Wednesday, August 26, 2020
What Is Community in Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free
What Is Community in Of Mice and Men Essay Clarify what network is-gathering of likeminded/united individuals. Gathering or society, helping one another. Presentation talk about different strategies/methods Steinbeck uses to depict network in 1930s America. - structure; creature symbolism; imagery - Steinbeck’s utilization of language strengthens his portrayal of network The epic beginnings with a pure, common scene. This makes a feeling of serenity and quiet. Be that as it may, this scene is upset by George and Lennie’s appearance. Key parts through the story: At the point when G +L descend the way to the clearing, G is driving the way and L is tailing him. (This shows in 1930s American people group, there were those at the highest point of the chain of command that eventually controlled those at the lower end of the progression. G+L are headed to the close by farm, however the transport driver dropped them of 4 miles away. This is huge as it is the main sign that they never end up where they need to be. (Additionally shows network was narrow minded, as the driver dropped them of 4 miles away) The supervisor is dubious of G. He has never observed â€Å"one fellow take such a great amount of difficulty for another guy†he’s not used to generosity or tolerability. (Shows absence of network, as G’s thoughtfulness for lennie appears to be dubious towards the chief) When G reveals to Curley that he and L are voyaging together, Curley says â€Å"oh, so it’s that way†-he doesn’t think it’s typical for two men to travel together. Carlson attempts to stir up some dust with Curley, calling him â€Å"yella as a frog belly†-Candy joins in as well. Battling appears to unite the men. (Shows people group follows the ‘use and abuse’ framework. Demonstrates that to a degree, there is a feeling of network as help. After L and Curley’s battle scene, thin assumes responsibility for the circumstance and convinces Curley to state his hand was squashed in a machine. (Shows the network meeting up to help each other.) The section set in crooks’ room features one of the key subjects partiality. Crook’s room is totally independent from the bunkhouse. He is avoided white men. He is isolated from different farmers. He isn’t welcome in the bunk house-â€Å"they state I stink†thus, convicts won’t welcome different farmers into his room. (shows network was bigot and partial) Over his bed, hoodlums has heaps of medication bottles, â€Å"both for himself and for the horses†. Law breakers doesn’t keep the jugs discrete as he doesn’t consider himself to be distinctive structure the creatures. His room is simply off the outbuilding lives directly close to the horses.†Horses are an image that criminals is dealt with like an animal on the farm. (shows bigot, insensitive, ruthless network.) Steinbeck shows that the network rotates around power most occasions. Whoever is at the top, or close to the highest point of the order has the most force In spite of the miserable workplace, to a degree, there is a degree of help. The farm laborers live/adapt to one another.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Scheduling in Woolworths Transport Department- myassignmenthelp
Question: Talk about theScheduling in Woolworths Transport Department. Answer: Presentation Each business association flourishes well with appropriate arranging and coordination of all offices that manage separate errands and duties. The divisions incorporate human asset, transportation office, advertising and deals office and creation and administration offices. Inside the offices, different tasks should be appropriately figured out how to fit in with other departmental ventures. The agreeable coordination of the considerable number of offices guarantees effective administration of the association in general. The motivation behind this article is to look at planning in the vehicle office, how it influences the activity of the organization. It talks about the basic issues that emerge inside the division and how to determine the issues and what ought to be done to enhance the transportation office about the planning of the exercises. The article further looks at the holes, investigations them and concoct an appropriate reexamined activity the executives in connection Smart. It closes with an assessment of the created administration process against the basic accepted procedures. Woolworths is an Australian biggest grocery store chain that represents a broad retail of around 995 all through Australia and some in New Zealand (Arli et al., 2013). The organization frames the second organization by income in Australia and for the most part manages remove alcohol, new food items, for example, products of the soil, petroleum, inn and general merchandizes. Transport division at Woolworths directs the development of merchandise from the general stores, stockrooms to different retail locations for simple dissemination to clients, and the transportation of crude materials, for example, ranch produce to different markets and retail locations. The office utilizes an assortment of means, for example, trucks ships and package administrations. For legitimate conveyance of every one of these items, the departmental heads must do appropriate booking. Booking is quantifiable as the way toward masterminding, controlling and upgrading the remaining task at hand accordingly appor tioning legitimate instrument (Nurul, 2017).Scheduling in transport office , in this manner alludes to the way toward making an arranged method in a composed structure for a specific goal concerning time for finish (Gestrelius et al., 2017). In the vehicle division, a timetable is drafted by the supervisor and it generally shows the period, the vehicle number and the work force answerable for guaranteeing that a specific items or crude materials are taken to the necessary goal (Karuno Yuda, 2011). For such appropriate development, legitimate planning to get cultivated and the procedure requires calculated methodology. Proficient planning of the transportation division needs profound worry in designating the vehicles and assurance of the courses inside the given due dates (Michaelis Schobel, 2009). Much the same as some other divisions, for example, creation, the vehicle office faces various issues that influence their booked projects on the conveyance of the items to the dictated by clients prerequisites and necessities. Woolworths Company connects with itself with different kinds of transport modes, which are the street, rail air, and water. The vehicle office utilizes various rules to decide e the type of transportation (Tian Demeulemeester, 2013). If there should arise an occurrence of urgencies, the division, the office will convey a progressively dependable, a fast mode such use as air transport while the mass and substantial will require the utilization of trucks. The bo oking likewise relies upon the specified conveyance date, the chance of item harm. The most widely recognized issues are the vehicle directing issue, terrible climate, and poor status of vehicles. The Woolworths transport division planning program relies upon quantities of issues, for example, the quantity of courses and goals, the quantity of accessible drivers, the separation that is secured to make the appropriations, the street frameworks and conditions, the nature of the products to be disseminated and the idea of situation. The timetables are into two distinct classifications, which are nearby and universal conveyances (Wang, 2013). The nearby vehicle plan guarantees appropriation of the items inside the region of the organization. Such moving the mass heaps of the items from the organization to the air terminals, nearby distribution centers ports utilizing streets, while the global planning includes the development of the items and the crude materials to and from the remote nations (Sama et al., 2015). The procedure will incorporate the utilization of contra cted organizations since Woolworths can't support the transportation of products of the soil vegetables from outside nations, for example, United States, China, and Netherlands (Hanus McClarre, 2016). The worldwide development includes diverse coordinations, for example, cargo forwarders, clearing operators and the administration reviews that are capable of guaranteeing that all the outskirt crossing products comply with the approaches. Planning issues looked inside the Transport Department. The principle issues looked by the division are the late conveyance of the items and new produce from the homesteads , brought about by various factors, for example, less number of trucks claimed by the organization and that are in poor status henceforth wind up being wasteful during awful climate seasons. The terrible climate that meddles with the transportation since numerous trucks can't experience the ranches that are sloppy, coming about to stacking (Peng et al., 2013). Accordingly, there is delay in the conveyance of the new produce that may prompt them turning sour. The postponement of the numerous crude materials is transmitted to the creation procedure that inevitably changes the time of the arrangement of the items to the clients. The railroad transportation framework that is less expensive method of transport doesn't support Woolworths benefits as the greater part of the overwhelming items are the ranch produce, and the rail routes line doesn't hurry to the wellsprings of the products of the soil, subsequently constraining the organization to utilize the trucks. There are times that Woolworths needs to contract other transportation organizations to empower it to convey its items to those areas that are far for instance in the worldwide markets. The Contracted transportation organizations, for example, air load and Railway Corporation consistently cause inconveniencies with takeoff and appearance time that continue changing (Nossack Pesch, 2013). The greater part of them likewise have fixed to plan most presumably a week by week time plan and with a fixed measure of burden. The issue emerges when the Woolworths postpones sending the stuffed bundles to the flight, implying that there will be no conveyance to the worldwide clients; therefore, the deals are influenced. A portion of the contracted vehicle organizations Offices are far away from Woolworths Company, henceforth making more costs in the conveyance of the items. The inconsistency of many contr acted transportation offices and poor coordination of the authoritative units results into items conveyance time changes. Countless outsiders specialists, for example, dealers, traffic police, port specialists and import/export officers that are engaged with transportation wind up taking a great deal of cash from the tracks; this likewise makes the most costly . Poor coordination of the offices likewise is a significant issue. The customer administration division now and again neglects to convey the requests to the creation and dispatch office, influencing the way toward bundling (Arli et al., 2013). The postponing toward the end powers the transportation office to utilize extra intends to guarantee that the clients orders are conveyed inside the period. Such burden prompts the additional utilization of cash and assets that are outside the arrangement. The poor status of the trucks additionally builds the likelihood of the vehicles confronting mishaps, and such mishaps lead to the loss of the a huge number of the companys items. The climate unsettling influence is a typical issue that influences the veh icle office, as antagonistic climate conditions bring about the postponement of both the trucks and cargo conveyances. During the terrible climate, the assessed occasions consistently change. The most effective method to address these issues It is exceptionally clear that for the client to get the item at the predetermined time, all divisions must be in amicable coordination so as the creation, the bundling, and the dispatch territories the specified period. With any deferring of any movement, at that point the planning of the transportation office will undoubtedly change. The chief ought to guarantee that all the trucks get great support by replacing the exhausted tires, the stopping mechanism is appropriately working, and the headlights are clear to light up the route during the night transportation. The chief ought to likewise guarantee that enough transportation trucks are benefited to evade any bother to the conveyances of the items and crude materials to clients and the organization. It is past person to control the climate, yet it is inside the capacity of the individual to guarantee awful climate doesn't antagonistically influence the tasks. The supervisor can guarantee this by having the best possible trucks tha t are on the whole seasons truck tires; this will keep away from any vehicle stacking or in any event, sliding during stormy seasons. On the issue of other contracted transportation organizations, the director ought to guarantee that the understanding marked is accommodative to maintain a strategic distance from any undelivered because recently accommodation of the items to the cargo. The contracted transportation organizations ought to likewise be solid in the midst of the crisis and are reasonable monetarily to take care of the expense of delivery. The director ought to likewise push the organization to go an additional mile and plan how to gain a private freight plane that will understand the issue of the bothers. What ought to be done to improve the Logistic issues It is in no uncertainty that transport coordinations is extremely basic Woolworths organization achievement, subsequently fundamental enhancements are expected to see the organization remain in the worldwide market. The key calculated issues th
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Mad Girls Coming to Terms with Sylvia Plath
The Mad Girls Coming to Terms with Sylvia Plath Writing about Sylvia Plathâ€"as a girl who wants to be a writer, who struggles with mental illness, who sees big things for herselfâ€"isn’t so unique. It’s trite, done to death, a cliché. But I will write about it anyway, just like I will continue reading Sylvia Plath even though men will judge me for reading silly sad books, and I will get an “I am†tattoo, even though my friends think it’s a corny cliché. I’m 26, not so far removed from childhood. But looking back now, I can see things that I never knew were there. I can see I was a depressive and anxious childâ€"full of mood swings and panic attacks and irrational fears of toilets flushing and drowning in the pool and of any sound during the night. Of what could happen to my parents when I couldn’t hear them talking. Of the faces in the wood paneling. This general state of fear led to something more in adolescence: social anxiety and general anxiety and depression and PTSD. I, like many girls in 8th and 9th grade, struggled with my sexuality and with suicidal thoughts and with my history of abuse, all while I was still adjusting to having grown boobs. My family, in the grand scheme of things, was very supportive of mental health and mental health treatment; I was far from the only one suffering from these issues in my family. But I was terrified of therapists: I was afraid they would tell me I was irreparably broken, that my sexuality was wrong, that I was actually going to kill myself, that I could never succeed. This was only bolstered by my experience with family therapy, in a shitty office in downtown Baltimore that overwhelmingly smelled like pee. I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it. So I tried to self soothe and to repress, primarily by avoiding my problems or anything unsettling. I refused to read books with a “sad†ending, lest they convince me I might be depressed. I refused to read anything remotely sexual, as I wanted to avoid the issue for as long as possible. I buried myself in school work and Gilmore Girls and Live Journal and Harry Potter cosplay. I avoided making friends with anyone outside my family and dreamed, and planned, and schemed to get out of my small town. As I went through high school, I got better. Or maybe not better, but better at dealing with my problems. I knew what would set me off and what wouldn’t. I knew friends were helpful and I actually made some. I knew when I needed to leave a situation and what to do when I was panicking. But I still wouldn’t read or talk about my depression, and I got so good at hiding it that my family no longer knew it was there. I kept it that way. To me, it seemed, like I was the only one with this problemâ€"with anxiety and depression that seemed to form my brain, rather than temporality inhabit it. It was me and this scared me. I was convinced that a therapist couldn’t fix it. During college, I thought it was over, that my time with anxiety and depression, my lifelong companions, was over. As I entered unhealthy relationships and developed an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and connected my entire self worth to my grade point average, I thought I was better. I didn’t realize that my bad relationships and obsession with grades were results of my low self-worth. I didn’t know that alcohol was my coping mechanism, as it had been for many of my family members before me. But I wasn’t so scared of killing myself anymore, and my sexuality was no longer a point of anxiety. I could read sad books and talk about my feelings. I had great friends, best friends, some of whom I haven’t talked to since freshman year and others who will one day be in my wedding. I told them about my fears and my sadness, and my childhood. But I still didn’t think there were many people like me. People whose brain seemed to have a mind of its own, operating separately from one’s consciousness. It wasn’t until my 2nd year of graduate school in South Carolina that I read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I had long ago dispensed with the idea that sad books are bad, but the cultural connotations of Plath kept me away. A friend told me that reading Plath was a cry for help, a sign of major depression. In my favorite show, Gilmore Girls, Plath had become a kind of signpost for the crazy: Rory shouldn’t write her essay about her, Rory shouldn’t talk about her. It hadn’t yet occurred to me that Plath was far from the only novelist who had committed suicide: that alongside Plath there was Virginia Woolf and Anne Sexton, Jack London and Ernest Hemingway, David Foster Wallace and Hunter Thompson. And even though the deaths of these authors were often discussed, their names hadn’t become a cultural stand-in for suicidal tendencies. Certainly because of her gender and her age and the rumors spread by Ted Hughes and the subject of The Bell Jar, Plath had been defined by her de ath. But in the midst of a depressive episode, brought on my romantic travails and thesis deadlines and the prospect of leaving a place, where I had once again found great friends, I wandered into the Barnes and Noble on campus. I would sometimes pop in and buy a few books, even if the selection was scarce. I needed a pick-me-up, so I purchased The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. I had clearly let go of my sad book ban. The next day was Saturday, and even though I should have been working on my thesis or reading books for school, I laid in my bed until noon reading Sylvia. I loved Esther. I loved her ambition and her love of writing and her admission of her issues. I also loved the way her despair and her anxiety had a mind of their own. I even loved the description of the mental hospital. By this point, I was in therapy. I had never been in a mental hospital myself, but I had visited enough family and friends there to know it wasn’t the place of Esther Greenwood. I realized my friends were wrong. Reading Plath was enjoyable, but more than that, it made me feel less alone: I wasn’t the only with crazy ambition and a brain with a mind of its own. I’ve since read Ariel and Johnny Panic and her journals, and have started Volume 1 of her letters (not the bikini cover, mind you). I still love Sylvia, even though I have long since started taking medication and am hovering farther from depression tha n I ever have. And maybe this is proof: Maybe reading Sylvia Plath is a cry for help, only meant for us mad girls. That’s ok, because there sure are a lot of us.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The History of the Man-Made Invention of Money
The basic definition of money is anything that is commonly accepted by a group of people in exchange for goods, services, or resources. Every country has its own exchange system of coins and paper money. Bartering and Commodity Money In the beginning, people bartered. Bartering is the exchange of goods or services for other goods or services. For example, someone might swap a bag of rice for a bag of beans and call it an even exchange; or someone might trade the repair of a wagon wheel in exchange for a blanket and some coffee. One major problem with the barter system was that there was no standardized rate of exchange. What would happen if the parties involved couldnt agree that the goods or services being swapped were of equal value, or if the person in need of goods or services had nothing the person who had them wanted? No deal! To solve this problem, humans developed what is called commodity money. A commodity is a basic item thats used by almost everyone in a given society. In the past, things such as salt, tea, tobacco, cattle, and seeds were considered commodities and therefore, were once used as money. However, using commodities as money created difficulties. For instance, lugging heavy bags of salt or dragging recalcitrant oxen around could prove practical or logistical nightmares. Using commodities for trade led to other problems as well, as many were difficult to store and could also be highly perishable. When the commodity traded involved a service, disputes also arose if that service failed to live up to expectations (realistic or not). Coins and Paper Money Metals objects were introduced as money around 5000 B.C. By 700 BC, the Lydians became the first in the Western world to make coins. Metal was used because it was readily available, easy to work with, and could be recycled. Soon, countries began minting their own series of coins with specific values. Since coins were given a designated value, it became easier to compare the cost of items people wanted. Some of the earliest known paper money dates back to China, where the issuing of paper money became common from about 960 AD. Representative Money With the introduction of paper currency and non-precious coinage, commodity money evolved into representative money. This meant that what the money itself was made of no longer had to be of great value. Representative money was backed by a government or banks promise to exchange it for a certain amount of silver or gold. For example, the old British Pound bill or Pound Sterling was once guaranteed to be redeemable for a pound of sterling silver. For most of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century, the majority of currencies were based on representative money that relied on the gold standard. Fiat Money Representative money has now been replaced by fiat money. Fiat is the Latin word for let it be done. Money is now given its value by government fiat or decree, ushering in the era of enforceable legal tender, which means that by law, the refusal of legal tender money in favor of some other form of payment is illegal. Origin of the Dollar Sign ($) The origin of the $ money sign is not certain. Many historians trace the $ money sign to either the Mexican or Spanish Ps for pesos, or piastres, or pieces of eight. The study of old manuscripts shows that the S gradually came to be written over the P and looking very much like the $ mark. U.S. Money Trivia Likely the earliest form of currency in America was wampum. Fashioned from beads made of shells and strung in intricate patterns, more than simply money, wampum beads were also used to keep records of significant events in the lives of Native American tribal people. On March 10, 1862, the first United States paper money was issued. The denominations at the time were $5, $10, and $20 and became legal tender on March 17, 1862. The inclusion of the motto In God We Trust on all currency was required by law in 1955. It first appeared on paper money in 1957 on One-Dollar Silver Certificates and on all Federal Reserve Notes beginning with Series 1963. Electronic Banking ERMA began as a project for the Bank of America in an effort to computerize the banking industry. MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) was part of ERMA. MICR allowed computers to read special numbers at the bottom of checks that allowed computerized tracking and accounting of check transactions. Bitcoin Released as open-source software in 2009, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was invented by an anonymous person (or group of people) who used the name Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoins are digital assets that serve as the reward for a process known as mining and can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. They employ robust cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Records of these transactions are known as blockchains. Each block in the chain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. Blockchains, by design, are resistant to data modification. As of August 19, 2018, there were more than 1,600 unique cryptocurrencies available online, and the number continues to grow.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Federal District s Public Security - 3523 Words
At the end of 2000, Andrà ©s Manuel Là ³pez Obrador was elected as mayor of Mexico City. During this period, a massive crime rate was wide spreading in the city. The national capital’s general crime rate from 1995 to1998 had almost tripled. Là ³pez Obrador was aware that getting back the streets from lawbreakers would need a new methodology; therefore, he brought in Marcelo Ebrard Casaubà ³n, a proficient political leader, to lead the Federal District’s Public Security. Jointly they established new techniques that could record, map, and examine crime and bring about better preventive policing plans and more-effective allocation of police resources. Additionally, Ebrard appointed a panel to build a neighborhood police program, which will†¦show more content†¦The trend deteriorated from 1995 to 1998, in which the overall crime rate almost tripled. Later in the decades, the citizens were experiencing highest insecurity levels in the country. In December 2000, the Mexico’s residents voted for Andrà ©s Manuel Là ³pez Obrador as the new mayor. He managed to take control of the Mexican Police and embarking upon crime urgencies for his administration. Là ³pez Obrador publicly admitted that the city’s declining public security would lower the government’s control of Mexico City itself and that managing the situation was vital to the future of his minority party. According to Colegio and Arturo, â€Å"Là ³pez Obrador caught on to the idea that in order to have greater political control of the city as well as to have a political future, he needed to really engage on security issues†(Wayne 87). However, the initial advancement on security reforms deteriorated; when Leonel Godoy Rangel, a Public Security Secretariat head, stepped down to join the Michoacà ¡n’s state government. In 2002, Là ³pez Obrador set his reform plan back on track when he selected Marcelo Ebrard Casaubà ³n, an esteemed former poli tical opponent, to be in charge of the district’s public security secretariat. According to Ebrard, â€Å"Là ³pez Obrador needed someone with political leadership and skills,†(Rogers 2013). After Ebrard appointment as public security secretary. Dealing with the rising crime
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evolution Of Diabetes Treatment Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Diabetess mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycaemia ensuing from defects in insulin secernment, insulin action, or both. The chronic hyperglycaemia of diabetes is associated with long-run harm, disfunction, and failure of assorted variety meats, particularly the eyes, kidneys, nervousnesss, bosom, and blood vessels.1 Figure 1: Prevalence estimations of diabetes ( 20-79 old ages ) in South – East Asiatic part Globally diabetes mellitus is one of the most common non-communicable diseases. We will write a custom essay sample on Evolution Of Diabetes Treatment Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is quickly going the epidemic of the twenty-first century. Diabetes, one time considered a disease of the West has now become a planetary wellness precedence. Harmonizing to the International Diabetes Federation, the planetary load of diabetes in the age group 20-79 old ages will increase from 285 million in 2010 to 439 million in 2030. Around 80 % of the disease load is in low and in-between income countries.2 American indians have a younger age of oncoming of diabetes as compared to other cultural groups.3 A temporal displacement to a immature group in the age of diagnosing has been reported by the CURES ( Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study ) study.4 Harmonizing to IDF, the 40-59 group has the greatest figure of people with diabetes. By 2030, it is projected that there will be 188 million people with diabetes as compared to 132 million in 2010. History of diabetes can be traced back to 2000 old ages. A Grecian doctor Aretaeus foremost described diabetes as â€Å" the thaw of flesh and castanetss into urine †. In the sixteenth century, Swiss doctor Phillipus Aureolus Paracelsus identified diabetes as a serious general upset. The Indian Sushruta identified diabetes with fleshiness and sedentary life style reding exercisings to â€Å" assist bring around it †. Treatment of diabetes saw enlightment in the twentieth century. In 1921, Sir Fredrick Grant Banting and Charles Herbert Best discovered that infusion from cattle foetal pancreas lowers blood glucose degrees of depancreatized Canis familiariss. The find of insulin was in fact a collaborative research of Fredrick Benting, Charles Best, J.J.R MacLeod and J.B McLeod. 5 In 1930, unwritten medicines Sulphonylureas were developed for the people with type 2 diabetes. Metformin was approved in 1995 by FDA for usage in type 2 diabetes. Precose, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor was approved for usage in patients with type 2 diabetes. As of this twelvemonth, 11 categories of drugs are available for clinical usage in diabetes. INTENSIVE Vs STANDARD GLYCEMIC CONTROL DCCT and UKPDS Diabetess is associated with a decreased lifetime, mostly as a effect of its association with hyperglycaemia specific microvascular complications and a two- to four crease hazard of cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) .6 Although important morbidity and premature mortality are due to microvascular complications, the greatest cause of decease in people with diabetes is CVD.6 The association between elevated blood glucose and complications ( both micro and macrovascular ) has been postulated since the early portion of the century.7Several surveies have conducted to measure the benefits of intensive glycemic control in cut downing complications of diabetes. Though a nexus is established between hyperglycaemia and cardiovascular hazard, there is less grounds back uping the decrease in hazard with glucose lowering. Randomized controlled tests ( DCCT and UKPDS ) have once and for all demonstrated the decrease of hazard of microvascular complications by intensive glycemic control in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.6 Although DCCT was conducted on patients with type 1 diabetes, the survey demonstrated that hyperglycaemia is associated with presence or patterned advance of complications. Consequences demonstrated that every bit compared to the standard glycemic control group ( Mean HbA1c achieved – 9 % ) there was about 60 % decrease in the development or patterned advance of microvascular complications in the intensive glycemic control group ( Mean HbA1c achieved – 9 % ) over an norm of 6.5 years.6 In the UKPDS survey, participants with freshly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were followed for 10 old ages. The consequences demonstrated that every bit compared to the standard glycemic control group ( Mean HbA1c achieved – 7.9 % ) there was an overall decrease of 25 % in the intensive glycemic control group ( Mean HbA1c achieved – 7.0 % ) .6,7 For every per centum lessening in HbA1c, there was 35 % decrease in the hazard of complications. 7 On the footing of the informations from these big controlled tests and assorted epidemiologic studies the ADA recommends an HbA1c end of lt ; 7 % for most of the grownups with diabetes. Whereas these surveies established a relationship between hyperglycaemia and CVD, the potency of intensive glycemic control was yet to be indentified. Merely a subgroup of patients treated with Glucophage had a lower hazard of cardiovascular events in the ( UKPDS ) , therefore informations did non once and for all exhibit a decrease in cardiovascular events with intensive therapy.7Patients with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT survey demonstrated that glucose lowering was associated with a long-run benefit with respect to cardiovascular complications that became evident merely old ages after recruitment.7 Tests were so conducted to find the consequence of the lowering of glucose to near-normal or below degrees on cardiovascular hazard. ADVANCE ( Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease ) The primary result of ADVANCE was a combination of microvascular events ( nephropathy and retinopathy ) and major inauspicious cardiovascular events ( MI, shot, and cardiovascular decease ) .A important decrease in the microvascular result with no important decrease in the macrovascular result was seen with intensive glycemic control. But with intensive glycemic control there was no difference in overall or cardiovascular mortality as compared with the standard glycemic control arms.6However significantly more episodes of terrible hypoglycaemia were found in the intensive-control group.8 ACCORD ( Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes ) Increased human death rate in the intensive glycemic control group resulted in the survey being halted in February 2008. A 35 % higher rate of decease due to CV causes was seen in the intensive glycemic control group. More episodes of serious hypoglycaemia were found among patients following intensive glycemic control group than among those following the standard glycemic control group.6 Deaths due to CV disease in this test may hold been related to severe hypoglycemia.9 VADT ( Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial ) In VADT, the primary result was a complex of CVD events ( MI, shot, cardiovascular decease, revascularization, hospitalization for bosom failure, and amputation for ischaemia ) . More deceases due to CV causes were seen in the intensive glycemic control group as compared to the standard glycemic control group. More episodes of hypoglycaemia were found in the intensive glycemic control group than in the standard glycemic control group.8, 9 OUTCOME – ADVANCE, ACCORD, VADT ADVANCE, ACCORD, VADT tests were big, well-conducted randomized tests with meaningful clinical results to assist reply major inquiries. As compared to DCCT and the UKPDS they were of shorter continuance and enrolled older patients with either known CVD or multiple hazard factors, proposing the presence of established coronary artery disease and higher hazard of CV events.6The recent study of 10 old ages of followup of the UKPDS cohort by Rury R. Holman supports the hypothesis that glycemic control early in the class of type 2 diabetes may hold CVD benefit.6Counter-balancing effects for CVD such as hypoglycaemia, weight addition, or other metabolic alterations may besides propose the inability of ACCORD, ADVANCE, and VADT to show important decrease of CVD with intensive glycemic control.6 The intervention schemes in these surveies might hold had effects other than the intended effects on CV hazard factors.9 MULTIPLE RISK FACTOR INTERVENTION In the last 10 old ages, many modifiable hazard factors for vascular complications have been identified by a figure of prospective surveies. These hazard factors include hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia and smoke. STENO – 2 Steno – 2 test evaluated whether the attack of intensified multifactorial intercession with tight glucose ordinance, usage of renin-angiotensin system blockers, acetylsalicylic acid, and lipid-lowering agents to cut down the hazard of nonfatal cardiovascular disease among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and microalbuminuria.10Participants were assigned indiscriminately to have either a conventional ( behavioral ) or an intensive, multifactorial, goal-targeted therapy for a period of 7.8 years.11The consequences demonstrated an absolute hazard decrease of 20 % for decease from any cause in the intensive therapy group as compared with conventional therapy group. Results demonstrated a 50 % decrease in the hazard of microvascular events and a 13 % decrease in the absolute hazard of decease from cardiovascular causes in the intensive therapy group.10, 11 Deduction TO CLINICIANS 6, 8, 9 HbA1c mark of lt ; 7 % should be the end for non-pregnant grownups. Lowering HbA1c to below or around 7 % has shown to cut down microvascular and neuropathic complications. Individualization of marks for patients with extra cardiovascular hazard factors. HbA1c marks a†°Ã‚ ¤ 7 % in the old ages shortly after the diagnosing of diabetes without established atherosclerotic diseases is associated with long-run decrease in hazard of macrovascular disease Lesser stringent HbA1c mark may be appropriate for patients with history of terrible hypoglycaemia, limited life anticipation, advanced micro and macrovascular complications, extended comorbid conditions or those with longstanding diabetes. Cardiovascular hazard decrease should be encouraged through smoking surcease, dietetic, reding for physical activity and behavioral alterations. Evidence-based recommendation should be followed for blood force per unit area control, dyslipidemia and acetylsalicylic acid prophylaxis An intensive, targeted and multifactorial attention attack is indispensable in people with diabetes at high hazard A § FOREMOST Updates Look AHEAD ( Action For Health in Diabetes ) is a multicenter randomized clinical test being presently conducted to analyze the effects of a lifestyle intercession over long term through decreased thermal consumption and exercising. The primary purpose is to analyze the effects on major cardiovascular events i.e. bosom onslaught, shot and cardiovascular-related decease. It besides aims to look into the impact of the intercessions on other cardiovascular disease-related results, cardiovascular hazard factors, and all-cause mortality. The consequences published at 1 twelvemonth resulted in clinically important weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes in the lifestyle intercession group.12 How to cite Evolution Of Diabetes Treatment Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Qualities of a Good Parent free essay sample
Parenting is defined as one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or mother (The free dictionary, 2013). The definition does not mean that one will make a good parent. Becoming a parent can be one of the most exciting times in ones life, or it can be a horrific experience. For most, it is a good experience that brings them happiness, joy and excitement. Others fear the unknown, do not like kids, or have a negative impression of parenting. Truthfully, parenting is all in what you make of it. Good parenting is categorized by many different factors. Some of these factors that categorize a good parent are self-sacrificing, teachable, curious, and diligence (Mallory, 2013). Self-sacrificing means that a parent will do anything they humanly can to protect and take care of their child. Teachable means that you are willing to learn various aspects of parenting. Curious means that you are intrigued at finding things out about how to be or become a better parent. We will write a custom essay sample on Qualities of a Good Parent or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Diligence means that you work hard to be the best parent that you can. According to the article, What Qualities Make a Good Parent, becoming a good parent is a high calling that every parent should strive to achieve (2013). If one is not a good parent, they can always work at being a better parent. If they work at being a better parent, their child will notice those changes and in return not have a negative connotation of parenting. With the good, there always come the bad. There are certain qualities that make an ineffective parent. According to the article, Four Traits Common to Bad Parents, there are so many pitfalls in parenting, and no parent wants to raise a brat, a beast, a shooter, or a Clinton, but some of us do in spite of that (2001). The four traits addressed about bad parents are: poor excuses, no consequences for their actions, expect everything given to them, and defensive/critical (McKinney, 2001). These traits shed some light on the pitfalls of parenting, but one must rise above this and do better. The obvious answer to being a good parent is to be a loving, caring individual, and one who strives for excellence for their child. Good parents should have a plan to teach their self-control, personal integrity and a sense of responsibility to themselves, their families and their fellow citizens, even when it hurts both them (McKinney, 2001). By setting parameters and goals as a parent you are more likely to have a positive experience and feel as if you are a â€Å"good parent. Good parenting takes a lot of commitment, participation and sacrifice, it also takes a lot of mistakes. With these mistakes come learning, and in return the quality of your parenting will increase.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Rationing Healthcare Essay Example
Rationing Healthcare Essay Rationing Healthcare: Americas Best Bet John Curry Keller Graduate School Health Rights/Responsibilities HSM 542 Prof. Michelle Gomillion February 24, 2013 Abstract Rationing Healthcare: Americas Best Bet Introduction. Within the last decade private insurance premiums have doubled, rising four times faster than wages. Insolvency of the current government assisted healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are on track to occur within the next eight years (Singer, 2009, para. 3). Facts such as these lead most experts and scholars such as Peter Singer, bioethics professor at Princeton University, to believe rationing of healthcare is not only necessary but highly desired for all stakeholders involved. The fact of the matter is that healthcare is a scarce resource, and like all scarce resources, it requires close management and rationing to ensure its best use. At present, healthcare in a sense, is rationed through price. In the realm of public opinion however, rationing healthcare is often times connected to the highly politicized word, ‘socialism’ and is highly undesired. In its truest form however, rationing simply put, is a way of distributing limited resources to garner the best overall â€Å"bang for the buck. †In healthcare, rationing is a manner of which providing the best quality of care to the largest number of patients. Investopedia defines rationing as: The artificial restriction of raw materials, goods or services. Rationing commonly occurs when governments fear a shortage and want to make sure people have access to necessities, such as after a natural disaster or during a war. We will write a custom essay sample on Rationing Healthcare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rationing Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rationing Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Governments can also impose rationing in the face of failed policies such as central planning, or may be forced to use rationing as a result of shortages (Definition of ’Rationing’, 2013, p. 1). This paper’s purpose is to examine the rationale behind the rationing of healthcare. It will examine the affect it has on healthcare delivery, impact on healthcare providers and consumers, possible solutions, and the role healthcare administrators/managers play in the process. The paper will reference institutions such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and other national healthcare systems like Great Britain, Australia, and Canada. In addition, a definition of quality-adjusted life-year will be presented and debated as a possible option to ration care fair and proportionately. Affect Rationing Has on Healthcare Delivery. Challenger’s arguement. Sally C. Pipes, Chief Executive officer of Pacific Research Institute and adversary to the rationing of healthcare, wrote an article titled â€Å"Obama Will Ration Your Healthcare. Within the article, many subjects are discussed, including the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), a rationing system that controls government costs. It is Pipes’ belief that rationing healthcare will result in the elderly population being discriminated against due to cost benefit analysis. Her article goes on further to state, â€Å"the process of determining whi ch drugs and which treatments would be approved for use would be quickly politicized†(Pipes, 2008, para. 9). There is strong argument that rationing healthcare would ultimately fail in the hands of public opinion. To make this point, Pipes references lessons learned in managed care during the 1990’s. The goal of cost containment was successful however rejected by US citizens resulting in Congress passing a patient’s Bill of Rights (Pipes, 2008, para. 8). Other advocates against healthcare rationing state similar responses to Sally Pipes. Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez, members of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, go as far as quoting Euripedes, 500 B. C. I hate the men who would prolong their lives by foods and drinks and charms of magic art perverting natures course to keep off death. They ought, when they no longer serve the land to quit this life, and clear the way for youth. It is their firm belief that through rationing, healthcare would result in the elderly and disabled populations being limited in their care because of a measure called a quality-adjusted life- year (QALY). QALY is a unit designed to enable a comparison of the benefits achieved by different forms of health care (Singer, 2009, para. 22). Andre and Velasquez state the morals of such rationing would be unjust and take away constitutional rights to receive equal care. Proponent’s arguement. Many proponents for rationing healthcare resources feel it is only a matter of time before it becomes necessary. Healthcare analysts and providers predict a health care crisis because of: * Costs of Healthcare * Increased number of uninsured individuals * Unknown status of current healthcare system Factors that are affecting these conclusions consist of: * Expenses are rising faster than the cost of living. Medicare and Medicaid spending (which comprises 26 percent of the federal budget) is expanding faster than the economic growth rate * Individuals and their families continue to pay a significant amount out of pocket (Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership, 2012, Slide 3) While these factors are compelling, the numbers representing US spending costs ultimately lend credence to the argument for healthcare rationing. In June of 2011, the National Coalition on Health Care reported healthcare spending reached 18. 2% of US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up by 5. % from the prior year (The National Coalition on Health Care, 2011, p. 1). With a continued climb in spending, insolvency of the current healthcare system could occur as early as eight years. President Obama has plainly stated â€Å"that America’s health care system is broken†(Singer, 2009, para. 5). Proponents for the rationing of healthcare are in agreement with the President and see little to no alternative. While some feel rationing is the way to avoid bankrupting the healthcare system others believe the wrong form of rationing is already occurring in the form of ability to pay. Examples of such rationing comes in the form of pharmaceutical deductibles for life saving medication. If the individual is unable to afford the medication they go without. Professionals like Simon Rottenberg, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, and David J. Theroux, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Independent Institute and Publisher of The Independent Review, warn against this form of rationing and instead, believe it should be based on a measurement of life quality. They state: There is a strong emotional attraction for price controls as a way for the government to â€Å"do something. †However, well-intentioned motives are not enoughâ€â€the results also count and whether the consequences from government action are beneficial to the public, especially the disadvantaged, or not (Rottenberg ; Theroux, 1994, p. 1). Examples of where well-intentioned government motives failed in their attempts to ration health care based on price can be found in Germany and Japan. Due to the belt tightening based price rationing both countries experienced shortages of medications, reduced funding for research, and black market criminal activity, along with dissatisfied patients (Rottenberg ; Theroux, 1994, p. 2). Although there is a valid argument for rationed care, determination of what factor should be used to determine who gets what care is still up for debate. Under the solutions category of this paper quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) will be further defined and labeled as the best way to ration care. A method for calculating QALY will be explained and its validity defended. Current Impact on Healthcare Consumers and Institutions. Health care organizations around the world all rely on some form of rationing of care due to limited resources. Ultimately rationing limits access to healthcare. In the case of the United States, this is done through health coverage both government and private. Creating a universal coverage system will require a rationing system that is both ethical and cost effective. Its impacts can only be examined in theory based on review and comparing of the US to that of other countries’ such as Canada and Great Britain. Review of healthcare rationing in the United States. When comparing the United States’ current healthcare coverage system to those of other countries, the country does not measure up. Under the current system, health care costs in the US result in absorption of approximately one in six dollars of national spending (Singer, 2009). A poor economy along with increased healthcare costs have reduced the number of those with healthcare coverage. In 2012 the estimates indicate approximately 44. 6% of US citizens have health care coverage, a decline of 1. % from the prior year (Young, 2013). At present, the US spends 1. 5 times more than other countries around the world (Kane, 2012, para. 8) with 90% percent of Americans who believe the US healthcare system needs fundamental changes or a complete overhaul (Center for American Progress, 2007, p. 3). Great Britain. In Britain, all citizens have healthcare coverage, a sharp contrast to the United States. 76% of citizens in Great Britain approve of the current system (Singer, 2009) and 9. 6% of GDP is spent on their healthcare needs (Kane, 2012, table 2). The country uses the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) as a resource for determining the rationing of health care services. NICE is an independent organization that provides national guidance and standards on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health (NHS Choices, 2011, para. 3). The organization focuses on: * Public health * Health technologies * Clinical practice * Quality standards * Quality and outcomes framework Canada. Possible Solution. QALY is an opportunity as a measurement for a unbiased approach to organizing healthcare under an umbrella of unified understanding. As a proponent to rationing of healthcare, QALY offers an approach that focuses on the best quality of life compared to that of life extensions. For example, an individual who is 3o years of age has a life expectancy of 70 years compared to that of someone who is 85 years of age who has exceeded their life expectancy. It is cost beneficial to provide life -saving medicine to the individual who is at 30 opposed to the one who are 85 because there is a greater bang for the buck. In essence QALY is a measurement that can help determine the best way to use resources and allocate funds toward the best overall outcome. Unfortunately this decision can result in death for those of less dire circumstances or for those that are less likely to result in successful outcomes. Until American citizens decide on the emphasis of cost vs. life the matter will remain unresolved. Until then, healthcare remains in a grey area where they attempt to balance the value of life with the costs that are associate with maintaining life. References Andre, C. ; Velasquez, M. (2010). Aged-Based Health Care Rationing. Retrieved from http://www. scu. edu/ethics/publications/iie/v3n3/age. html Center for American Progress. (2007). Health Care by the Numbers: Ensure Affordable Coverage for All. Retrieved from http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/healthcare/news/2007/05/03/2962/health-care-by-the-numbers/ Definition of ’Rationing’. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. investop edia. com/terms/r/rationing. asp#axzz2Lp5M2H7u Kane, J. (2012). Health Costs: How the U. S. Compares With Other Countries. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. rg/newshour/rundown/2012/10/health-costs-how-the-us-compares-with-other-countries. html NHS Choices. (2011). Health watchdogs and authorities . Retrieved from http://www. nhs. uk/NHSEngland/thenhs/healthregulators/Pages/nice. aspx Pipes, S. C. (2008). Obama Will Ration Your Health Care. Retrieved from http://online. wsj. com/article/SB123060332638041525. html Rottenberg, S. , ; Theroux, D. J. (1994). Rationing Health Care: Price Controls Are Hazardous to Our Health . Retrieved from http://www. independent. org/publications/article. asp? id=1201 Singer, P. (2009). Why We Must Ration Health Care. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2009/07/19/magazine/19healthcare-t. html? pagewanted=all;_r=0 The National Coalition on Health Care. (2011). Health Care Spending as Percentage of GDP Reaches All-Time High. Retrieved from http://nchc. org/node/1171 Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership. (2012). Rationing Health Care. Retrieved from www. csulb. edu/colleges/cba/ucel/modules/documents/rationing-health Young, J. (2013). Number of Uninsured in U. S. Rises as Workers Lose Jobs and Health Insurance. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/02/14/number-of-uninsured-in-us_n_1276189. html
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Isolation in Bartleby, The Scrivener and The Zoo Story Essay Example
Isolation in Bartleby, The Scrivener and The Zoo Story Essay Example Isolation in Bartleby, The Scrivener and The Zoo Story Essay Isolation in Bartleby, The Scrivener and The Zoo Story Essay Essay Topic: Bartleby the Scrivener Bartleby the Scrivener is a literary missive all throughout portraying the downward spiral of a young man’s dance with the perilous consequences of a life lived lonesomely. Bartleby, a Wall Street merchant and prisoner to industrious times, portrays the doppelganger of life and progression of an increasingly technological world in which the human individual is no longer able to possess the most basic of sentimental functions, lacking altogether the ability to acquire personal contact, his character having diminished into a dystopia of capitalistic advances and familial deterioration. In much the same way, The Zoo Story follows an unwieldy middle-aged man as the audience is brought along to witness a most unfortunate demise at the hands of an individual’s inability to adapt to the bustling 50s as he continues to be challenged by the network of the societal dynamics of urban repression. Having not only led to Jerry’s long forlorn death, the exponential differences between one’s social class and life experience he and each of his fellow denizens have continued to experience the difficulties of, continue to counteract a trying concept in a man’s final dying plea for human interaction and compassion. Bartleby, The Scrivener serves as a social commentary that reflects the loss of intimacy in the employer-employee relationship as a result of the nation’s shift from â€Å"the old order of face-to-face contacts and mutual obligations†â€Å" to the impersonal calculus of the market†(Melville 134). All throughout, Bartleby’s protests to conformity appear to be riddled and haunted by his demeaning presence in an agrarian workplace, his disconnectedness with reality and rebellious misconduct symbolizing a gaunt minority’s stubborn attitude towards society’s unavoidable ability of forcing all to conform to its norms. In much the same way, Albee introduces his audience to Jerry, an unconventional individual whose ideas about what it
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 10
Operations Management - Essay Example 29). Through measuring the effectiveness of the new applications at the CEUPU, it becomes easy to calculate the cycle time for the applications process. What is more, comparing the application process with other different units can be a comparable way of doing the calculations. The processing of an application involves several tasks and operations and so a large number of people are usually involved in the long run. Without doubt, the processing of applications is a prolonged course of action that requires watchful examination by several checkers taught to develop assessments (McFarlan & Delacey, 2003, p. 315). In order to calculate the number of people involved in the processing of an application, it is worth taking a look at some essential elements. To begin with, it is undeniable that a unit deals with roughly over 200 applications on a weekly basis. Reflecting on this point of view, several tasks have to be completed by different employees such as clerks, secretaries, and managers, for the process to run smoothly in due course. What this means is that the number the number of people involved in the process will be determined by the type of execution required in the system. More than 10 members of staff can be helpful towards running the entire procedure. However, it is worth noting that the increased number of people available to run the process may bring confusion when it comes to the allocating of duties. Therefore, it is advised when calculating the number of people involved in the process to consider a small number of people in order to ensure effectiveness is given the first priority. Citing on the fact that the entire processing unit is programmed to perform various tasks, it may be difficult to locate an individual file. Worth mentioning, for to be in position to locate an individual file, several calculations and requirements must be met accordingly. In one way or the other, the central processing unit is designed in such
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Secular Organizations and Sacred Places Paper Essay
Secular Organizations and Sacred Places Paper - Essay Example This mythical practice continued from generation to generation as part of custom and it prevails in this 21st century also. The common elements such as stones, water, fire, writings, statues and metals, trees, and caves have been considered as mythical elements in sacred places. They are discussed below in detail. Stones in various kinds and sizes have been attributed sacredness by religious ideologies. Evidences of megalithism can be seen across the globe and it is credited to most ancient cultures. Some religions build specific configurations using special arrangements of stones; and it clearly reflects the cultural features of the respective religions. Water is another important sacred element which has a devotional image in majority of religions. According to Christian, Islam, and Jewish beliefs water is a significant element in religious practices. For instance, according to their notions, water symbolizes internal purification and anointment. According to Bible, the spirit of G od separated water from water by a firmament and was found ‘hovering over the waters’ (Genesis 1: 1-6). Other world religions including Hinduism also heed higher importance to water in their religious ceremonies. According to Hindu concept, all inhabitants of the earth originated from the ‘primordial sea’.
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Tragedy Of Machismo Media Essay
The Tragedy Of Machismo Media Essay The tragedy of machismo is that a man is never quite man enough. (Greer, 1987) This is a quote that could serve as a metaphor to describe how man can never be as ideal as portrayed by advertisements. The modern portrayal of men in advertisements is the one in which they all appear to be ultra masculine, and researches have shown these images to have a negative impact on the self-esteem of men, especially boys and young men (Constructed bodies, deconstructing ads: Sexism in advertising, para 2). This could be explained by the fact that men is trying to pursue the norm, of which they should be ultra masculine, leaving them under excessive emotional stress as they try to model after these stereotypically male attributes; or for some, especially feminine and androgynous men, to simply stay relevant within their social circle and essentially, the society-as discussed in Is the Malboro man the only alternative? The role of gender identity and self-construal salience in evaluations of male models. (Gnoth and Brett, 2009) The objectification of woman by modern advertising has been debated upon for many years since the start of the post-feminist era as women slowly gain their foot power in the society. As far as the apparent diminishment of advertising campaigns targeted to promote product services through the use of womens sexual appeal goes, there has also been a significant increase in the objectification of men in advertising. Unlike women who are shown as being excessively thin, men are shown as being over muscular and athletic. A 2002 study by the University of Wisconsin suggests that this new focus on fit and muscled male bodies is causing men the same anxiety and personal insecurity that women have been feeling for years. (Masculinity and Advertising, 2010) In the United Kingdom, one of the very worrying causes of death among men is suicide, which stands at a proportion of 1 out of 100 deaths. It is postulated by Mulholland (2010) that depression is one of the main causes of suicide, which main cause is poor self-esteem. Self-esteem is a concept that can only be measured by self-report. (Frost and McKelvie, 2004) It is measured by how much people value themselves and how worthy they feel their beings are. Poor self-esteem, therefore, occurs in people whose self-values or self-priorities are not met. So, where do these values and priorities come about? Why is value placed on certain things as opposed to other things? Several reasons that could have influenced how and what values and priorities people, mainly men, are adopted come to mind: Advertisements, social and cultural trends and the perception of men by the opposite sex. All factors: Advertisements, social and cultural trends and womens perception of men should be considered equally and not be discounted in any way. Hence, this paper shall seek to prove that the extent to which that modern advertising is negatively affecting mens self esteem is larger than the other factors. Advertisements vs Womens Perception of Men A quote by Ray Lewis, a professional football player featured in a viral television commercial for Old Spice, from the television commercial Old Spice | The Man Your Man Could Smell Like goes: Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isnt me, but if he stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like hes me. This particular television commercial (Old Spice | The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, 2010) was posted onto YouTube, a video sharing website, and has garnered almost 31 million views, 37 thousand comments, 114 video responses and umpteen reposts by other YouTube channels since its release in February, 2010. These staggering figures were also reflected in their sales figure: a 106% increase in sales (Old Spice Campaign Smells Like a Sales Success, Too, 2010) within 4 months of the start of the marketing campaign, Smell Like A Man, Man. The videos in this campaign, which seem to be targeted mostly at women, all feature a hunky man promoting the Old Spice products while reading a script which humorously brings across the point that no man is like him; no man can ever be like him; and the closest you can get to be like him is to smell like him. Judging by the fact that Old Spice had chosen women as the main target audience for their marketing campaignwhich they should have done extensive research to determineit can be inferred that womens perception of men, or particularly her man, has great power in deeply affecting men, influencing them in their decision making; in this context, the kind of smell they use. This inference can also be further proven by the actual increase in sales of the Old Spice products. However, to conclude that it is actually the womens perception of men that is affecting how men view themselves is a very narrow-minded act because the images displayed explicitly to the public through the form of advertisements are what are influencing womens perception of men. Hence, it can be concluded that advertising is and takes precedence and relevance over womens perception of men in lowering mens self-esteem. Next, this paper will explore this question: Is modern advertising following social and cultural trends, or is it going ahead of them? Advertisements vs Social/Cultural Trends Advertisements have always been known to be able to cause an impact, fulfilling their purpose to influence, urge and compel the public to purchase or engage the goods and services they are endorsing. In this context, it is no doubt that by doing so, they are also influencing the way people think about which are popular products or services and which are not, albeit subconsciously. However, what are the things that inspire advertisers in the way they advertise their products? Do they safely follow social conventions or do they actually set the standards? While it is easy to argue that since the sole purpose of advertisements is to persuade people to buy or engage goods and services, advertisements must surely conform to social standards; however, the possibility of it happening in reverse also deserves consideration. The following example presents evidence that supports the statement that advertising does go ahead of social trends; however isolated an example it is. In an interview conducted by CNN with Donatella Versace (Donatella Versace, CNN Interview, Part 1/3, 2009), designer for fashion powerhouse, Versace, it was mentioned that Versace was the first ever luxury brand to have entered China. Before 1979, the year China introduced Versace into its market, the idea of a luxurious lifestyle was not widespread, partly due to the then still low living standards. However, over the years, it was the upbeat advertising of the luxury goods lifestyle that started the notion of living life luxuriously. Since then, China has surpassed the United States of America to become the second-largest luxury market in 2009 (Luxury Brands in China, 2010). China is also set to become the second largest consumer of luxury by 2015 (China Luxury, 2007). The above-discussed point has proven that advertising and social trends both influence each other in a way or another. They are also factors that have in one way or another negatively affected mens self esteem. However, if we were to consider the extent to which has more direct effect on lowering mens self esteem, it will be advertising, since the visual representation in the form of images is straightforward and clear, unlike social trends, which sometimes can be unobvious, leading men to be oblivious about their existence. The Importance of Context When discussing the effect that modern advertising has on mens self-esteem, the context of the circumstances also has to be considered in depth. Across time and space, the set of priorities of men changes and is different. Therefore, we can assert that advertisements may not actually affect mens self-esteem as images portrayed by advertisements at a present time or place may not be what they desire to emulate or copy. For example, in the early to mid 20th century China, value might be put on people who had good martial arts skills because in those days, that was one of the few things people associate success with. However, nowadays, value seems to be put on wealthy people with social stature because of the change in what people associate success with-from life skills, or skills in general, to economic wealth. In addition, since martial arts originated from Asia, Westerners may lack familiarity to it and find it hard to relate to it, even though they are living in the same era. Hence, if an advertisement featuring a martial arts master were to be shown to the men of today, the effect of this advertisement on their self-esteem might actually be minimal to none. It might be true that the context in which advertisements are being displayed for public view and what they are actually about might not be applicable to some people due to the differences in each individuals set of values and priorities, but without factoring in external factors such as globalization, it will be unfair to come to the conclusion that advertisements have little to do with the lowering of self-esteem of men. With globalization, and the rise of computers and the Internet, the myriad of pages, websites and even programs are tools that have been connecting people, communities and even nations together. The exposure to advertisements online is abundant since usually, one of the key revenues for web and program developers is the endorsement of products through advertisements on their web pages and programs. The convenience and high accessibility of the Internet has enabled companies to broaden their customer market, and in the same way also helped expose people to a huge and limitless array of advertisements. Under the influence of these advertisements, which include references from both the present, past, and also all around the world, people start to learn more about the cultures of others, past and present. By accumulating more real world knowledge over time, advertisements will now be more relatable and relevant. Hence, advertising will, again, present the risks of lowering mens self este em. Conclusion All in all, although the social and cultural trends and also factors such as the womens perception of men have in a way or another contributed to the negative change in the way men view themselves, they are in fact caused by the extensive exposure to advertisements that have been making use of the objectification of men to sell their goods and services. Therefore, it is with huge certainty that I conclude that advertisements is to a large extent the main cause of the decreasing self-esteem of men.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
History of United Airlines :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
History of United Airlines History United Airlines aircraft have soared through the skies for more than 70 years. Initially used to transport U.S. mail, the planes soon took on a few adventurous passengers. In a matter of years, air travel was embraced by the general public, creating a demand for larger, faster, more luxurious aircraft. By 1914 aviation technology was sophisticated enough to make airplanes valuable wartime tools. In 1918, the U.S. government found an important peacetime role for aviation: delivering mail. Entrepreneur Walter T. Varney launched his U.S. "air mail" operation April 6, 1926, marking the birth of commercial aviation in the United States. Because Varney was a predecessor of United, it also marked the birth of the airline. With the advent of larger aircraft, such as the Boeing and Ford trimotors, came stewardess service. Boeing Air Transport employee, Steve Stimpson, took the suggestion of nurse Ellen Church. He proposed that nurses serve coffee and sandwiches and minister to the comfort of apprehensive flyers. As aviation matured, airlines, aircraft manufacturers and airport operators merged into giant corporations. When cries of "monopoly" arose, the conglomerates dismantled. Few things escaped the shadow cast by World War II, and the aviation industry was no exception. For 60 wearisome months, United put aside its quest for growth and profitability and took on a new responsibility: serving the U.S. military. United modified its aircraft for war, trained ground crews and flew thousands of missions to Alaska and across the Pacific to transport soldiers and supplies. The post-war economic boom that swept the United States included a strong demand for air travel. President William A. Patterson responded by expanding United's workforce, acquiring new routes and purchasing United's first jet aircraft. This strategy, along with the 1961 merger with Capital Airlines, solidified United's industry leadership and made the company the world's largest commercial airline. The end of World War II brought a brief period of euphoria to the war-weary people of the United States. Rationing was over, business and industry were back to a peacetime mode, and the nation was feeling the feverish excitement of the boom times economists had predicted. But while the forecasters were correct in their predictions, none came close to foretelling the suddenness and intensity with which the boom would thrust itself upon the nation, particularly upon the air transport industry. Airline fares had been reduced 10 percent since 1941, making it cheaper in many cases to travel by air than by rail.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Different Aspects of Personality Essay
1) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Visual impact is the first impression that you make on others. Factors which help are cleanliness, proper clothing, smartness and cheerfulness. Try to be at your visual best always. 2) COMMUNICATION SKILLS Communication skills play a very important role in your personality rating. Communication Skills comprises of speaking ability, comprehension, voice culture as well as writing skills . Also , if you are a good conversationalist as well as a good listener and genuinely interested in other people, you can win many friends and make a good impression on others. 3) KNOWLEDGE A wide and prospective knowledge in addition to depth in your own field of study greatly helps in the building up of your personality. This needs wide reading and assimilation ,observation and inquisitiveness to learn and also interaction with learned experienced people. 4) SKILLS- (PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL) Development o pertinent skills needed for your professional work and personal life greatly enhances your personality. Some of the important ones are leadership skills, organizations skills, practical skills in your field, human management skills, entertainment skills including some basic skills like first-aid, cooking, driving etc. 5) SELF-CONFIDENCE It is the confidence in one’s own abilities which helps in taking up responsibilities and initiative things. Self-confidence can greatly perk up your image and help you in giving a dynamic personality. Courage, logical analysis and successful experiences greatly help in boosting up your self-confidence. 6) PERSONAL QUALITIES To a great extent, it is the personal qualities which constitute and give shape to your personality. Some of the important qualities which help towards a good personality build-up are the following: character and morality; etiquette and manners; discipline; work ethics; time management; friendliness and love: humor; optimism and cheerful attitude: helpful nature: humidity; maturity and emotional stability. 7) HEALTH Good and robust health is an essential and necessary quality for a good personality. Without good health you become ineffective even if you possess all other qualities and achievements. 8 ) ACTIVITIES AND INTERSTS An active interest in a wide variety of things like sports, cultural activities, social activities, as well as interest in some hobbies go a long way in giving an all round personality to an individual. 9)ACHIEVEMENTS AND SUCCESS Finally, achievements and success are factors which enhances your personality and image. They in turn bring popularity and more opportunities. They are great motivating factors which will give a boost to your personality.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Antigones Characters Choice Between Religious and Civil Obedience - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 842 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/20 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Antigone Essay Did you like this example? Laws within a religion and government are created to regulate a group of peoplers actions and judgments. If two laws combat each other, people must choose one to follow. Even if they choose the dignified decision, each choice has consequences. In Sophocles Antigone, characters are tested with choosing between religious and civil obedience when a law outlaws the religious burying of a man, Polyneices, accused of treachery. The sisters of the traitor, Antigone and Ismene, and King Creon, disagree whether following the governmentrs law or the godrs law prevails as the ethical option. Through the contrast of Antigoners, Creonrs, and Ismeners interpretation of the importance of civil and religious obedience, Sophocles argues that gender roles alter the way a person perceives and follows government and religious laws. By showing Antigoners bold personality and her opinions on the civil and religious laws in contrast to societal male-dominated standards, Sophocles reveals a personrs opinion of civil and religious can be affected by gender roles. Sophocles writes, Nor did I think your edict had such force / that you, a mere mortal, could override the gods, / the great unwritten, unshakable traditions (Sophocles 503- 505). This bold statement implies the dedication Antigone has to religious law because she risks her life by opposing the king. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Antigones Characters Choice Between Religious and Civil Obedience" essay for you Create order This reveals that if a person has been affected negatively by unfair gender roles within the law, the mistreatment will determine that they will prefer a civil law. Because Antigone challenges Creonrs laws and gender roles, readers realize Antigoners beliefs support her hatred of Creon and his gender roles. The readers can also infer that she defies Creon because he supports gender stereotypes. This makes Antigone anger and resents Creon. Through Antigoners resentment, Sophocles reveals that negative gender roles will cause a person to detest a civil law which the gender roles support. However, if a religious law goes against the corrupt gender roles, a person will favor it. Proving, a personrs commitment to religious law and their resentment towards a civil law is created due to immoral gender roles. While contrasting Antigoners beliefs to Creonrs beliefs of the importance of the civil law and his disagreement of the religious law because of his gender, Sophocles argues that status due to gender in a society affects a personrs opinion of a religious and civil law. Creon exhibits misogyny when he states, Die then, and love the dead if thou must; / No woman shall be the master while I live (Sophocles 523-524). While Antigone believes it is more important to follow a religious law because it is morally correct, Creon believes his civil laws trumps the religious law because they are made by a male king. The power which Creon attains by being king has gone to his head and causes him to have biased opinions. These opinions cause him to obey the civil laws and disobey the religious laws. Sophocles uses this to show that if a male with corrupt opinions has a large influence on the kingdom, he will believe his opinions are superior to everyone, especially women. Like Creon, the status of the male would lead him to selfish reasoning. Also, this quote reveals that Creonrs conscience is fogged by his stubbornness causing him to make harsh and unfair decisions. Proving, that due to a personrs power because of gender, a headstrong personality will emerge and affect the personrs opinions. Sophocles shows that power within a society because of gender stereotypes, cause a person to support a civil law because it allows them to rule selfishly. When Ismeners values, which mirrored Creonrs beliefs, change from obeying the gender standards to obeying her religious duties, Sophocles suggests belief of civil law or a religious law can change when a person reveals new understanding about gender roles. For example, Ismene advises Antigone, Remember we are women, / were not born to contend with men. Then too, / we are underlings, ruled by much stronger hands, / so we must submit in this, and things still worse (Sophocles 74-77). In the beginning, Ismene follows the patriarchal guidelines of Ancient Greece and is willing to disobey the religious laws. Through this, Sophocles depicts that civil law containing gender roles which go against a religious law, force people to choose between them. In this case, the person accepts the gender roles to prevent punishment for disobeying authority. Later, Ismene states that Antigone should make her troubles hers showing that Antigoners values changed, and she wishes to defy the gender roles (Sophocles 609). Ismeners values are drastically altered because she is now willing to die in order to follow the religious law. The author writes this line to express that after a person gets a new insight inot the civil law, the new information will change their opinion. Through the shift of Ismeners belief of the importance of a civil and religious law, a teaching is revealed that because of a new understanding of the corrupt gender roles with a civil law, a person will follow a religious law instead of a governmentrs law in order to do what is right.
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