used is the reception of parallelism, characteristic of epic monuments. Multiple repetitions of the same motif accent certain episodes of a plot and deepen their inner meaning. This refers to the topic of generic revenge. Thus, a thought is stressed that revenge for the deceased kin is a warrior’s duty. Thus, based on the poem â€Å"Beowulf†, you can get information about English soldiers of this era. However, a song covers only those traits that, in the public opinion of that community, a perfect warrior-ruler should have had. A work may be of interest to people involved in clarifying and studying ancient customs, for instance, there is a mention of a burial ceremony, etc. Through the eyes of a contemporary one could see an outlook of our ancestors.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
There Is so much that has been written on the topic of success. Success is envied and there is great aspiration by both individuals and organizations to achieve it. It is therefore no wonder that so much attention has been paid to it. Does the fact that success is synonymous with power make it even more precious to be sought for? How is success achieved and sustained, and what lessons can be learned from those who have ‘been there and done that. The word ‘success' when uttered is perceived in so many various ways as it means differently from person to person and from origination to organization. To some the word success brings Joy, to others it brings fear and for some it is taboo when associated with accumulation of wealth since money is viewed as the root of evil. However, Edwards (2007) stipulates that â€Å"money itself is just information moving about in a system†¦ And it is needed in order to acquire the things we need to live normal, healthy lives. Then, ther e are those who do not even give success a second thought at all. Abraham Moscow, in his model of Hierarchy of Needs indicates that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs ND therefore strive to achieve them. What is the secret to success and is there a formula that fits all? This paper is an addition to the statistics on the volumes of papers, articles and books that have been written on the topic of success with a view to understanding further the quest for man's desire to succeed.Definition of Success As stated above, the word ‘success' has different meanings to people or organizations depending on the desires and goals one wants to achieve. However for the sake of coherence of this paper It Is pertinent to have one or two working definitions. According to the Oxford Dictionary (British and World English) the word success has its origins in the Latin word ‘successes' meaning ‘come close after'. However the English definition of success is as follows: â⠂¬Å"It means the accomplishment of an aim or purpose; the attainment of fame, wealth, etc. Or the good or bad outcome of an undertaking. †Bennett (2006) is more comprehensive in that he has incorporated most of what people think on the subject. He has defined ‘success' as: â€Å"Living your dream every day with passion, having true wealth and knowing that there is more that you need. Learning appreciation, gratitude and positively influencing the lives of others in some way. Achieving true happiness by having loved ones with whom to share it all. †Bennett continues to say that success is a game of chance over which one has control.Triggers for Success Napoleon Hill in Chapter 2 of his book Think and Grow Rich emphasizes on having the burning desire to win as the first step to success and that our limitations are only those set up in our minds. However the desire to win does not Just happen on its own, it is generated from somewhere. Some of the contributing fact ors could be hang, frustration of the status quo, need to feel important, poverty, self improvement and responsibilities, Just to mention a few. In this case the position or circumstance that one is in becomes so unbearable that the only option is to seek or look for something better.A good example would be my own case that after working in the same position for over twenty years I became frustrated and in the spirit of self development I embarked on a Journey to find something more meaningful and that was to enroll for the Bachelor of Business Management & Entrepreneurship aerogramme, with a desire to start my own business after completion of training. How to achieve Success The fact of life is that we have all been given the same time frame, twenty four hours a day.What separates us is how the time is managed (Mark Tannin). It is surprising to note that other people spend most of their time doing favors for others, forgetting their own goals. Even though life is unpredictable, we still plan, set goals and take action in order to fulfill our dreams. It is therefore fair to say that our choices and decisions have made us who we are today. In order to succeed, life needs to be engaged at all levels and indecision or procrastination is merely a postponement of it (Sahara -2011).There is no ‘one formula fits all' in terms of success. This is because the nature of success and the approaches employed to achieve it differ from person to person or organization to organization, for instance how far is one willing to go? Success has to be embedded in the subconscious mind so that habits, beliefs and convictions are reinforced (Bennett, 2006). Since the subconscious mind can be programmed then it is approached with a positive mental attitude in that it becomes a tool for remounting all obstacles in your way. Mr..Them Managerial, Founder and Chief Executive of FED Bank, at the inception of his banking business in the early asses lost in processing fees after his ap plication was rejected by the Reserve Bank of Malawi. He was not deterred by the setback but forged ahead to accomplish his quest and he is now one of the few Mammalians reaping the fruits of hard work, persistence, perseverance and determination. Success is sacrifice in that we give up something of value for something else of higher perceived value and persistence can only be achieved through self discipline (Bennett, 2006).In order to be the best performer one goes through a roller coaster of mistakes and it takes a strong will for success to move on. This is echoed by Bennett when he says that mistakes make us better. Success is practice and it demands devotion and discipline. There are challenges and risks in every quest that one embarks on. This is because we leave our comfort zone in search for something better and sometimes in unknown territory. Here the famous story titled Who Moved My Cheese' by Dry. Spencer Johnson comes to mind.The story is about two little people  œ Hem and Haw, and two little mice – Sniff and Scurry who shared the same heap of cheese in the maze. Once the supply was depleted, the two little mice moved on in search off new heap. However Hem and Haw took a little longer in dealing with the predicament they were in. Eventually Haw decided to do something about the situation by going into other areas of the maze in search of new cheese, but Hem was not amused by this idea and decided to stay at the same station hoping that the cheese would reappear.In the end, for Haw and the two little mice, their hard work paid off and hey enjoyed their discovery of new cheese. Changing with the time enables us to keep the dream alive. In transcending fear we let goof limiting beliefs (Sahara, 2011). Fear is retrogressive to success and it is no wonder that only a few manage to live their dream. We should therefore be flexible and strive to approach each day with enthusiasm embracing whatever changes that come in our way as opportunitie s for growth. One way of gaining confidence is by seeking help and being mentored by experts in the field of interest.Associating with greater people makes one to develop like mind thereby moving in the flow of greatness (Bennett, 2006). Enjoying Success Every dose of happiness is precious and should therefore be well guarded. I believe that this is now the highest level in Abraham Mascots Hierarchy of Needs model – self actualization. However, learning is a life-long process, therefore changing with the time will ensure success in the long run. The desire for continuous self improvement is fuel for motivation. Learning to work steadily in a focused direction is smarter than extreme hard work which may be detrimental to one's health (WhiteDove Books, 2008). Philanthropy is viewed by many a successful people such as Bill and Melinda Gates as a way of giving back to society, thus recognition and status are reinforced. What one can learn from this discussion is that success cann ot Just be assumed and it is not so simple. It requires a complete changed mindset and bracing oneself for the tasks ahead by approaching each level with an open mind and maturity. However, everyone has the opportunity to succeed. For instance, Exxon Mobil Corporation the leader in energy has invested heavily in human resource as its backbone for success.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Death Penalty for Murderers essays
Death Penalty for Murderers essays Some people believe that emotional trauma, in a persons young childhood, is the main characteristic of a serial killer. The trauma, whether it be from an unstable family, a family separation or even parent abandonment, are part of the common characteristics of a serial killer and therefore, the blame should not be put on the serial killer himself, but rather society. The problem with this argument is that studies show that fifty percent of American marriages will end in divorce, yet half the citizens of the U.S. are not serial killers. This argument is similar to saying that eating meat is responsible for turning people into serial killers. If studied, close to one hundred percent, if not all, serial killers eat beef, chicken or fish on a daily, or semi daily, basis and the killer himself should not be punished for their deeds. Instead, all meat products should be banned and the American public needs to turn to vegetarianism in order to stop these killings. Many people fail to comprehend that the only person responsible for ones own action is him/herself. Since society has the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and that is the death penalty. Whatever people fear most is likely to deter the most. Hence, the threat of the death penalty may deter some murderers who otherwise might not have been deterred. If one is already serving a life sentence for a crime unrelated to murder, the death penalty seems the only deterrence from stopping the inmate from killing a prison guard or even another inmate. If this did not deter them, then surely nothing else would have. Lastly, the death penalty will surely put an end to the killings of the condemned who was put to death. In death, one is no longer able to carry out such heinous acts. Capital punishment also helps the victims and their families by knowing that justice has been served and...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Daily Fuel Taking your ideas and making them a reality
Daily Fuel Taking your ideas and making them a reality Flawless execution will outperform strategy. All. Day. Long.  If you’ve been making tons of suggestions and feel like you’re not being heard, then listen to this week’s Bossy Skirt advice on how to turn ideas into action. The approach, not the idea, may be the obstacle. [Source: Daily Fuel]
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Robert Nozick's Postition on Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Robert Nozick's Postition on Ethics - Essay Example Thus, the main rule or the formula in terms of Mill’s utilitarian thesis is that we ought to act and make decisions on the basis that the greatest good for the greatest number is achieved. Conversely, the basic tenets of Nozick’s position on decision theory, runs as follows: Nozick argues that our decisions ought to pass a test which states that one should only will for themselves that which they were willing to have everyone else do. Phrased in other terms, we ought not to lie because we would not be living in a society where lying was manifest universally. This notion is the categorical imperative, and it is central in terms of the philosophical background for the problem of incommensurability. More importantly, it is a shift in emphasis that maintains that it is the consequences and not the intentions that matter. It will be argued that Nozick's position is incommesurable with utilitarianism on the grounds that his focus is on the consequences, and this is an extensi on of what he see's as the limitations of focusing on the 'intentions' of actions. Considering the consequences and the intentions of an ethical decision is incommensurable, and this is the core of Nozick's critique of utilitarianism. What is important to note in a preliminary sense, is the quantitative approach taken to decision making in both philosophical utilitarianism and in Nozick. By quantitative, it is implied in the general sense that there is a formula and a measure to decide on ethical questions. Further, there is a concern with the ‘universal’ or the ‘greater number’ in both formulas. These are all key notions which is informing the general problem of in-commensurability Consider, for example, the problems which arise when measuring the two instances provided at the outset of this analysis. Consider an instance, where an individual was in the position of having to choose between having civic virtue ‘society’ and choosing to be loyal to his friend. And, in the other instance, an individual had to choose between his dying mother and the underground resistance movement – a form of civic duty again. One can see at the outset, a number of problems. If we apply utilitarianism, then, in both examples society is the greater good. And, if we take the categorical imperative as the measure, we can see some further paradoxes as well. For example, in the Nozickian framework the individual who turns against his friend (because of utilitarianism) is a committing an act which you would not to want to will universally. And, it is the ‘universal’, at the same time, who is the primary concern as well. The problem at this point, is related to the notion of the ‘universal’ and the connection with the universal along with the concept of measuring or quantifying. It can be said that quantification is an important consideration in both utilitarianism and in the notion of the universal in Nozick. He ar gues that when we are examining the relationship between the individual over and against the whole, it is impossible not adequately consider some qualitative distinctions. For example, he points out that while morality is as much a general ethos which is qualitative, that is, the general principles or values which any given culture maintains, the abstract measure of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Is the Marxist critique of capitalism still relevant in the Essay
Is the Marxist critique of capitalism still relevant in the contemporary global political economy - Essay Example This system argues that many businesses would ensure the presence of diverse products and services of topmost quality at a minimal cost. (1) Probably, the biggest criticism leveled by Marxism is that, Capitalism does not ensure equitable distribution of resources as the economy is primarily controlled by few powerful entities in the market, rather than any authority of the state. This leads to a scenario where the less powerful are subjected to exploitation by the mighty market forces. (2) In capitalistic economy, a substantial chunk of the manufacturers and producers pertain to the private sector, and are propelled by the major objective of enhancing profit. In this quest of theirs’, there is every possibility of the interests of the weak market entities getting jeopardized. (2) Over the past two decades, there has been a phenomenal surge in growth of technology and telecommunications. The advent of Internet has made the globe a very small place, with the geographical distances being of almost no relevance. As a matter of fact, this technological surge played a pivotal role in speeding up the process of globalization. Interactions, both commercial and political, among various countries have now become the order of the day. The rapid strides taken by the sphere of telecommunications led to the advent of many business entities, which are being enabled to carry on operations in many economies in a highly amicable environment. These state of affairs led to a scenario conforming to the tenets of Capitalism – countless business conglomerates have emerged, and which are now wielding tremendous economic power. Capital in the market is now being controlled by numerous forces. An extensive range of products and services are now being offered to consumers, especially in relation to the scenario of the past era where choices for consumers were limited. At
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